Now should I worry about monkeypox? Our medical analyst explains | CNN

The CDC is reporting more than 3,000 infections, just two months after monkeypox was first detected in this outbreak.


Tiffany Mccoy Yea This president is a failure what I notice about him is that he's racist and homosexual at the same time he always chooses his cabinet and the people that he wants to work with because of the colour of their skin or how gay they are not because of their qualifications

But it's bad that in America the elections are not fair they are rigged

So this guy might actually win the second term because he is all about the war and you can tell that he is being controlled unlike Trump who did what he felt it was right for him and the citizens of America

Dustin Haines I hope you don't think it's just for gay men... it's endemic in Africa... they currently aren't having an outbreak so the source of this is unknown... since it's closely related to smallpox my guess would actually be something more sinister... but I'm not in the business of pushing medical misinformation since I work in HC... and btw most of us have lost faith in the cdc specifically Rochelle... she needs to be replaced as she is the ONLY one truly pushing that narrative... she fumbled covid-19 response and she epically failed during this now... we had 300k monkeypox vaccines available and the cdc just sat on it and let the outbreak continue... but it's not now nor has it EVER been a gay disease

Tiffany Mccoy OMG you see I wouldn't mind that and I would appreciate that very much because all that is important to me is that you are giving me your time that means a lot to me for real but the thing is that this Facebook of mine might cut me off while we are still talking, sometimes what it does is that it just automatically deleted messages so I end up not getting your replies even though on the notifications it shows that you have replied

I would hate having to ask you over and over again "please retext" you are going to get bored and boring you is something that I would HATE to do

Listen I am not asking you to go private because of I want to but I am asking you because of I am forced to

If I say just only one thing that you don't like you have every right to Block me

please I begg

Tiffany Mccoy I am going to search it on the internet thank you for the suggestion I appreciate it

I had an American friend who used to tell about all the madness that goes on there she was my 1st ever American friend the 1st ever American person I ever talked to and have a chat with let me tell you I was very lucky because she was actually the part of the madness

She told me all about the Gays and lesbians but what was new for me was the Transgender and the crossdresser

She said that these crossdresser it's actually straight men that wear women clothes a married man with kids wearing a dress I couldn't process that into mind

She told me she was a tomboy when she grew up and now she lives with her girlfriend and her boyfriend in her house I was like wow America ey

But I feel like I was very luck to meet with somebody like her because those are the things that I could have never imagined that they actually exist

Jon Sharp Yeah the two guys that kept telling me I had no proof etc. and that they use their little Homophobe label trying to label that to me which is a bunch of BS.
I could list another hundred articles that clearly state where this originated from this monkeypox it came out of the gay community specifically homosexual men and bisexual men and the reason why other people are getting it that are not gay men or bisexual men is because the virus winds up on surfaces or clothing and other people touch it and they get the virus. But no matter how much proof I give them they throw their little labels at me and then they block me

Tiffany Mccoy Labels aren't more dangerous than the Monkeypox disease

See this is the thing about us as the people we are afraid of the things that we shouldn't be afraid of

Even the words homophobic, Homosexual, heterosexual, homophobia etc.. are just made up words that doesn't even exist

I say that because when a pregnant woman goes for a scan the doctor all they see is if a kid is a boy or a girl that's all

I believe if those words truly existed then the doctors would be able to tell thru the scan that that a woman is carrying a Homosexual baby boy

So that means Homosexuality is a behaviour because it's something that a person learns after they are born it's not in the womb of a woman

And a behaviour can be stopped, it can be unlearned

Julie Jones Through addicts sharing needles but back when the media was pushing HIV as a risk to every person they flooded us with stories of straight people getting HIV at the dentist, doctors, restaurant food, and so on. Eventually, we figured out what was happening and who was at risk. We've BTDT.
Now they are lying to us about Covid. From the origins to the treatments, to the efficacy of the test methods to the mortality count to vaccines that actually increase risk by reducing natural immunity production. That's how influenza A and B went from 36,000,000 US cases to less than 3,000 in a single season. The CDC now counts Covid, Influenza and Pneumonia lumped to gather as respiratory diseases. Just this week the Medical College of London, doing a nationwide study for the NHS, concluded that weakened immune systems among the vaccinated elderly population accounted for 80% of the deaths from infectious diseases. Our own NIH in the Feb issue of Virology found that Covid is now a disease of the vaccinated. Recent studies from Israel, Sweden and even The Lancet concluded the same thing.
If you choose to "follow the science" wear masks, fear everyone who isn't jabbed while you stand on dots and waited to get jabbed. Feel free. As for monkeypox, less than 2% of the population is at risk. Let them get vaxxed, self-quarantine, and curtail the risk factors. 98% of the population is at no risk and there is no emergency that requires us to take special precautions.

Knuckle-dragging, mouth breathing, grade school dropouts having a field day up in these comments.

Go be a bigot behind closed doors. Nobody cares how proud you are to be an ignorant homophobic bully.

If you define yourself in opposition to queer peoples' mere existence, you are a bigot, and you dont deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

If you think queer peoples' mere existence, sexual orientation being an immutable trait of a person, is "shoving it down everyone else's throat", Ive got news for you: it aint. Being a bigotted bully, however, is a choice. You can choose not to be a bully to queer folks. You can choose not to spread hatred and lies about queer people.

If you think being rabidly anti-queer is just the opposite if being queer, it isnt. Its being a bully. Queer folks have every right to defend themselves against biggotted attacks, simply to exist.
