A hypothetical weather forecast for 2050 is coming true next week

This "plausible" UK heat forecast becomes reality early next week -- 28 years early.



Nessi Love so true . The Bible never fails
It's the word of God and God doesn't lie.
LUKE 21 : VERSES 5 to 10
Later, when some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with fine stones and dedicated things, 6 he said: “As for these things that you now see, the days will come when not a stone will be left upon a stone and not be thrown down.” 7 Then they questioned him, saying: “Teacher, when will these things actually be, and what will be the sign when these things are to occur?” 8 He said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them. 9 Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.” 10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs. 12 “But before all these things happen, people will lay their hands on you and persecute you, handing

Laura Ashley Lomax if you want access to a rice cooker to make dinner tonight and you chose to use your resource allowance on a car ride to work instead of riding your bike, you won’t have enough “money” to rent a rice cooker for dinner. You will have to eat something else. Like some of that moss your SMART refrigerator grows for you (see the Biodigital Convergence paper linked above).

Or if you had a wrong think dream and didn’t take the prescribed drug to correct your wrong think you may have the energy meter in your home altered to reduce the amount of energy you have access to that day. You might have to choose between rice for dinner or reading lights past 8pm.

Remember, the “you will be happy” part is an order. The Welcome Trust is currently working on a happiness drug and their definition of happiness is basically “good worker”. I will find the link and link it here in a sec.

A major landlord in Germany is already stating that all their tenant’s thermostats will be turned down during the night this winter. But they assure the tenants that they will have full control of their thermostats during the day. Do you see where this is going?

Laura Ashley Lomax https://www.forbes.com/si...sh=37e6945a1735




This is a very, very small start. If you want links to the pilot programs for circular economies or conditional digital money, social impacting investing ventures, data collection programs on students to be used to assess their future social impact so social impact investors can “prescribe” individualized “nudges” so they can earn their access to food, services by doing “good things”, etc. I can start posting links and links and links to these types of programs being funded by our lovely “experts”, “philanthropists”, who think human beings just need to be completely controlled in order to save mommy earth.

I see a lot more investment and effort in this type of thing than I do in building up renewable energy facilities to replace fossil fuels.

The amount of money and time our “experts” have put into building the 4th industrial revelation could have simply replaced all coal and oil energy with renewable energy a long time ago.

Randy Barnett, your comment is what is asinine. What do think would happen to the weather if man let off a couple of nuclear bombs? Do you think humans would maybe affect the climate then? It is now 99% of all PUBLISHED and PEER-REVIEWED scientists telling us that it is MAN MADE. There is not other contrarian science out there showing it isn’t. Because you don’t understand it and haven’t looked at what these scientists are saying (before you say you have looked at it, trust me, we all know you haven’t) doesn’t mean it isn’t true, it just means you’re ignorant on the subject.

And I’m guessing you believe only god controls the weather, correct?? Because, you know, it’s easier to believe in a mystical been pulling the strings than actual science…

Edward Kocanda I am uk resident, our climate is do much different from yours I went on holiday to florida when the tempature was 104°F I could do everything walk, run it didn't matter, but when tempatures here low 30°C my heart and breathing are effected, my heart beats really fast and I am gasping for air, so don't just say its summer time, we have never experienced this, we can't afford to run Air conditioning units, its not good for those with health conditions, roads snd train tracks are made from material only to get to a certain tempature over that its rubbish

Annegret Martella Rucco that’s organized religion. It has just been re marketed for this Gen since ppl woke up to how much evil has been committed under the lords name. So now it’s not a religion it’s a personal relationship with god. You talk about your relationship with god with other like minded individuals. If that’s not a religion to you then it’s a cult lmao so yea. A rose by any other name…… when ppl say it’s not a religion it’s a relationship with god I give the side eyes because who are you trying to convince me or you lmao ( again it’s not a problem to believe I myself grew up religious … sorry I also gee yo with a personal relationship with god …. It’s just come in y’all really be pushing that instead of trying to change the bad rep religion has gotten because make no mistake y’all are religious not one person is buying the separation y’all are trying to make)

Nessi Love Maybe if you didn’t start by saying if you are wise enough to believe… (the way you started it doomed anyone who wasn’t religious from agreeing with you because you insulted everyone who doesn’t believe) but if you’re insulted for believing it’s a problem. You started with the judgement and now you’re defending its all the good. When your religion made
You think only those who believe can be wise and you wonder why ppl have a negative view on religion the crazy part is that it looks like on the science side for the most part we agree. (If I understood what you were saying properly or rather the verses you quoted) It’s just man that opening line oof

God's plan is to save mankind from Hell during the time given as grace period, but you people openly mock him & do things which is against his law. He doesn't have to keep feeding sinners and make the planet comfortable for them. At the end of grace period he will remove his people (church) in rapture. This CNN will call it alien abduction and deceive everyone. Once his people are removed, all hell will break lose on planet earth. And it has started. Any day Jesus's followers will be raptured to safety and the remaining people will see Hell on earth before actually being sent to Hell. The Bible calls it tribulation & great tribulation but these Satanists/globalists call it Climate change and holds humans responsible for it. God has washed & purified with water during Noah's flood, now he will purify the planet with fire before making it ready for those who obey him. Your last chance to repent and follow Jesus is now.

Michael LaCour, lol, shocker!!!

You sent me an article by an organization funded by the Koch Brothers in Exxon Mobil!

So you accuse actual climate scientists (not people with physics degrees) of producing data funded by self interest organizations and then back up your point by sending garbage funded by the big energy companies #gaslighting

and I’m going to point out something to you that should be very obvious. Your article is from 2015 in those subsequent years the scientist continue to produce peer reviewed article after peer reviewed article substantiating the 99% claim.

Get out of here with this conspiratorial crap

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