Officials reveal new details about the 3 sets of human remains found at Lake Mead

For investigators working on the cases of people whose remains were found on the shore of Lake Mead, time is the enemy


David Pohocsucut
What a nincompoop statement… you really believe the current situation has arisen just since Biden was elected. Wow! This has fallout from prior admins through to today. But, of course, let’s blame Biden. But, I’m sure you would be quick to give T-Rump all the credit if the situation was booming right now. You can’t have it both ways.

In regards to the situation with climate, drought, supply and demand…it’s been on going for years. It’s just we’re witnessing/experiencing the beginning of its vast acceleration, which is due to our own greed and ignorance. Oh, and maybe why gas prices are so high is because it’s usually higher during Dem admins and lower with Reps because The GOP has Big Oil in their pockets.

Oh, please continue to laugh, but know that food and water is not a “liberal” or conservative thing. It is a “Human” thing.

Yes, God provides, but He also expects us to be good stewards to the bounty He provides—it’s called responsibility and accountability.
