How anti-government violence could change America forever

Rachel Kleinfeld joins Reality Check to discuss the history of anti-government violence in America and how it moved from the far left to the far right in recent decades — as well as what we can do to defuse the situation before it explodes.


Let me clue you in. You want to stop the upcoming civil war? Stop doing the things you're doing which necessitate it. Now you know. Unfortunately (for you) you won't stop. There's no way to stop it now. It's simply a matter of time. You will continue to do the things you're doing, because you don't see a problem with them, and things will get worse, and people will get more and more sick of it until they've had enough, and picking up a weapon and killing you becomes a better choice than doing nothing at all and allowing you to continue doing what you're doing. You just don't get it...but you will...and sooner than you think. It will be a real surprise to you when it happens. Don't worry will be over very quickly. That's what happens when people who have no guns, no training, and no experience at conducting war go up against millions of people who have all of those things. ️

1. I got a dig bick
2. Your that read wrong
3. You read that wrong too
4. You checked
5. You smiled
7. You are wandering why you are still
reading this
8. You saw that mistake, right?
(On 7)
10. But did you see that I skipped 6?
10. You checked
11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and
skipped 9
12. I said "saw you" not you saw
13. I also skipped 2
14. You got tricked
15. I'm just wasting your time now keep
scrolling on your Facebook!
I don't have much followers , but I'm
grateful for the ones following me.

I have said this before, and I will repeat it here, once again.
To the intelligence and law enforcement agencies here in the USA and around the world, CONSIDER the events of dissent you are investigating.
Consider the actions and behaviors of your civilian and military governments and agencies that by failing to manage or resolve the complaints and problems that precipitate those complaints, have CAUSED the dissents.
THOSE failures are YOUR problem.
FIX those.

Our governments are failing to resolve and/or manage the problems we face as communities, nations and species.

The problems you face in your nation are essentially the same problems many nations face. Local and national offices, are run by a decision process that fails to represent the public.

it's happening all over the earth. You see it there, and others see it where they live, but we all see it locally.

It's important to recognize, however, that the root problem is everywhere.
False representation of the public IS THE ROOT problem, that creates the failures of our governments to manage or solve all of our other problems.

Some people ask me how we can fix this.
They point out the divisive and polarized attitudes and behaviors people exhibit today.

This is my response.

"it can happen by people understanding the reasons that the current system fails, and developing, testing and demonstrating decision process that functions the way our current systems are advertised to work."

Even conservatives have complaints, LEGITIMATE complaints about how the process we use misrepresents them.

The vast majority of us are AGREED in our anger and frustration, the division is concerning whether we should continue to do exactly what we have been doing, or whether to CHANGE what we are doing.

I suggest that those who do not agree to fixing this, are a VERY small minority.

Even conservatives are capable of upgrading their vehicle or home, or behavior when they become aware of some benefit to their own interests, by choosing that upgrade.

even the least educated hick hillbilly mouth breathing moron, can understand the difference between a fair deal, and an unfair deal.
That person might be convinced to accept a deal, even an unfair deal, as long as they get the better end of that deal.

What they will resent and reject is an unfair deal that ensures they get shafted.

Perhaps you are confused about what a republic is and what democratic is.

Let’s start with what government is.

Government is a process for making decisions about the enactment and enforcement of law and policy within a society.

We NEED government, really, we do, as a species, humans require some form of organizing for various purposes. People disagree, which is why we need a group decision process, that allows us to make decisions when there is disagreement, without resorting to killing everyone that disagrees.

We may all agree that we all need to breathe, drink water, and eat food, wear clothing, have a home, etc etc etc.

Yet there will be people who disagree on how to accomplish that stuff. Some people will insist that they can simply take whatever they need from someone else, and most of us will disagree, and insist that TRADING for stuff is fine, but just taking stuff, is not appropriate and should be constrained by law.

Others will suggest that we could share stuff, and then no one would be inclined to just take stuff, or rather that just taking stuff would be ok, if people just agreed to share that stuff.

So, Note that government is a decision process. The decisions being made are those that enact law and policy, and enforce those laws and policies.

There are MANY different forms of decision process that humans can use. presidents, parliaments, kings, dictators, congress, councils, etc etc etc.

Yet, when we look at those many forms, we can easily see that those come in two and ONLY two major forms of decision process.

Those major forms are rule by majority or rule by minority.

We call rule by majority, democracy. (note this word, democracy is similar to the word democratic. However the two words are different, because the concept of democracy, is not the same concept as democratic. We need two words, because the concepts they describe are different)

We call rule by minority, oligarchy. (Note, many people erroneously think that oligarchy describes rule by rich people, but that is not true, there is a word used to describe rule by rich people, it is “plutocracy”. It would be possible to have an oligarchy ruled by a few poor people.)

We defined oligarchy, and democracy as the ONLY two major forms of government that is possible.

We can now look at the word republic, and try to determine whether a republic is a sub-form of democracy, or a sub-form of oligarchy.

We can also look at the word democratic, and find out what the difference between democracy and democratic.

Let’s start with democratic.

The word democratic describes a decision process. However, we might use a democratic decision process to elect a king. We, the people decided, democratically to elect some person to the position of a monarch.
Now, did the democratic process make decisions of law and policy? No. The decision made was to decide which person will make those decisions of law and policy. A monarchy. A democratic monarchy. A monarchy is a sub-form of oligarchy, (rule by few). The single person elected as monarch, is a minority… The decisions of law and policy are not made by the majority in a monarchy, the monarch makes those decisions.

Therefor, the use of democratic decision process did not result in a democracy. That is why the words are different.

Now let’s look at the word republic. This is a tough one. There are going to be MANY people who want to make the word, to mean anything but a monarchy. As if a dictator ruling by military force, could be considered a republic. It’s not a monarchy…. but it’s not a republic either.

The classic and relevant understanding of the word, republic, is that the matter of government, the process for making decisions of enacting and enforcing law and policy is a public matter, not owned and controlled by some few, some minority, but rather owned and controlled by the majority, the public, the citizens, the people.

That is why, for so many years, the word republic was defined as a form of government that placed the ultimate authority in the hands of the public, and that authority is administered by the use of representatives.

Consider that when the US government was specified in our constitution, the people who wrote that decision process, presumed that by using a democratic process of choosing representatives, the public would in fact BE represented, thus the use of representatives would in fact result in the PUBLIC having that ultimate authority. The public would make those decisions of enactment and enforcement of law and policy.

Yet, as we saw above, when we use the democratic process to elect a person to decision authority, the result is not democracy. The public did not and does not make those decisions, they simply decided who was elected to make those decisions. The public majority, may, or may not be “represented” by the decision made by that person elected.

Notice that a republic, must use representatives, it’s not optional. To be clear, if the use of representatives, does not result in the decision that factually does represent the majority of the public citizens, then it was NOT in fact representative. This is important.

Representation is not equivalent to misrepresentation.

If the democratic process does not result in representation of the public citizen majority, then the election did not result in “representatives”.

A republic REQUIRES representation.

A combination of republic, and democratic government, would be a decision process, used for the enactment and enforcement of law and policy, that provided the method of democratic principle of majority rule to the public by the use of representatives. REAL representatives. REAL representation.

It can help the country by providing a valid and rational decision process that the PUBLIC can use to govern our own affairs.

Let me know if you would be interested in looking at an example of such a system.
