Explore where the search for life is unfolding across the solar system

Evidence for life outside of Earth hasn’t been found yet, but the very things that make us human — creativity, curiosity and ingenuity — could reveal it in the decades to come



Why not. Technology is fast evolving. And Intelligence has ascended to immeasurable heights. Perspectives are sharpened and the depth of human consciousness slowly been explored by Truths, found and validated. My late grandmother who was born in 1898 would always relate to us that in her child's time, she was told likewise that her forefathers foretold that humans would travel in the sky and so later she said that came true - airplane was then invented. That the only downside of this foretelling was that, of all the impossible things that could happen, men shall continue to fight agst each other in pursuit of their bigger slice of share and shall "gnaw" or "gorge" each other even consume each other in their vain try to dominate, to possess the greatest power or influence." God forbids, hope not for the latter. And in the 1950s, 3 years, after I was born, I vanished in many hours, some kidnapped me? There were no kinds of these in my poor distant town and we had none then...then after they almost lost hope and in utter despair, my late mother found me under the tamarind tree at the backyard covered with soot, no bruises nor wounds whatsoever and was giggling as if talking with an imaginary friend. To my late mother's older years that this was an unsolved mystery as to where I had gone for many hours and just came back as if nothing had happened....should I allude this that some "aliens" took me for a while? Wistful thinking. But who knows and I felt too with irrational thinking, perhaps yes. They say one of the signs is that their presence would give the signs of "burnt electric wire or strong chemical scent", yes usually I smelled it, but could it be. But the skepticism overrides the belief or reality. I took up law, I dabbled in investigation work only to end up as psychic counsellor or coach - the sixth sense prevailed over IQ? Perhaps in one's expansive consciousness that though no admission of belief, perhaps OTHER than us, out there above the Earth, they too co-exist with us. They say they thrive, they are fed on greens, the plants...My garden at the rooftop are found to be cut or wilted as if human hands had done such, why should it be among other things that humans aimed to effort going to the rooftop just to destroy the plants? Or were these some signs. Wistful thinking. But if some minds other than mine ARE thinking, assuming,presuming, premising that extra terrestial beings do really exist, who am I to argue? They say again, if one is deserving enough to be chosen by them to be seen, then await that elusive exceptional chance, they appear. And if by luck am chosen, will I be believed upon or just be labelled as insane? I will keep you informed, promise.

Drone Strike Sr. You’re going to have to explain how “faith in something great” is the seed of observable science?

Ancient civilizations tied their kings and emperors to the gods as a reason for them to rule all the time. They weren’t just a man, they were chosen by the god or even a demigod themselves. Others used it to divide and conquer or to inspire the masses to commit atrocities against their fellow man in the interest of those in power. To achieve wealth or more power. Do you think the Medici family in Italy having three members who became pope is a coincidence when they also controlled much of the European banking system? In the Americans it was used to expand European power and influence over natives. It was used to justify slavery. Even today the Republican party wouldn’t exist if not for religion and it’s manipulation of the populace. It’s used all over Africa, and the Middle East for the same thing. Power and control. It’s been used by con artists to elevate their position in life.

Sorry if I look at all of that and the astounding lack of evidence for any of their claims, and refuse to just blindly allow myself to be manipulated as well. It’s not faith, it’s weakness. A need to follow instead of forge your own path through life and find your own meaning with the very limited time we all have.

As far as why a god would reveal themselves. Why wouldn’t they? If the claim is that they are the truth and the only way to get into some paradise or whatnot, and the god is indeed benevolent, then wouldn’t they want more people to take that path? Revealing the truth isn’t removing free will. People would still have the choice to deny that truth.

Rin Moni the only possible way for life after death would be for our consciousness to transfer but nobody truly knows if that's a possibility so really all they're left with is unwavering faith (believing in the unseen) there are no facts of something they call heaven and hell. All we have is matter, which is the ground we place are feet on. I have died once in this life but was resuscitated. I was unconscious and during that moment, I did not dream, it was black and there was nothing. Faith keeps people afraid of death but when dead, there is no activity. We seize to exist with nothing left but our image and our memories.

Luis Jarillo It is amazing because there is so much evidence concerning UFO's . I live in Colorado and me and some family members were going to a UFO conference in the Sand Dunes. We stopped for breakfast in Alamosa and the waitress asked us what we were doing there. When I told her, she said that her Uncle was the Sheriff in Alamosa and had been abducted since he was a child. She also said that everyone that lived in the area (known as the San Luis Valley) has seen UFO's, aliens and know about abductions. Tom Dongo's books on UFO's in the Sedona, Arizona area are amazing. I could go on and on.

Christian Johnson I had the same experience many times. But i came back to life without anybody to save me.

And your consciousness didn’t die, it rests. That energy doesn’t die. Your physical body will tho.

When a human can create a sentient life through other means, and fully understand consciousness, then you can make a case.

Something great enough to grant you consciousness must itself be more conscious…

The earth and its trees mountains and animals are all filling some sort of order.

One that makes earth convenient for human life to dominate with the gift of logic and reason. We’re born knowing nothing but fear and comfort.

Brandon Kear God is a comfort zone for those afraid the future. I overdosed on fentanyl when I was like 22. I I stop breathing and my heart stopped beating. My friend happened to resuscitate me without any medical supervision but during that time of death, there was nothing, nothing like the movies and nothing like the Bible preaches. Just black, like a room lit and then boom lights off. Consciousness gone and no brain activity. I was always a firm believer like everyone else of an afterlife and maybe there still is but only by a transfer of consciousness. I'm not one to say that the God people pray to doesn't exist but what I will say is that if a somebody has the audacity to believe in God or Jesus then they better not say aliens, sasquatch, the leviathan, chupacabra, or megaladon doesn't exist.

The willfully ignorant and sanctimonius comments on every thread about astrobiology are why science centers need to stop catering to children and start engaging adults.

Ya’ll muthafuckas are in serious need of some real science.

We will likely find other lifeforms, and it’s a good chance they’ll even be in our Solar System. However, they, as with most of the life we encounter on other bodies will be more akin to microbes and mosses. a specific series of events in the right sequence on Earth allowed multicellular organisms, including ones intelligent and technologically advanced enough to even consider and explore the rest of the universe.

And it’s false humility to outright discount the slim possibility that we’re they first species to achieve that level of awareness of all that *might* developed elsewhere.

Drone Strike Sr. There’s nothing to be rebellious about. A claim of anything existing without evidence is just foolish to believe. I give exactly the same amount of credit to religious people as I do to a crazy person ranting about any other paranoid delusions on the sidewalks of any major city.

If you make a claim, it’s your responsibility to support that claim with evidence if you want people to take you seriously. Religion has not done that.

From a logical standpoint, what is there to fear of nothingness? Were you afraid before you were born? Of course not. You just didn’t exist. The same thing most likely happens when we die as well. Just fade back into the void.

Shahzad Ahmed give the same message to everyone in their heads at the same time in whatever languages they speak. Write out my desires in full clear script in the clouds all over the world. Actually make an appearance on earth and invite the worlds scientists to witness my power so there is no questions of my authenticity. There’s tons that can be done that would make a gods existence unquestionable. None of it is.

The logical reason is that gods don’t exist, they don’t care about us, or they are not all powerful. I believe that religion itself is nothing more than a tool used by the powerful to manipulate the masses and help them maintain power. I would absolutely believe in a god if there was evidence of them but there isn’t.

10ºRin Moni Genesis 1:14 Then God said, “Let there be plights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years. 1:15: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 1:16: Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 1:17: God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth.
