Vince McMahon retires from WWE amid hush money investigation

The news follows an investigation into McMahon paying millions of dollars in hush money to cover up alleged infidelity and misconduct with multiple women.


James Don Murphy First of all, not one of those things you listed there have anything to do with the US Presidency and/or are all lies and propaganda perpetuated by Fox News and other right wing news media outlets.

-The high gas prices, high inflation and I’ll assume “stocked shelves” means access to food and other necessary goods have nothing to do with Biden or Trump and everything to do with the fallout from the pandemic, and in the gas prices a little bit to do with the war in Ukraine.

-Biden is not a good President, make no mistake about it. He’s too old and weak for office and is not good at managing his party (Trump was 10 times weaker and worse at those things). But he can’t get much done right now because of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, the two most corrupt Dem senators voting against his proposals.

-Trump is the worst and weakest President this country has had since Warren Harding. Trump did practically nothing for this country other than ban bump stocks and give tax cuts for the wealthy. His presidency was the biggest fraud/sham in the history of this country. That criminal duped guillible people like you into thinking that he was the guy for the job by saying a number of correct things for ALL the wrong reasons. He is good at mass manipulation.

-Less violence? Trump nor Biden didn’t do anything to curb that. Biden’s 1994 crime bill only made things worse and Trump kept making up racist lies about the crime in cities in this country. The crime in this country has been more or less consistent under both presidencies. Do you remember the George Floyd riots? Las Vegas? El Paso? Etc, etc.?

Suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia yang rendah sekali, penyebab nilai duit rupiah jatuh ke rp 15 ribu.
Masalahnya hampir semua orang di dunia ini Sombong dan Sok tau !
Tidak mau mengakui bahwa Allah Tuhan yang Maha Tunggal yang merubah iklim global Bumi ini, lewat di geser nya Titik Medan Magnet Bumi !, sehingga terjadi perubahan iklim global Bumi ini !
. Semua orang di dunia ini bodoh !!, alasannya tidak tahu penyebab Titik Medan Magnet Bumi bergeser !!, sehingga terjadi perubahan iklim global ! Perhatian : Perubahan iklim itu bukan dari : Mobil, Gas, Truk, Pabrik-pabrik , Bus, Bensin dan Solar !!, tapi dari Titik Medan Magnet Bumi yang tidak tahu sebabnya sudah bergeser sejauh 10000 kilometer !, ini penyebab Perubahan iklim.
Suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia tinggi, maka orang akan tukar Dollar USD nya, lalu beli Rupiah negara Indonesia !!, sehingga rupiah Indonesia jadi 13 ribu nanti nya.
Duit Rupiah jatuh karena suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia rendah sekali, suku bunga Acuan Bank The Fed Amerika Serikat hampir 4 %, jadi solusi nya 12 % suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia sekarang ini, ini harga tukar duit rupiah sudah tidak wajar rp 15 ribu, yang wajar nya 13 ribu.
