All of Massachusetts now in drought amid alarming expansion of dry conditions in Northeast

The flash drought conditions have expanded and intensified in New England over the past week.


Ann Pryor your right everyone does need those things. We also need jobs to work for high school grads. Because most of us don't have rich parents that will pay for the 4 year degree. Can't have jobs when they are taxed to death, they move out of the country to cheaper labor pools and still sell it here. Your socks used to be made local, keeping your fellow Americans employed and part of the system. Now all our socks are made in China, keeping Chinese gainfully employed, and they still sell them here for more than it would cost if made local. But hey, yay democrats right?! Taxes good, jobs bad.

Terry Fleming I’m very knowledgeable about the Dust Bowl…. The Great Plains and Southern United States were hit by a heavy drought in the summer of 1930. This drought dried the topsoil, which led the soil to become a powdery consistency. Because there wasn't indigenous grass growing in these places,( because man wiped out the Buffalo)high winds picked up the powdery topsoil and created massive storms of dust.

Manifest Destiny was an idea that became popular in 1845. Its advocates believed that the United States was destined by God to be expanded across the entire North American continent. This belief was the foundation for The Homestead Act of 1862. This act brought people to the Great Plains and Southern American states to farm the vast lands. The Homestead Act gave settlers 160 acres of land. This act was followed by the Kinkaid Act of 1904 and the Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909. As more and more people settled in these states, the land quickly became over-harvested, the soil depleted, and the risk of erosion increased.
Again, much of this exacerbated by man.

Weather and Climate are completely different. I can see how one would assume they are the same though.
Weather refers to atmospheric conditions that occur locally over short periods of time—from minutes to hours or days. Familiar examples include rain, snow, clouds, winds, floods, or thunderstorms.

Climate, on the other hand, refers to the long-term (usually at least 30 years) regional or even global average of temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns over seasons, years, or decades.

Man has altered the Climate since the advent of the Industrial Age. ( putting vast amounts of Carbon into the air when fossil fuels are burned)
Easily proven changes over the last 100 years or so.

Just because it snows(weather change) in Boston some random date in Late August does not prove another Ice Age(Climate change)is upon us. We would need a lot more data than just one weather event. Scientist have been collecting data about the climate for more than several decades. Most All evidence shows climate change

Diane Welshans Apker it’s warm here. It’s the tropics. It’s great for doing fitness. I remember seeing NYC barely getting any snow in the winter of 2020. That was pretty strange. Then there was plenty of snow in NYC in the winter of 2021, especially in February of that year. We’ll see though if there will be significant snow in the northeast this winter. It’s been a hit or miss. One thing I miss being here is the New York drive and energy. It’s laid back here and it closes early. It’s 24/7 in NYC. Someday, I might go back. If they ever get the inflation and the rental rates under control though. Doubt it with this since people do still flock there for careers and NYC is all about big money. So of course housing is always in demand there. Not enough of it.

In Chile there are lithium fields. If a bird lands on one of these pools, it dies from contact, because lithium is a neurotoxin.

Chile, which is the second-largest lithium producer in the world, is struggling with water supply problems (ie.e. they don't have drinking water), because the water is used to produce lithium batteries for electric cars and mobile devices. 2000 tons of water are used to obtain one ton of lithium.

In addition to lithium, batteries for electric cars also contain cadmium, mercury and lead (and many other substances).

That's why all of you who scream loudly and demand that we switch to electric cars, ask yourselves: will this really reduce pollution or make it worse? Do you think it's okay for YOUR air to be cleaner, while the nature of another country on another continent gets polluted forever? Because who cares about Chileans if they are on another continent, right?

And think again, where are we going to dispose of used car and phone batteries; at which landfill, in which country, in which continent, in which ocean, on which planet? Are you aware of how an old car battery will pollute all living things, and FOREVER?

Original text: lvan Stojkovic
