Feds accuse man of calling a Tops location in Buffalo, threatening to shoot Black people

A Seattle-area man allegedly called a Buffalo Tops supermarket location twice this week, saying "he would make the news if he shot and killed all of the Black people in the store" including women, children and babies, and later referenced a "race war," according to federal prosecutors.



Dan Connolly No, its plain facts, and YOU know it.

I see you'd like to make this about violent "blacks", but of course your statistics fail to mention that black people in the U.S. have been subjected to habitual indifference and discrimination throughout our history. The fact that poor black people living in drug and gang-infested neighborhoods far out number poor whites in those conditions has everything to do with the per capita crime rates. You infer black people are more violent, I'm telling you that is racist thinking itself. Any group of people subjected to red lining, discrimination, and the indifference and denial of the majority will behave exactly the same.

You can argue statistics 'til you're blue in the face, but its undeniable that the people running the show, us white people, have been indifferent to their plight, and indifferent to the fact that blacks are killed by police regularly, in situations where white people are never shot at. Countless police videos in recent years have proven it, and god only knows how much of it went on before those video clips came into being.

There is no "black supremacy" movement. BLM was/is a protest against excessive police violence used against black people.

Steve Thomas that's just statistical rubbish Steve. And you know it is. That's what the MSM want u to believe. The recent miami-dade county shooting outside a nightclub after a rap concert was another mass shooting completely covered up by CNN and lefty MSM. 2 killed and c.30 shot in black on black violence. I would concede that most high profile mass shootings are white people certainly school shootings but that is to be expected in a country that is 2/3 white but blacks massively overindex on racial hate crime given their % makeup within USA society. Just look at statistics on black against Asian hate crime in New York state alone. Also young black males aged 15-34 account for just 2% of American population but account for 37% of all firearm homicides. I'm very pragmatic and I believe that to fix a problem you have to recognise it first and not bury your head in the sand. As a brit it infuriates me how one-sided the left wing MSM are and how selclectively they report these crimes, making white people out to always be the aggressors and black people always the innocent victims sweeping some of the heinous high profile crimes under the carpet. There is of course a huge issue with white supremacy but the issue with black supremacy is completely under-reported and I would say is equally representative given their % US population demographic makeup
