CDC expected to ease Covid-19 recommendations, including for schools, as soon as this week

The CDC is expected to update its guidance for Covid-19 control in the community, including in schools, in the coming days, sources say


Jeannette de la Cruz ma’am, if you havent realized at this point that just about everyone is going to get this virus, vaxed, unvaxed, home, not home, masked, not masked, then you need to open your eyes. The press sec just said the same thing because the potus is vaxed x 8 and is still positive

Lockdowns and mandates were pointless. If you’re trying to attribute the pandemic to 2 govs and a potus and have nothing to say about China then you’ve already lost the argument. Also, inflation is putin’s fault and we’re not in a recession as defined for the last hundred years. This virus is now simply a cold or an inconvenience. It’s not the same as it was 2 years ago. Be well

Doris Hoffman Doyle Me too ! Total germophobe here always super clean freak here and I have two little ones, (second one born during the height of the pandemic two years ago,) so you can imagine my state of mind through all of this!

Every time I finally throw away my masks I need to go buy them again. Lol! I guess that keeps me up to date on all the new ones. I might be an expert at this point! Here is my favorite so far if anyone cares. They’re especially good for therapists, nurses and teachers (like me!) or anybody who needs to speak clearly to people. It’s so nice because they can see your mouth. They’re made with some sort of vinyl that doesn’t fog too. And, they’re super inexpensive. It’s a WIN WIN!! I’ll post a link so you can check them out if you have any interest. Happy Summer Break!!! ️

Jeremy Krause I know because I'm a germophobe and you can imagine how awful the whole situation was for me. I am slowly but surely moving towards being a normal germophobe and not an extreme one like COVID created in me. Some of us just have more of a problem with certain things than others but we will all be okay. We all have to do what makes us comfortable. If your child is not comfortable without the mask I think he or she will just take longer to adapt back to normal than others, but he or she will get there whether it's sooner or later.
