A Georgia school logo has sparked outrage over similarities to a Nazi symbol

A Georgia school is halting the rollout of its new logo after an uproar from parents who say it looks like a Nazi symbol



I was in Germany last year, the eagle and iron cross is still used today, not as a nazi symbol but several companies have adopted these Symbols to normalize then and de stigmatize them, talked to several German citizens about it actually, because I was intrigued as to why they would do this. They told me to forget what happened is to kill the innocent a second time. We cover up history to hide out Shame and teach our youth false truths. Like that the Native Americans traded us their land, or completely overlooking the fact that what the Nazi did in Europe was a Direct result of Following the United States Eugenics program, where before World war 2 the US chemically sterilized and unlawfully administered techniques to control the population by eliminating “undesirables” such as African Americans, transients, mental defectives etc. The Nazi took The United States ideas and research and ran with it! NOT ONLY THAT!! After the war we collected up all the scientist and documents and brought them back to the United States to continue experimenting back on US civilians again.

Jackson McFarland 1. After searching the insignia for the rank of Colonel, the eagle isn't carrying a circle, but plenty of nazi eagles do. That rigid, geometric font for "ES" as well as the design of the eagle is also similar to Nazi design.

2. Why do young children need any logo that deals with the military? I'm reminded of a video game where there's a military theme park that's used to indoctrinate children in white nationalism. I see a connection here. Yes, a video game isn't a great example, but I'm pretty sure Nazis did the same thing with Hitler Youth. It's Bioshock Infinite for those who are curious.

3. You don't see an issue probably because it's unlikely you were the target of an ideology whose main feature is that those who don't fit a racial/genetic profile are sub-humans that they want to wipe out entirely. I think any connection to that should be avoided.

4. Spell check.

5. I believe that I remember you spewing tendency for intolerance and fascist preferences on many posts. I'd recommend getting off the internet and turning of the faux news sources that you probably do watch.

Richard D Clarke now that is face news you are spreading right now just because they don't brush stuff under the carpet or twist the truth like Fox news does you call them controversial. Well if controversy is what America needs to see their own ignorance and stupidity then so be it. Thank God someone is revealing such hidden agendas of the white supremacist who try to get their hate symbols secretly sneaked into our society and what better way to do it than by brainwashing the next generation. Shame on you to shame those who speak out and up about their evil doings.

Jack Wright you are such a droll with your comment to Kim. Every news station is talking about the crimes, border crossing, and the war in Ukraine so you won't miss out on that but if CNN is not mentioning this those low-life national terrorists will silently take over again. This is exactly how it happens, a little symbol here, a phrase there and some demonstration and people will get used to their presents until it is too late to stop them. This is how Hitler got his power because newspapers were not allowed to write about his doing and things he did and so did he got the power he needed to do what is the worlds worst history except Putin is just beating him for that title now.

Not that it should ever be put aside that an elementary school has a racist, Nazi symbol logo, but does anyone mind if we also talk about the fact that, instead of a cute, peppy, or fun character, someone thought an elementary school needed a military-style logo--to go along with drilling our children on how to respond to active shooters, I guess. And, back to it being a racist Nazi symbol still in use by the alt-right, now the school thinks they have to pause the roll out to think about it, as if keeping the Nazi symbol is an option...

There are just some things that should not be closely emulated due to similarities to NAZI conduct. A few traditions have remained though: political party lapel pins worn by American politicians today is strikingly similar to that NAZI political custom and the Olympic torch relay was first started in the 1936 Berlin games and these are just a couple traditions that have have staying power. The Bellamy salute used during the Pledge of Allegiance looked so similar to the NAZI heil salute that it was discontinued and that’s why we hold the hand over the heart today. The swastika itself was a popular symbol in America in the early 1900’s including earrings, necklaces, postcards, bottle openers, etc, but today, it’s a taboo symbol because the NAZIs appropriated it and changed its ‘good luck’ identity to one of pure evil.

Les Robinson Let me get this straight; I “could” be a nazi, you’re not sure about that one… You are sure that I have no clue about nazism (which is ironic if you think it’s possible I could be one), communist Russia vs Soviet communism, or democratic socialism. Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. I think we’re done here. There is no productive discourse when you automatically think I have no clue about anything. To be honest, it doesn’t hurt my feelings if people who debate like you think I don’t know what I’m talking about. Take care buddy.

Tedrick Vincent That isn’t brain washing, that’s literally how collective memory works. You can’t just decide something means something else on a dime and then demand other people see it your way too. You’re being completely disingenuous by pretending you don’t understand this. Symbols are everywhere in society and many of them hold meaning that you can’t just choose to dislodge because you demand people be more flexible. The cross will always mean a particular thing to Christians, the hammer and sickle held in a cross pattern will represent communism to anyone who lived under the Soviet Union. Sure none of these things have inherent meaning, but neither do letters. But just because they lack inherent meaning doesn’t mean you can pretend that you can just choose for them to mean what you want them to unilaterally xD

Mark Little yes, I have no doubt that is true. But to a non-military guy like me, it immediately and unquestionably evoked Nazi imagery. That’s not a line or anything, it was actually the reason I stopped on this article while scrolling, before even reading the caption and title. I assume the US military use predates the Nazi regime, similar to how the swastika was a long used symbol before Hitler’s rise. It’s not really fair that one evil man should banish such symbols’ acceptable use, or completely ruin a type of facial hair for regular use for that matter. But even if it’s not fair, people *will* see this and have it evoke that Nazi imagery. Not everyone, but an awful lot of people. And I think it’s fair to consider that.
