FDA authorizes Novavax Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use in ages 12-17 | CNN

It is the fourth coronavirus vaccine available in the United States and, unlike the others, is uses a protein-based technology



Instruct all to COMPLY…js

Stop systemic racism and comply like the rest of us
Stop racial Supremacy and comply like the rest of us
Stop racial privilege and comply like the rest of us
Stop racism and support our men and women in blue

Over 15,000 murders each year in the US not by cops
Over 20,000 murders in 2020 in the US not by cops …I guess defunding police just works that way…

All that so-called peaceful protesting for no reason.
#All Lives Matter
PS Occasionally noncompliance works but I would not advise it .....most of the time additional charges apply if not death...js
Note over 2 million people are alive in prison today likely because they choose to comply…js

Note: Racist are always the first ones to accuse others of being Racist …js

if you support Criminals you're aiding and abetting their Crimes

if you support Trump you're aiding and abetting his Crimes
