Who do you picture living in Appalachia? W. Kamau Bell explores what it is like for people of color who are living in one of the poorest regions in the country. #UnitedShades of America Sunday at 10 p.m. ET/PT



Ed Bugman Dalton do white folks have the same history of being discriminated against? Being treated less than? Did you have to have laws written to give you the rights of an American citizen, despite being born here? Were laws written to make it legal for you to educate yourself? To vote? To be able to apply for any job, regardless of your skin color? No? Didn’t think so. And that is why there isn’t this type of programming, or articles in mainstream media regarding Caucasian’s. But if you want to find such, it does exist. Please take your false equivalencies elsewhere Sir. Your bias (or perhaps your prejudice) Is showing, and you’ve proven my point.

the red states racing to outlaw or severely limit abortions may be the places least prepared to deal with the practical consequences of the new restrictions. There will be significantly more infant and maternal deaths and childhood poverty in states that already rank at the bottom on those critical outcomes for kids and families.
New research shows that the states banning abortion could see up to hundreds of thousands of new births each year, most of them unplanned, and concentrated among lower-income families already facing the greatest financial and health care challenges. Get ready for more homeless in those states and a huge health financial burden or you can just vote blue.
