More than 9 million people under flood watches Sunday

More than nine million people across the southern Plains are under flood watches today.


Dan Pind no, this is not part of the historical nature cycle!

The future most likely isn’t going to go well for humanity. We have surpassed the time threshold when we could have effectively mitigate the effects of climate change to deter a catastrophic impact on human kind. Look at the concern that is caused by just a single “bread basket” country’s (Ukraine) inability to produce to their potential, and then think globally as drought and ground water depletion accelerates that decline over the next few decades. IMO, in no more than a few decades, just based on the combination of climate change and the dramatic reduction of petroleum resources which are a major component of commercially produced fertilizer, the “carrying capacity” of our planet (the ability to produce food and potable water) will fall significantly below the current world population. And that doesn’t take into account the possibility of significant global conflict(s) as resources availability decline.

In Addition:

A. Reduced grasslands and water means reduced livestock. As well as reduced grain and corn crops, because more these crop will need to be diverted for human consumption, will also mean reduced feed for live stock.
B. A number of fisheries have been over fished; and climate change is effecting the temperature and salinity of ocean waters which are projected to have a negative impact on the production of Phytoplankton, algae, seaweed, and seagrasses which form the foundation of the oceanic food chain.

This is a short and clear explanation produced for PBS by Nova that explains millions of years of the historical climate cycle, and why the current situation is different.

Michelle Marie only 1 country in Scandinavia has a minimum wage (Norway)

Let's do Denmark
Mental health is only covered in hospitals.
No dental care
Basic eye care
Doesn't cover all medications
Many own private insurance.
Scores higher than the US on the economic freedom index. (less government restrictions)
Higher personal debt to GDP ratio than the US (more credit card debt per capita)
25% minimum Vat tax. For vehicles it can go as high as 180%
Social tax is paid by employees only and not matched by corporations.
Official State Church tax. (You can opt out but higher level clergy are still paid by the government)
Free speach restrictions under 226b of the penal code. (hate speach law) can include jail time.

Norway, Government is powered by fossil fuel industry. Not a strong talking point for the Bernie crowd.

One thing that could be done for some of the water-starved areas east of the Rockies would be to stop using old flood gates and flooding fields along the major rivers when they rise (and they destroy crops and still flood southern cities). They could build artificial channels (like they did with the Colorado R. water in AZ) for not THAT much money, and divert excess water (before it reaches flood levels downstream) into big "rain garden" reservoirs that would be located over the recharge areas of the main aquifer in the midwest. It's not that far from the rivers, but rain and water never gets there anymore. That aquifer system supplies irrigation and drinking water all the way from the Dakotas down to West Texas and eastern NM and has been declining for many decades. Anyway, this would increase recharge of that declining aquifer instead of flooding along the rivers and emptying out in the Gulf, and the earth would both clean and move the water without massive pipelines. This would only help up to the Rocky Mountains, but lots of the midwest and south central areas need water too, for drinking and agriculture.....It was possible to build the Central AZ project and take water hundreds of miles to the cities; it should be possible to build the Central USA project and take excess river water to groundwater recharge area reservoirs.

Hey Brian Terry

Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw the tribesmen.

They were just so big.

Ben tried to distract her.

But she was practically drooling. And not just from her mouth.

He thought their trip to see the African tribes would strengthen their marriage.

But instead, it looked like it would destroy it.

How could he compete with these tribesmen swinging down by their knees?

He put it down to their crazy genetics.

But he couldn’t be more wrong.
As night fell, it came time for the men of the tribe to be alone.

The tribesmen sat around their campfire, telling stories.

And then the ritual began.

Ben looked on in awe.

Just a couple of minutes later it was over.

Ben asked his translator what on earth he’d just witnessed.

His translator pointed down at the tribesmen’s crotches:

“Ritual make woman happy.”

Ben was gobsmacked.

These guys didn’t have any of the western stuff we have.

No guys in white coats, no useless pellets and pumps.

Yet these tribesmen had insane danglers.

Purely from a simple 2 minute ritual.

Ben was baffled.

Was our establishment keeping something from us?

He thought what the tribesmen had achieved was impossible.

But then he saw it first hand.

He couldn’t help but ask the secret behind the ritual.

What Ben heard next shocked him to the core.

Tribal stretching ritual revealed


P.S. 112,000 Americans have already used this ritual for a bone that would make tribesmen jealous.
