Exclusive: Russians have visited Iran at least twice in last month to examine weapons-capable drones

A Russian delegation has visited an airfield in central Iran at least twice in the last month to examine weapons-capable drones, according to national security adviser Jake Sullivan and satellite imagery obtained exclusively by CNN



The disputed territories should vote on the issue of independence. Technically they already voted to leave Ukraine years ago. Voting should be done only with paper and thumbs should be inked so no cheating takes place. That’s how the US army does elections in Iraq and even in the US it used to. Computers obvious are a terrible idea for voting.

All for a few Russian villages in eastern Ukraine. They use the conflict to among other things to take over domestic economies and make the public reliant on centralized government controlled by Wall St, Military Industrial complex, etc. modern politics means self-determination. Ukraine isn’t owned by a king who’s fighting for personal property. They are Russians who want independence.

Truth be told they should have let those republics declare independence and not have killed so many people uselessly. Now they are worse off than before but the same status quo. Otherwise NATO are hypocrites as they gave Kosovo independence and many others. Ukraine killed thousands of Russians the last few years.

Did the media cover the war so graphically when Americans murdered over a million Iraqis? Just one nation US/NATO invaded.
There are far far worse humanitarian disasters and wars that have been raging for years—decades even—yet all of a sudden the people who lied about 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq etc want us to believe they care about Ukrainians now...
If you believe so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
8,000 children a day die of starvation. Where was all the aid for them? There are far far worse conflicts in terms of casualties and size in this world.

World hunger solved:
“It is estimated that a staggering 925 million humans around the world are suffering from the effects of hunger (mostly in the poor and underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa), and out of that original number, 870 million are affected with malnutrition. Those original 925 million actually outnumber the combined populace living in the United States, Canada, and the European Union. Think about that for a moment. That means that there are enough hungry people on this planet to fill up almost two entire continents. Furthermore, it must be made clear that this is not just benign hunger; the type felt by a person in the rich, developed world when they’ve missed their lunch break. Every year, starvation claims the lives of over 2.5 million children under the age of five.
However, it has been proven that there is enough food on earth to feed every last man, woman, and child. Yet, if this is the case, why do people around the world continue to starve? The answer to that question lies in large part with the production of animal-based foods, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Even though there are enough plant-based foods grown to feed the entire human population, the majority of crops (including those grown in countries where people are starving) are fed to livestock for affluent nations, and since the amount of animal-based food produced by the farming industry is much less than the amount of plant food put into it, there is a “diminished return on the investment,” the food supply dwindles, and humans end up going hungry.”

The ironic socialism of cattle farmersEver wonder why the cost of meat can be cheaper than a pint of blueberries? Or why fast-food burgers cost less than a dollar?
Agricultural subsidies is why. These are financial grants funded by tax payers (you & me) to make inductors more “financially viable.” They can be useful during unforeseen events but usually not positive. Globally the world provides one million dollars per minute to agriculture. However only one percent is used to benefit the environment. Most go to animal farms or soy and corn, the majority of which go to feed livestock.
I other words the majority of subsidies does to drive down the cost of the foods that most damage the environment, breeding diseases and illnesses, drastically and causing the suffering of hundred of billions of animals per year.
The animal industry gets so much tax payer money that each cow on Europe gets a $2.20 a day—an annual income of more than the half the world’s human population.
In the UK alone, around 90% of farm profits come from such subsidies. The average farmer makes £12,000 even though they are given £44,000 a year. In contrast only 10% of fruit farmers’ profits come from subsidies. In other words our tax dollars go to industries that aren’t economically viable without such subsidies.
In the US farmers are given billions a year, with trump giving $28 billion in addition with $13 billion more on the way to win votes (one reason given was the trade war—though the amount given were worth double the amount lost from said trade war).
Even though farmers are the biggest recipients of corporate welfare, $5 billion was cut from services such as food stamps that provide food for low income families.
These policies are neither environmentally or financially sustainable, nor are they humane.
The elimination of animal industry subsidies on costs to a led to the return of rain forests, and the implementation of payments to improve nature. This can be implemented worldwide, providing cheaper healthier foods while helping struggling farmers by simply changing the way we eat.


If I was elected potus in 2024 I would rid the country of homelessness within 3 years, gun violence by 20-30% within 2 years and make other countries mess they're pants a little when they think about a war with the US. The difference between me and the other guy is I've never worked in Washington, politics or ran with the financial crowd so I owe nobody nothing and nobody owes me. Americas not broke folks we just let pervious drivers let the oil. water and air get low however it's absolutely fixable but we all know what happens next if it's not...

Ram Ewe no, all the Russian money that it was supposed to go in to the military y Fe rice to update renew it has gone to Putin pockets and his oligarchs friends so they can own 600 million dollars yachts mansion and billions in banks so Russian people do not have a powerful army instead Putin have decided go cheaper and get nuclear war heads that will be the only way Putin or Russia would fight a big war not an small one like Ukraine so Russia is not a military power is a nuclear war head power .

