A woman woke up from two-year coma -- and identified her brother as attacker who nearly killed her, police say

Police say they found Wanda Palmer in an “upright position” on her couch with severe injuries caused by what appeared to be a hatchet or axe.



The comments on here really just make my blood boil. What happened to people in this world that they think they can joke about someone being in a coma? First hand I’ve seen patients holding on by a machine, being on multiple drips just to keep their blood pressure and heart rate up to a stable number, trached, given peg tubes to eat- any measure to save a persons life, including being given many prayers from family and friends hoping for a miracle. You must not know what it’s like. It is not a joking manner and just makes me sick to my stomach reading these comments. I’m usually not one to even comment on these articles but I couldn’t take it.
I hope she finds Justice as it is truly a miracle she was able to wake up to even tell this story. And I hope some of you find a way to get the hate out of your heart…such a shame

Carrie Wood I thought you said ignorant is a lack of knowledge.!? If you want to take that as an insult that's on you.. Unlike you I love to read & love to do my own research. That's where I get my knowledge from . That's where I got all my answers from.!! After my personal experience with my Lord it has put everything into perspective that God does exist.!! So why should I sit here and answer any of your questions when you are ready don't believe anything I have to say. What's the point of trying to educate you when you already look at me as a liar and don't believe a word I have to say.!! . Because either way if I give you answers you're going to turn it around for your own personal gain to justify the fear you have and say "I DON'T BELIEVE THAT'S TRUE"!! And say SEE, SEE she can't answer my question.️.. Lol.... So instead of wasting my time do your own research. Because obviously you think you're a lot smarter than me.!! Lol.. I need to get in the word of God and ask him to forgive me for arguing with his ignorant ( lack of knowledge) children..!!

Sandra Bravo I didn't accuse you of being judgemental while actively being judgemental. Lol. What makes you think I live in fear and blame god?? I don't believe in God. I don't think you fully understand what you believe or what point you're trying to get across. And the definition of ignorance is lack of knowledge or information. What information am I lacking?? Please explain to me mysteries of God. What is the outcome of his word that I am so afraid of? What parts if any of the bible are direct words of god and not of slave owning wife beating men?? What exactly is it that I'm missing? Why would God create a hell to throw non believers in if he really is worth worshipping? Make him not sound like a tyrant.

Wayne Wessels How do you know my opinion on that issue? What part of my statement says I'm an atheist? How do you know what I believe. Oh I know...the bible is the only authority book right? Lol!! I don't need a book to believe in the creator. Most of "so called christians" that are against abortion are the first ones complaining about people that are on government help but yet you want them to have all the unwanted children they can't afford. Everybody will pay for their own sins so who I'm I to tell them what to do with their own bodies?

Marswa Blossom Yarmeto I in no way whatsoever mentioned the Bible having no factual evidence. I believe certain stories have a certain amount of factual support. Definitely not all of them. I simply said the Bible was written by a bunch of sexist middle eastern men who wanted to write stories in a way that supported their own prerogatives. You again have not answered a single question I asked so what exactly are you contributing to this thread? Did you even read any of my comments? This is absolutely not about the Bible containing some facts. It's about understanding what you believe and why you believe it. Why did God do certain things? If you believe in the Bible you simply cannot believe that God is benevolent or merciful. Seriously just answer a couple of my questions. It's hard to seriously question the Bible and still believe God is the "good guy"

I only know what I read in the article, but it seems as though they suspected him from the start. I'm sure they had their reasons. But, I'm not ready to condemn a guy until I know more. She just woke up from a two year coma, and can barely communicate. She was hit in the head with a hatchet. I went through ten weeks of electroconvulsive therapy. They took me to get donuts after every session. Know what I remember from those ten weeks? The smell of donuts cooking in a Krispy Kreme. If you ask me the right questions in the right way, I might just tell you that a Krispy Kreme employee attacked me with an extension cord.

Sandra Bravo Why would you assume all of those things about me. That speaks a lot to your frame of mind. Truth isn’t personal, truth is something that everyone can experience or find. Everything you think is “His will” is something you can’t prove. It’s an assertion that can’t be backed by empirical evidence. I went to church for 20 years. I heard all the stories. If you need to personally experience something to believe it, that’s not truth. Truth doesn’t work that way no matter how much you want to believe that and no matter how many capital letters you use. I’m not mad at you but most authoritarian beliefs hate being challenged. The truth has nothing to worry about when challenged.

Margot AP I couldn’t tell you about timelines and how accurate the Bible is. I don’t claim to know that. What I do know is that there is a higher power than what atheists and scientists seem to like to dismiss. How does a random bug bang explosion explain how we have different genomes that replicate to near Identical copies as you have with different races of humans, animals etc That doesn’t seem random to me. Not to add I have had a super natural experience myself some years back. So if we are talking about inaccuracies science has proven to be inaccurate as well. So both can be wrong.

Nicholas Osborne it's not victim blaming. Its what will happen in court. What would the jury say about her claim that her brother was her attacker? She just got out of a coma that was induced by blunt trauma to her head. We arent saying he didn't do it. But i would like to know how they can determine how accurate her recollection is if i were on the jury. Unfortunately, he probably won't get the punishment he deserves if he was theone that attacked her.

I mean, think about this from a jury POV... his lawyer will likely argue he was there earlier in the evening. And he was the last person she remembers being at her home before she got attacked. It doesn't necessarily mean he did it. He was her last memory before going into a coma. Maybe someone else came into the house. Butshe can't remember. We are questioning her cognitive ability whether or not she can remember her attacker. If I was on the jury, this is what I'd like to know. The doctors ability to determine if she can recall.

10ºRebekah that's because you are ignorant.!! That's plain and simple MIJA.!! Your obviously are hurt at what I
said to you. It's all good tho The truth always hurts that's why people get offended easily when anybody mentions anything about God..!! Your parents did wrong by forcing God down your throat. That's not how you show who God Almighty is.!! You'll find out "MIJA"!! Because as much as you hate him he still loves you no matter what.!! But that CHOICE that he gives you will be entirely up to you.. Stop depending on men's approval. They are not the ones have your back.!! GOD BLESS YOU.!!
