Hoard of priceless treasures recovered from 350-year-old Spanish shipwreck

A team of explorers has uncovered a trove of artifacts from a 350-year-old sunken Spanish galleon



Spanish were tame compared to what England did One regionals with excursions the other was an EMPIRE like Rome and a possible Scandinavian one with a lost history. How much of that was intended for the church as in same time period when God and King were the same? England was one of the most powerful European nation in the 16th century. Spain was most influential. Along with Portugal, Spain dominated New World exploration in the decades that followed Columbus. It did not hold it long did it? It did hold South America. Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898 Spain lost its control over the remains of its overseas empire. British it was 1947 it released due to ravages of World War 2 and we became superpower. Are we not a child of England for a time that became a different power due to immigration and a large Spanish influence in our south?
