As US attempts to negotiate prisoner swap, Brittney Griner appears in court for ongoing trial | CNN

The Russian trial of WNBA star Brittney Griner is continuing Tuesday as US officials attempt to negotiate a prisoner swap for her release


Robin Snyder lol well blame republicans all you want, but Dems are in control and have been for 10 out of the last 14 years. Free healthcare huh? The government has the VA and it is great from what I hear. I imagine a government run healthcare system would only get better the larger it is. Medical companies will be able to charge whatever they want and nobody will be the wiser, it will all be paid for by tax dollars....
Honestly I've stopped wanting the best for Americans. They don't deserve much of anything in my opinion, yet they feel they are kings and queens. Oh well, future generations will pay for our choices today.
Oh and I watched the impeachment trial for Jan 6. It was a complete joke and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It feels good not caring and not having the world's weight on my shoulders, it is out of my control.
Yes the democrats feel their nightly riots were justified, but why did they stop? What policy change got the democrats to stop rioting night after night.
Personally I think you are foolish and don't care what happens to you really. Keep voting for this and keep making excuses. Nobody will be held accountable, accept trump of course. Lol and nothing will change
Well besides uncontrollable crime and government spending. Lol

Dear Mrs. Griner,
We hope this letter finds you in good health and we understand you are having some rough times in your life.

We are a group of old Vietnam Combat Veterans from North Carolina. Our average age is around seventy years old.
We call ourselves, The Bunker Boys.
We spent a lot of time living in rat and snake infested holes in the ground known as Bunkers.

When we were not in the bunkers, we were crawling through the jungle being shot at and shooting back at little people wearing black pajamas.
We must be honest and tell you that the only thing we may have in common with you, is that we too, were drafted.
We noticed you were drafted number one in the WNBA draft a few years ago.

Since we all were drafted,
we thought we might let you know what it was like when we were drafted.
Unlike you, most of us had no college.
The people of the United States drafted us.
We consisted of all colors, religions and personal beliefs. We had no choice of which team we played for, Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines.
We were sent halfway around the world to fight and kill people we didn’t know in a place we had never heard of.
We were paid, we know you can relate to this,
$3.00 a day and required to work 24 hours a day if needed.

When we returned home many or most of us were treated very badly by our fellow Americans.
We were spit on, hit by bottles and rocks as the police stood by and watched.
We did not complain, we just continued on in life and made the best of it.

We fought for God, family, country and of course, the Flag and the National Anthem; a poem that was written by, of all people, a lawyer.
He wrote the poem as he watched bombs fall on and kill fellow Americans.
Ever since that night, our nation has played that little poem before millions of social functions.
For some people it’s just a little song.

For a Veteran
it is a reminder of how many men and women of all colors,
have given their life so the rest can have the right to be free.

We found in our research that you requested the National Anthem not be played at sporting events.
We find it odd that now you are requesting the citizens of the United States to pay for your release from a jail in Russia.
Yes, we the taxpayers are paying for all of those diplomats working on your release.
Our government told you,
and all fellow Americans in Russia,
to leave Russia after the invasion of the Ukraine.

You play basketball in a country that is known to treat Americans badly.
You fly a great deal and must know by now, all the rules of what one can bring into a country.
All of us that travel know the rules for entering a foreign country.
You are a guest and must go by the rules of the land.

By your own admission,
you were attempting to bring an illegal substance into a country that is known for its long prison sentences.
You had to know this because you are making a million dollars a year to play a game and hold a college degree.
At six feet nine inches tall,
you know that security officers are going to focus on you from the moment you stand in the boarding pass line.

We also noticed that you are now saying you placed the drugs in your luggage by accident.
Please, that is something an 18-year-old would say.
We also found out that your net worth is somewhere around $ 5 million bucks for playing a game.

For old guys like us, living on a fixed income,
that’s a lot of money for just playing a game.

Don’t get us wrong; we are not against you.
We all went and fought so all Americans can have the freedom to make their own choices.
We just hope the next time you have to endure the playing of that little poem,
you will pay close attention to the “Land of the free,” part.

