Fed makes history with second massive rate hike in as many months

What seemed unfathomable just six months ago -- a 75-basis-point rate hike by the Federal Reserve -- has now happened twice in a row.



“People forget, this is all about a Rigged and Stolen Election. But rather than go after the people that Rigged and Stole it, they go after the people that are seeking Honesty and Truth, and have Freedom of Speech, and many other defenses, on their side! Justice Department should look at The Crime of the Century. Evidence is massive and irrefutable!!!” -President Trump

They will try this again too. Are Republicans going to sit back and let it happen again??? They sat back the first time. I hope you liberals are enjoying this inflation and all the high prices and the crime…You can thank yourselves for it…Enjoy

Daniel Griger it isn’t rocket science, we printed too much money to pay for the “covid relief bill”. Mix that with restrained domestic oil production and there you have it.

Bad policy did lead to this.

And yes the oil companies are greedy, however as the commander and chief you have the power to pressure situations, such as the situation we are in with Russia and Ukraine.

Again it’s bad policy, we are paying 3 more dollars a gallon for gas to help Ukraine loose a war…. And they are literally telling us that.

All that is beside the point.

The people pay their taxes for the government to do their job and fix these issues, not blame people. I don’t care who’s fault it is, fix it.

Biden simply is not the man for the job, thus it is not getting done, and we circled right back to Biden’s fault.

Matthew Dow you have no clue of what you are talking about..Fed Chairman Powell was appointed that position by Trump, raising interest rates has always been a method to slow down the economy. Fed Chairman Yellen warned Trump that she saw signs of inflation and hinted that raising interest rates was possible in the future. Trump blew up as he knew raising rates would bring down the stock market and Trump believe the rising stock market showed that the economy was great. There was no doubt that interest rates was too low and the economy was moving too fast; interest rates would need to be raised to slow the spending or inflation would eventually dig a hole for everyone. Now if you can show how the Feds can slow down inflation without raising interest rates, I would love to hear it. Please, No babbling, just a factual explanation

Matthew Dow The Fed is raising interest to combat inflation; that’s the Fed’s job. High inflation is a world-wide phenomenon that is caused by the war in Ukraine paired with an overheated economy related recovery from the C-19 recession. Neither the old president or the current one cause Russia to invade Ukraine, causing a spike in demand for fuel and grain. Biden didn’t cause Americans to put off big ticket purchases, vacations, etc for over a year, resulting in pent-up demand; that was the fault of a global pandemic and an inept response to it by #45. The one thing government can do control inflation is to raise taxes - which is a nonstarter given how economically illiterate is the average American and how fickle voters are about tax increases. Which leaves just the federal reserve’s ability to raise interest rates as the only available tool to combat inflation. Recessions hurt the unemployed and struggling business due to low demand for their goods and services. Inflation, conversely, effects everyone. Which is why the Fed keeps raising interest rates. And, to state the obvious, the Fed is non-partisan.

Ron Langley Unemployment benefits were extended past 20 weeks I don't know what planet you lived on, And Many of the States were locked down for over a year well into 2021, and most continued collecting benefits.. now a third rate hike under Biden, stock market down,, tomorrow a 2nd quarter of economic loss,, gives Ukraine 50 billion dollars, Biden administration doing nothing about the US inflation of 9.1%, now his own party pulli g away lol, less people want him running again, at this rate he won't make 2024. If he was doing so great he'd be on a pedestal, not the chopping block

Dom Love he never said it was a hoax from China he said the way the democrats and media were using it as a political weapon was their next “hoax” after the Russian Hoax. He was talking about covid and setting up a covid response team while Pelosi was out in the streets calling him xenophobic for stopping flights from the place it was coming from. People are refusing to get vaccinated because the CDC and this administration have been so wishy washy on their messaging about vaccines and distancing. People don’t know what to believe because they seem to change the rules whenever they break them but still tell normal people they should keep doing it.

Matthew Dow literally everything. The silly personal attacks don’t help your case, but ignoring. that… The inflation rate in the EU is 8.6%; Canada’s is 8.1%. Food prices world-wide are up 33.7% - inflation is a world-wide phenomenon. Food prices are directly attributable to Ukraine, one of the world’s largest food exporters, being unable to produce or export. Energy prices are up do to Russia, until recently the largest exporter to Europe, being hit with sanctions - directly in response to their aggression. That’s what is driving inflation, along with pent-up demand related to Covid; not Biden. POTUS has zero control over inflation. You brought partisan politics into this and you have no clue what you’re talking about.

Rates have been too low for too long. Trump bullied the Fed for months to continue the sugar high of lowering interest rates. Trump was part of seeding the USA inflation issue of today. Lower rates served him. A 3.5 trillion tax cut which was a top down break served Trump more than the lowest paid. Trump seeded the issues Biden is dealing with. The fact Biden is messaging like a fool is on him. But i know who i blame. Furlough, business bail outs and Covid spending began under Trump. A POTUS who complained about the national stockpile being depleted whilst removing a tactical pandemic response team from the WH. How people have such short memories humours me... Not to mention that it was an ill advised toilet tweet that triggered the tariff war with China lol. A tariff today conservatives refuse to admit hits US consumers.

Not only is the Fed going after soft money, this move goes after soft investors too.

I’d call a soft investor someone who borrowed against the equity in their home to invest into the stock market with the intention to make a quick buck and no real plan. Think retail investors (we’ve the highest number of amateurs ever in the history of stock trading) and meme investors who think stocks only go up or speculators who buy a property without ever thinking it may go down, or that they may need to maintain or renovate it, or that they may actually have to be a landlord instead of just sitting on it.

These people are essentially gambling with money they don’t have, and now it’s not free. Not only do they have to pay more now, but some are seeing losses too.

I always said that a bad stock market wouldn’t necessarily take the housing market with it but that a bad housing market would take the stock market, and the rest of the economy, with it.

10ºJames E. Cherry nice job trying to cherry pick facts. No, the feds job is not to raise interest rates to combat inflation. That is merely a single option they have to help lower inflation. No our inflation is not because of Putin and think that is the cause just makes you sound like a hack. It may have some effect but that’s it at best. Not even why you would bring up who caused the invasion. Again, makes you sound desperate and kind of like a paid hack.

I'm guessing you are not from the States with the whole tax talk. It takes an outsider to think the raising of taxes is the issue. If you were from here you would know it's not the amount but the use that is the issue. No, the fed is not non-partisan and just you saying that screams that you are some paid hack. Non of this was on topic so I'm glad you were able to get your bs out. The good news is we see you for what you are
