CNN Poll: Most Americans believe that government and society can take action on preventing mass shootings

Most of the public favors stricter gun laws, the survey finds.


Synthia Vollertsen of course. Taking a firearms course(s) are very empowering especially for women. I have such huge respect for weapons in general. At the Las Vegas shooting range, they have an Annie Oakley course and many first time female shooters handled firearms … it was so cool to watch them learn to safely handle, store and get excited when they hit the target. One course does not make you an expert by any means and you need to train regularly. It’s really quite fun to precision shoot and very empowering once you become good at it. I don’t personally carry as I’m in the medical world so they are strictly banned from those areas and would never ever leave a firearm anywhere unattended but in a safe. I do truly believe in the right to protect yourself. Just look at the gentleman in Indiana. Bad guys will always have illegal weapons but if good guys are allowed to carry, those attacks are fewer and far between in areas where carry is allowed. I grew up in mass but lived in more gun friendly states as an adult and really encourage others to at least go get a lesson. My hubby and I have taught young kids and adults to shoot and it’s been very rewarding.

What are we really doing to deter crime? Criminals have it too easy and criminality is glorified within the media. Let's say you remove all the firearms even those that criminals can get their hands on and then Mass shooters become Mass rammers and start driving cars into crowds of people. These horrible examples of humanity have a desire to kill. They will still have that same desire if you take away the firearm. It's a lot easier to get a car than a firearm. I'm of the belief that Liberals are hoping for more mass shootings because of the horrible attitude they express for a good guy with a gun who was able to stop a mass shooting before it got even worse. Liberals would rather we die a horrible death so they can push an agenda instead of fighting back.

Jason Sins just so you're aware, every founding father - and every Supreme Court Justice since the founding - all directly defined "a well formed militia" as simply the common people. The founders all knew that the militia was not made up by soldiers, but by common people with little to no military background.
Also, you used "site" instead of the appropriate "cite." Additionally, the statistics you give are wrong, and most gun violence happens where the most strict gun laws are on the books. Finally, more babies are killed via abortion every year than by guns, so don't go claiming it's about the lives lost when that evil is still happening.

Marty Mar Before society can smart enough 1st they have to become literate enough to be able to do so but apparently the education system is failing so much that or that around 50% of America can't read between a 6th to 8th grade level. As for critical race theory they themselves leave out plenty of history as they don't mention that native Americans also owned slaves. They more just try to paint white men as bad and ignore all else. Historical facts should be taught as historical facts and not be made about race. The fact that all that it really does is focus on race should say a lot about it

You can ban firearms ownership from responsible, law abiding citizens all you want but it will never work. The bad actors will always find a way to obtain illegal firearms and raise havoc. Can we consider adding illegal firearms to the list of illegal contraband flooding into this country?
How about this for an alternative:
Make it a Capitol crime chargeable to any person who fires any firearm into any group of any number whether anyone is injured or dies.
With the opportunity of obtaining a speedy trial and if convicted, a speedy execution, I propose that mass shootings will be significantly reduced.

It's a crazy time we live in, people don't trust the government, acknowledge that the police many times fail at protecting us, they create law after law and expect people that break laws to follow them, criminals are turned into heroes, and victims are made out to be the bad guy.
People acknowledge there is violence everywhere, but won't fight to save their own lives, and in fact want the very tools taken out of their own hands to do that, even though they will never use that tool in malice.
That's like turning in you hammer because the guy down the street beat his wife to death with one.
You didn't stop him, and now you won't be able to drive a nail if you need to.

Jessica Coleman I find it audacious of you to try to "assume" that I haven't done something when you don't know my background. And, most people of my race have been exposed to rap, and I have not targeted a single person with a gun, nor do I own a gun. And, for your blanket statement to ban rap music should be taken as racial denigration, as you don't even bother with video games (people tried to blame video games, too and failed, miserably), or the fact that everyone is being told they need a gun because they should fear someone else. Perhaps, it's our psyche around guns to where people think they are the solution that may be an issue.

Most of the public doesn't know the gun laws. If they would try to buy them, they'd be surprised! What they favor, and don't know, is tougher enforcement of existing laws to stop criminals. Most will tell you what they believe is a list of "common sense Gun laws", and when you tell them what they listed is already law, they don't believe you. In a day when you can get in the internet and research EACH STATES and FEDERAL law in a matter of seconds, but spend HOURS reading the 20,000+ laws, yet people remain ignorant and believe what cnn and the msm tells them about gun laws!

Chad Pitre Ok. Clearly, you have a problem with reading. America has a GUN problem, not GUNS are the problem. It’s how Americans hold idolize guns and honestly hold them on a pedestal which is the problem. It is actually pretty culty. Also, guns should not be so easily accessible, especially guns that are meant for war, and killing multiple people at once. This shouldn’t be that difficult to understand. Other countries do not have massive mass shootings like we do. Why is that? Because, they have sensible gun laws and restrictions. They don’t view guns as god. They certainly view them as a RESPONSIBILITY, not just a right, with no limits, because of entitlement.

10ºJeffrey Hallenbeck We just went through the last 3 mass murders where the suspect wasn’t supposed to have guns and yet hear we are! The only deterrent is speedy justice and harsh punishment! Yes, China is a dictatorship! And you limp wrist liberals want America to be just like China. The difference is, we have our constitution and our bill of rights! Why is it when some one murders people we always find a way to blame society instead of the perpetrator? There is no punish for these criminals! They certainly don’t fear justice….and you can thank your democrat politicians for that!!!!