Dear friends,
Thanks to the USA for supporting Ukraine . Protracted Russian war in Ukraine and putinism are very harmful for the values and economy of many countries. We cannot allow a thought about the protracted Russian war in Ukraine. We cannot bear to think about the protracted Russian war in Ukraine. Ukraine would not to cede any territory. Otherwise, countless more people will die in Ukraine and other countries, and Ukraine and other countries will vanish, and Hitler’s and Putin’s Nazism will reborn.
The only decision is a DE-PUTIN and DEPUTINISATION PATH. DE-PUTIN way should be the first step. The World and Ukraine have to negotiate with predictable Russia about Ukraine after DEPUTINISATION of Russia only. Putin is an irrational and eternal slave of his obsession. It’s impossible to negotiate with him in order to make him sensible.
Putinism is neo-Nazism. It’s contagious and dangerous. Obviously, as a result of the war, the influence of Putin will be destroyed, and Russia won’t be the same. It’s inevitable. The sooner this happens the better for the world. Delaying the inevitable is harmful and unreasonable. You want to be among winners.
Meanwhile, Ukraine is in need of at least 100 HIMAR Systems/MLR Systems right now. Neo-Nazism is mad. World is in need of proportional assistance, no in mimicking or hesitant, indecisive, half-hearted half measures for appearances mostly.
Success of Ukraine and the efforts of all partners show that predictions voiced by «analysts» recently are ridiculous and naïve, like the primary prediction about the defeat of Ukraine during three days/three weeks. We just have to finish up with Putin’s power and putinism. Ukraine is in need of a huge and swift counterattack in order to sweep away Russian troops acting in Ukraine. Rather swift victory would be possible due to West weapons. It’s real. We just need the political will. At least 100 HIMAR Systems/MLR Systems are needed exactly in Ukraine now. Wake up!
Act now. Discard the half-fake attitude toward the situation. Other way means irreversible and unjustified short-sightedness, incorrectly estimated enormous risk, self-deception and epic concern. Eventually it is the cheapest and the shortest way for many countries and the world.
Lukashenko has to understand the consequences of his possible unreasonable war actions.
You don’t want to deal with starvations, enormous migration, economic crisis and the increasing crime rates. That’s why the elimination of the presence of Russian warships is the only decision for transport of Ukrainian seed by water. Russian warships should be destroyed or relocated to the North of Russia. Third possibility of transport exactly by water does not exist. Otherwise Ukraine would not demine ports. Possible Western military escort of Ukrainian cargo ships is not a guarantee of disappearance of criminally acting Russia’s warships. Ukrainians love animals and don’t propose to use the so-called Marine Mammals System even if it exists and would be a decision.
No time for non actual obligations or irrational fear. No time for slow decision. Possible Russian related statements are bluffs. Ukraine and the world are in need of decisive, urgent, maximum, joint and final blocking of Putin's and his people's aggression, or it’ll be too late. Don’t trust Putin and his myths. We guess Putin is sleekly pretending, infiltrating and lying just in order to get uncontrolled power and money. We think mad, medically or not, and runaway Putin lost contact with reality. We think he sneaks up on the whole community covertly and rather fast. We guess the absurdity inexorably is driving Putin to get everybody. We think Putin wants to destroy the developed world, West, EU and NATO. He spends a lot of stolen resources to do it. So, let’s don’t waste time. We think Putin is vulnerable now. In addition, his servants don’t share true and reliable ideas as we thought. We think, at the same time, Putin’s servants are timed and malleable. Therefore, it is our strong belief that there is no place for shortsightedness and a deceptive short term profit now. We guess in case of mindless fanaticism, arguments, calls and policy of appeasement are pathetic and useless. You want to defeat Putin. Don’t lose perhaps the most decisive moment in modern history. Let’s outpace. We’re not much for running in place. We are fighting for a common future. We will not go quietly into the night. We are Ukrainians. We are a squad. Join us tightly to put your mind at rest. We all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. Everything is clear. No shame, but glory for all the times. We think the only and comprehensive way is to stop Putin’s activity forever. The only way is to defeat Putin right now, without delay. This must be done lawfully, calmly, freely, confidently, bravely, strongly and quickly through cutting Putin off from all his harmful and unfair resources. World has courage and all lawful hands-on means to ensure its own security once and for all without escalation of the conflict.
Mantra about conversations with Putin in order to make him rational is hilarious and dangerous.
Do you remember captured prisoners of war, including the Mariupol warriors? They are combatants.
"Now farewell light, thou sunshine bright,
And all beneath the sky!
May coward shame distain his name,
The guard that dares not die!
Sae rantingly, sae wantonly,
Sae dauntingly gaed he;
He play'd a spring, and danc'd it round,
Below the gallows-tree."
We believe Putin lulls us into complacency. We believe Putin is bluffing and testing if the world is naive enough and if the world is strong enough. Don’t let Putin to divide the USA. No time for not an honorable and fictional fear. No time for losers. No time for cowardice. It’s time for leaders. Disappearance of Putin’s influence and total DEPUTINISATION is a decision. By history, we were born to protect mankind from nasty evil and do not have a right to miss our opportunity. We adhere to this.
Don’t let Russia neutralize your assistance to Ukraine. "We have 100 years' worth of oil. Let them open up the spigots and the price of crude oil will come back down to $55, $60, maybe $65 – half" (John Catsimatidis).
Friendship has to win.
Thank you.
#StandWithUkraine #stoprussia #russianwar #stopwar #war #USUAStrongerTogether

