At 27, she wrote a book on how to enjoy life without the thing people think they need to have fun

How to socialize, date and have fun while staying sober or drinking less.


For the most part, I gave up drinking at age 26. I have a drink very rarely on a night out. I think my last one was sometime in 2019. I don’t hold moral judgements against drinking. I just didn’t feel well the next day….even after just one drink, so I gave it up. I don’t smoke pot, either….so, I’m really boring! I’d much prefer a Diet Coke or a club soda with lime. I found my 40’s to be a bit difficult as far as a social life. The ‘mom-life wine-culture’ is strong. As I look back on it, though…I don’t think I missed that much. I was the mom who held lots of sleepovers and my house was the teen hangout. I enjoyed that a lot.
