DA moves to drop murder charge against bodega clerk who claimed self-defense in fatal stabbing

The motion to dismiss the murder charge states the investigation included interviews of civilian witnesses to the stabbing and those who called 911



Chris George I have lived almost 52 years, travelled all over the US, Caribbean, Mexico, parts of Europe and never felt like I needed a firearm. I can't help that I have never felt fearful that way. I just try to make good informed decisions.

I have looked at the robbery statistics and 83,% avoid homes with alarms. If you are a target, they mean nothing to a guy with a gun either. Gangs shoot at each other every single day with zero fear. Well trained police officers are killed in the line of duty every year. Bad guys will do bad things regardless of whether you have a firearm or not. As I mentioned, I have lived almost 52 years without your advice. I hope you are never in a situation where you have yours and they have theirs.

Did you look at robbery statistics by state? Tennessee and Texas are almost 2 and half times as high as NY. Why do you think that is? I can tell you why, but you probably won't like it. Economics and education play a big part into those numbers as well as the number of actual gun owners. Not to mention the several hundred thousand firearms stolen each year. Where do you think they end up? There are more guns than people out there. Please show me how that's brought down crime or has deterred crime. Show me the numbers.

Chris George You are wrong on both counts. Most people are not running into flood lights hitting them in the face and being recorded. Your internet knowledge is showing. It takes far less than 10 seconds to alert me. I trip it every trip to our vehicles so I would know better than you. It dings my phone before I reach them. It certainly doesn't take me 30-45 seconds to wake up. These are probably averages and plus if you don't know the layout of a house, those numbers go out the window.

Texas is a state with plenty of gun owners, more than probably almost any state. Check the robbery statistics for that state. I have over a dozen police officers as customers. Most criminals, with that mindset do not care. You are attempting to apply rational thought to often irrational behavior.

Chris George I guess you have learned that your statement about the duty to retreat in NY was wrong as it relates to your home. You said if someone breaks into your home, with the intent to harm you, you have to keep retreating and that's 100% false. Clearly you didn't read it carefully enough and were attempting to spread false information. I can assure you, if someone tries it, they will not be a repeat offender.

New York is one of 12 states that impose a duty to retreat, which requires individuals, when not at home, to try to escape from a confrontation with a person behaving aggressively.Jan 31, 2022"

Paul Also If you dont think the man that came behind the counter of a store to fight you over a bag of chips isnt crazy enough to kill you you have some serious trust in people.

Your mindset would also mean that anybody stronger than you could take what they want and you couldn't do anything about it. You could just lose what your earned to someone willing to take it. A now the police aren't even doing anything about those crimes anymore. A gun or knife is meant to level the playing ground and have a person think twice about trying to strong arm someone.

Marc D Smith it doesn’t matter where he was. If someone walks into your home obviously a stranger and says hi. You need to be as polite as possible with him. You should be allowed to defend yourself no matter where you are. Now I’m in a republican run state. If a dude walks in my home. He doesn’t get the chance to say hi, or any other words. He gets a 9mm before anything happens. And I’m 100% justified. If I’m out and about walking and someone confronts me. I don’t have any duty to retreat. If I’m in danger or I feel like I’m in danger he catches a 9mm. Again republican run states vs democratic run states. Our lives matter.

Marc D Smith ok, we’ll hopefully you never become a statistic. When you do acutely robbery statistics with fbi statistics. You’ll see most robberies are homes that are unarmed. Man narrow down the statistics. And no you’re not safe with an alarm and cameras. If you’re a target they mean nothing to a bad guy. Look at your profile picture. That is a target for bad guys weather that is your car or not. They can be in your home in 30 seconds start to finish. And have your car and be gone in under 5. While you’re still waiting for rapid response to dispatch. But good luck out there.

Marc D Smith we have a great governor. As a matter of fact we have people coming here from all over from blue states because they’re tired of the way the democratic states are going. And here’s a little information about Tennessee for you. In 2020 the whole state of Tennessee had 663 murders. But Memphis alone in 2020 had 476 murders. That leaves 187 murders for the rest of the state which is 42144 and Memphis is only 2.2 square miles. So how safe is Tennessee as a whole???? Much safer than New York hands down. Tennessee gets its bad rap from Memphis.

Scott Welborn I agree this was self-defense, legally it was not, because of what I described. How you feel about being attacked does not dictate how the law works, at least not in NY, and lots of other states. In many states you are not allowed to use deadly force unless deadly force is used against you. How you feel about it does not matter. The DA dropped the case because it was going to be a loser, not because it's not within the law to prosecute. Have you ever been on a jury? Juries don't follow the law, they follow their feelings many times and the DA knows this. He knew he would never get a jury to go along with a conviction, so it's dropped and so it should be.

Maria Guadalupe Islas And? What does that even mean? Was he supposed to let the thugs kill him? What doe any of that have to do with the moment of ppl trying to kill him? Is he not allowed to protect himself? Do you hear yourself? First of all, your siding with thugs who were trying to blow up a gas station. Then they were lighting cars on fire. THEN, THEN they chased Kyle down to try and kill him. And your response is, "Well Kyle wasn't supposed to be there, so ya, he's supposed to let them kill him. He wasn't supposed to be there!!!" SMH