iran es un pais que a tenidoproblemas con el enrriquesimiento del uranio.y tambien a tenido problemas con la elaboracion de misiles nucleares.de ello hasta la ONU los a intervenido y los a hecho reducir su arsenal de armamentos nucleares.hoy rusia esta en guerra con ucrania.y ello por problemas internos entre ambos paises que conforman la federacion rusa.iran no pertenece a ellos.pero es un pais que tuvo buenas relaciones con rusia.por ello esta inspecvion se supone que no reviste tanta inportancia en el ambito de la guerra.salvo que la guerra se extienda hacia otras latitudes fronterizas.y digo salvo,porque todo puede suceder en la dimencion desconocida de la guerra belica militar.

2022-02-10: The Mainstream Media, thus the Elites, have moved from Totalitarian Covid Propaganda to Totalitarian (World) War (III) Rhetoric and Propaganda

With Appendix A 2022-05-10: Covid mass vaccination damage to public health and to public immunity and extra deaths in many mass vaccinated countries. Considering the worldwide estimated 3.4 million extra deaths and estimated 294 million serious adverse effects for one mass vaccinated year the words propagandized, lured, coerced and mandated depopulation and genocide should not be taboo:

Covid World 2022-05-10: Estimated Extra Deaths 3.4 Million and Estimated Serious Adverse Effects 294 Million for the First Mass Vaccinated Year vs Assumed Natural Immunity:

Phil Birch
Вы абсолютно правы! Нужны перемены во власти, в законах, в полиции... Байдену нужна пижама, кресло-качалка, капельницы и отдых...
Не зря Байдена некоторые западные СМИ называют агентом Кремля. Он просто волшебник! Ему удалось то, что не могли сделать его предшественники. Он напечатал лишних 120 миллиардов долларов, введя США в инфляцию и кризис. На не защищённый огромный объём "зелёных бумажек" он планировал купить весь мир? Так не бывает, доллар рухнул вниз. Еще Шарль Де Голль намекнул, что Форт Нокс пустой и доллары не обеспечены золотом. Продолжение этой истории помните? Франции отдали часть золотого резерва, но другим странам показали фигу. А Шарль Де Голля подставили....
Байден увеличил внутреннюю и внешнюю преступность, и разорвал общество на части... Увы, это факт для американцев, и это не российская пропаганда.
Он санкциями против России ввёл США и ЕС в глубокий кризис (а не Россию!). Он добился рекордно низкого президентского рейтинга в США за последние 70 лет. Семья президента погрязла в скандалах, коррупции, в проблемах с законом (и незаконное огнестрельное оружие у его сына, плохая память, противоречивые решения утром и вечером одного и того же дня, падение с велосипеда во время пиара велопрогулок при дефиците бензина, или общий душ с его дочерью, это мелочи, поверьте). Он достиг глобальных проблем, решение которых займёт несколько лет... Продолжая выделять деньги на Украину, он скрывает это в СМИ. Но, продолжает раскручивать гонку вооружений для Тайваня. Байден заморозил счета российских олигархов, которые считали США доверительным гарантом более, чем Россию? Ну , что же дальше? Этим он потерял доверие держателей счетов других стран, в том числе арабских шейков (по ситуации с арабскими переговорами и нефтью это понятно всем). Кроме того, он этим показал вопиющий прецендент нарушения Конституции США, почти святого документа до этого. Инвесторы поняли, что при динамичной политической раскладке и шантаже финансовыми активами - далее может пострадать не россиянин.
За многосторонний кризис в США он просто должен торжественно произнести с балкона Белого дома "Служу России!"
И очень странно для рядовых американцев и налогоплательщиков, а также для граждан других стран, что к Байдену не приставили хотя бы одного умного аналитика. Для предотвращения его ошибок ! Или так было задумано? Как будто специально ему дали возможность опозориться его коллеги по Белому дому, не правда ли? Цены на бензин, дефицит газа, нефти, продовольственный кризис, перебои с электроэнергией. Это мелочи. Это только начало... все интересное в США впереди. И это не только волнения, протесты, преступность и результат выборов. Это неурожай, нехватка удобрений, изменение климата, засуха, невозможность работы атомных электростанций без российского урана, и даже голод... И следующему президенту, пускай он будет хоть сам Бог, хоть Святой Януарий, хоть жена Обамы, Майк Тайсон, Меган Маркл, Хилари или Харрис, придётся несколько лет выравнивать антикризисный вопрос..... и умные американцы это уже понимают. Действующие СМИ расскажут только то, что нужно действующей власти, увы! ....