Wishing you the very best,
The Bunker Boys…

Robin Snyder oh I will be fine. Like I said, I'm setting myself up to be self sufficient. People who rely on the government, or who live in the cities will suffer the most. Propaganda? Is that why you brought up the 1 riot by the right, but failed to think of the riots that the left were responsible for that lasted for months? See, the news leads your way of thinking. They keep going on and on about the insurrection, can't let it go. It was an awful event that the left can't comprehend for some reason, but their nightly riots was completely justifiable. Oh well, they are the ones who have to deal with it. I moved away. I wasn't happy with it. Oh well, Portland will finally be a great place to live. Thanks democrats! Lmao the surging crime, homelessness, and garbage is all the result of awful republicans. The Dems are a noble group who do no wrong. See ya. Good luck

Patti Schmersal show me one clip where she said she hates America.... just one. It's also funny that you'll even open your mouth to say anything seeing as how you support a womanizing, xenophobic, homophobic, racist conman who's lies of a stolen election have damaged the democracy of this country to the point of near extinction because of his narcissistic ego. If there's anyone disrespectful to this country and what you think its supposed to represent it would be Trump, if you had half a brain and and watched something other than Fox you'd have a clue. The folks testifying and spilling the beans on his lies and corruption are all his " best people" you know the ones he picked because he's the best at picking people. The same person that defrauds charities, milks his supporters for money to support non existing funding towards fighting non existing election fraud. The same coward who disrespects the men and women who've fought for this country and used fake bone spurs to avoid serving. The same clown who chose to take the word of Putin over American Intelligence Agencies and is hosting a Saudi funded golf tournament while saying nobody knows who funded the 9/11 attack on our country. But here you are with your self-righteous behind showing disdain for someone being used as a political pawn while supporting someone who nearly destroyed this country and if given a chance to finish the job he would. The most ironic thing about it is you'd vote for him again despite it all.... Have several seats!

Judy Gail He also had a medical card and lived there teaching school in Moscow. She denied having it ! Then admitted it was a mistake and then claims to have a medical card. Give me a break. 20 grams is small amount and he should be freed as he is already sentenced to 14 years and has served over a year in jail. They both are caught up in Putins games but at the end of the day one is no better than the other. They do however deserve to be sent home. I just pointing out that everyone in an uproar over her but not the other Americans held fir pretty much same offense.

Marilyn Rowe all I have to say on the subject, which I don’t understand why more people don’t think like this, is that I had never heard of Griner before her arrest. Didn’t know about her protesting the national anthem, knew nothing about her being non-binary. Heck, if I wasn’t even looking at the tv screen, I wouldn’t have even known she was a person of color
You know what my first thought was? “Gee, I would like to have sympathy for her, but she brought drugs. To Russia of all places”
What is so hard to grasp about the concept of “don’t import contraband into a forge in country”?

Austina Wolverton this accomplished young lady, used her platform of accomplishments to participate is controversial narratives.

Well within her rights as an American!

Now, on the other hand, this young lady has now been charged with a crime in another country, and will face the laws of that country.

Regardless of personal feelings, this swap purposed is not in the benefit of the American people. The American people have the right to say no.

She is not innocent, she plead guilty, perhaps some time in another land may help you at appreciate the land you came from.

The American people owe her nothing, I am sure she lived better than most. Certainly better than the 22 vets a day that end their own life. Or the homeless masses, or the drug od’s, or the young children being trafficked while I’m writing this.

She is owed nothing.

Anita Roll In her protest to the National Anthem, she made these statements. It's a fact and you're just poorly informed.

She made valid points in which I supported, The moment when she began to praise Russia and condemn America, is the moment she crossed the line. People like you, don't even take the time to get the actual facts. Instead, you hear a bunches of toxic, misandrist women, and take it as fact.

This is not a out male and female, or her and Lebron.

Now their talking about trading her for two murderous, America hating terrorists.
Tell me, what would happen to every American around the world if this deal is made.
But hey; Let's just save her And not care about the countless Americans that will now be in danger to make America bend to the will of terrorists and other countries.

Bigger picture.

Austina Wolverton she absolutely is being used, I am sure few people knew of her prior to getting jailed in Russia for a weed vape pen.

I don’t view her use or her freedoms as anything other than that, her using her freedoms. Regardless of hate, bias, or what have you. It is still her freedom to do so.

I don’t have to support what you stand for, to support you having the freedom to stand.

Do I think she should be traded for some Russian spy’s or what have you? No! Absolutely not, she is a wnba ball player.

Certainly does not merit the trading of truly dangerous people.

It sucks that she put herself in this situation, but…. She did this to her self.

She has collected on what she was owed, her freedoms. She used them in this manner to put herself in this boat.

10ºRandell Wolff what do you mean by support because that can take on a lot of different meanings it could mean make a few phone calls and try to help or it could mean trade a gun-running political enemy for her freedom! There are different levels of support there. If she was a straight white woman I don't know if this would even be in the news. But because she's a black lesbian Hollywood had to jump all over it! I wish her well and I hope there is a way out of this bad situation with a lesson learned. But our government should not be overly invested in this situation.
