CNN Poll: Most voters say neither Republicans nor Democratic congressional candidates have the right priorities

Neither Republican nor Democratic candidates for Congress are seen by most voters as having the right priorities, according to a new CNN poll


Biden Makes Sweeping Changes to Oil and Gas Policy
January 28, 2021

President Joe Biden has followed through on a campaign pledge by introducing a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. With nearly 25 percent of U.S. oil and gas production coming from federal lands, the policy shift may have significant implications for future investment and production. The backlash from oil and gas producing states will be fierce and lawsuits have already begun, but the Biden administration views this policy as a key part of its climate agenda and is unlikely to change course.

Judy DeTuccio No we dont. The last thing we need is bunch of leftist liberal progressives who don't know men from women and need a safe space everywhere they go. The LAST thing we need , s a bunch of antifa progressives destroying our Country to install Socialism. A Bunch of America hating liberals that God forbid if we had to defend this country would be WORTHLESS. They are to busy arguing over what women are and forcing woke LGBTQ issues on children. And adults for that matter. We need younger candidates? LMAO yes younger than the 80's something dementia ridden current one and the geriatric mess that is Pelosi. To be honest Trump is pushing it in age but at least he isnt in full blown dementia like Biden. I don't mind a older candidate I don't want one that is so old they are incapable, and one so young and full of leftist revolutionary totalitarianism that Ill see the country that so many men died to keep a Constitutional Republic made into a pseudo European cesspool.

"Across a spectrum of major policy issues, majorities say that each party's positions are generally mainstream -- the only exception is abortion, where most call Republicans too extreme. Voters are more likely to see Democrats as in the mainstream on voting rights and election integrity, immigration and abortion than to say the same of the Republicans. But they're more apt to see Republicans as mainstream on the economy than Democrats."

Really, this tells you all you need to know regarding the success of the corporatists in getting the Average Idiot American to side with them over the past 40 years. The mere idea that the original Corporate/millionaire party would be remotely concerned about the economic situations of these people isn't laughable anymore - it's psychotic and the EXACT reason why we are where we are socioeconomically.

Citizens yet to realised the meaning of so as above below the double edged conceptual means of the law the constitution is them and they are the constitution meaning the law had structured in a way that they themselves inherent the proper power to turn the tide in their advantages but they had willingly hand over their power to the few due to monetary manipulation by the few therefore the few can't be the blame for intelligently stripped the power out of their own hands rather them for not being able to read what they had gotten themselves in and how

Gas prices are too high
Property taxes ruin home ownership
Inflation is out of control
Biden and his crooked son just sold a million barrels of strategic oil reserves a day to a Chinese firm Hunter is part of
Weiner's laptop is buried by the FBI
Hunter's laptop is buried by the FBI
Biden's daughter's diary where she accuses the President of getting in the shower with her is buried by the FBI
Hillary Clinton's emails and server are buried by the FBI
Drugs and unregistered children are pouring over the border
The Biden administration is shutting down oil production here while he goes overseas to beg the same Saudis he called a pariah
There's way more but leftists have taken over the democrat party. It's easy to see democrat politicians are the problem.

I would say you would probably get that answer from a great many Americans that aren't paying attention but rather are just regurgitating talking points they hear.
I as a voter feel there is only one party in this country that has my benefit in it's mind. I can name several representatives and senators that aren't mine that I would much rather have represent me than the ones I have. I like that this party I support has ideas that range many issues close to many of us (the actual majority) and the willingness to negotiate and work together to reach a common goal we can all benefit from.
I lean less to the ones fomenting these divisions and deepening them and listen to the ones who are trying to join, mend and strengthen our experiment.
I see one side at the table and the other refusing to sit at the table then complaining and projecting falsehoods to excuse their absence. That's what I see.

Judy DeTuccio ​​Партия отчаяния и страха

NYTimes - рупор Демпартии - выдала резонансный материал, где обозвала демократов партией отчаяния и страха. Больше 50 партийных аппаратчиков признают президентство Байдена провальным. И уверены, что Украина вкупе с инфляционным кризисом окончательно подорвали его позиции.

Чтобы как-то отвлечь внимание от безысходной ситуации в экономике, демократы устроили театрализованные слушания в Конгрессе о протестах шестого января. Но вот незадача - американцам они совсем не интересны. Рейтинги просмотров слушаний оказались ниже плинтуса - например, на CBS они даже уступили показу старых серий “Детства Шелдона”.

Демократы признаются NYTimes, что Америка в эпоху Байдена буквально разваливается на глазах. У него за полтора года у власти нет ни одного успеха - одни лишь провалы, которые становятся всё более катастрофическими. От того и рейтинги Байдена рухнули до исторических минимумов.

Теперь они мучаются вопросом - кем бы заменить Байдена. Харрис даже не предлагают - у неё рейтинги ещё ниже. Вновь на обсуждении Берни Сандерс, Лиза Уоррен, Бето О’Рурк. Но энтузиазма они не вызывают. Если демократы таки осмелятся менять Байдена к выборам-2024, то придётся брать кого-то со стороны - Мишель Обаму или Меган Маркл, не запятнавших себя нынешними провалами Демпартии.
