Is losing weight an important health goal?

Experts say that it may be time to untangle health and weight and focus more on behaviors that promote our health than the number on the scale.


TJ Lazer I don't think you did. Or you lack comprehension. Weight is not necessarily a factor in other health related conditions. Weight loss is not a cure for disease but behavior is a way to manage symptoms long term. Also many studies suggest that behavior that is unpleasant or forced will not result in positive outcomes or continue. Finding ways to encourage modifications within someone's level of comfort and even pleasure creates long lasting behavior and better long term outcomes. Mental and emotional health are just as important as anything else. And nothing guarantees health nor is health a requirement.

Olusegun Bamigboye it depends how and why you have weight gain. Fat is not bad in itself its how your body stores uneeded calories. I have no loss of mobility, great joints, the best immune system of anyone i know and a lot of strength and stamina. But i am not overweight because i am sedentary or eat unhealthy and there is some genetics involved with how i gain and lose weight (my body will never be skinny, only muscular or fat and i dont go to the gym enough to be muscular)

On the flip side being skinny also has huge health risks. What people should aim for is to be healthy with healthy habits for their body

if it's not your problem don't try to put your nose in it. Better solve the crisis in Ukraine, World hunger, Nuclear weapons, Drought, Floods, Drug addictions and other relevant matters. Let us die being happy and not being judged about our weight because some people spend their time on the gym and other weight reducing diets or regiments. Try to check why so many people are opting to go to doctors to manipulate their bodies just to be accepted by this cruel world, but in return there are still flaws and not all will accept your flaws. Better accept what you are/have and don't mind what other people say or standards they set on you, because in the first place our differences make this world a beautiful place to live.

Tanner Quigg Let's not generalize the immune response of the obese because an anorexic person has even less ability to fight off most infections.
Obesity is a health risk, like I said. We know that it's a risk in Covid-19 cases, but so is asthma, immuno-deficiencies, alcoholism, smoking, old age, etc. When you say 85% of deaths are linked to obesity, that sounds like a half-truth/whole-lie because if the obese person was also an alcoholic or asthmatic, or had co-morbidities it's only logical that the more risks you take, the worse your chances are. Multiple risk factors were the real killers, so lessen as many as you can people.

Geoffrey Moore maybe they need to recondition themselves. I’ve been criticized for limiting my super-sweet food intake and that I need to “live a little” (the last time I had a Frappuccino was in the early 2000s. I think they’re gross. It’s not even real coffee). What does that mean anyway? And people tell me my parents were “too strict” because o still had 1/3 (maybe even 1/2) my Halloween candy left by December when I was a kid. And this was after they went through the candy (it was the 80s, during the “people hide blades in the treats” era). I lived on a long street with 100 houses. That’s what happens. I even had to go home to empty my bag.

Al Smith but you’re saying a blanket statement is true. It’s not. And your pushing it that’s why I said your ignorant.
I do it all. I also do a sprint Tri every year. I do HIIT exercises. I have a lifting program from a trainer, I train with others, solo, lifting, running, walking, body weight exercise, biking, i was doing a pretty intense bootcamp class twice a week and a yoga bootcamp class on top of running, I’m not uneducated when it comes to working out. I’ve always been active and and athlete. I work with a nutritionist, I’ve had blood work done.

Bottom line I shouldn’t HAVE to explain myself to you. But people like you think you know more thank everyone else. It’s simply not true.
I’m probably healthier than many skinny people who sit around doing nothing.

Amd this is why ppl drop dead. Yes at some point weight has to be a factor but health is more important than number on the scale cuzany ppl will look at a woman that looks normal size and sau shes healthy. Now health can spread to ypur outer appearance. How your skin looks, eyes hair but health is internal whats gping on, on the inside arteries , heart, organs ppl can focus on weight and lose weight in unhealthy ways. Ilpst 30lbs in one month andy heart wanted tp give up on me. So focus on health and weight will follow

As I read the comments, I’m thinking most people haven’t even read the article. Weight is a risk factor for many diseases, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate to cause. Weight often accompanies poor nutrition, high salt intake, inflammation, less exercise, poor sleep. Doesn’t mean weight in and of itself is the cause. Losing weight doesn’t magically reduce blood pressure for everyone. Following diets that restrict foods with nutritional value won’t help your body operate more effectively. The issue here is to look at each person individually. If you address underlying issues, weight might drop. But for many people who are overweight, they are still healthy. Shaming people for being overweight doesn’t help them when that isn’t the root problem…IF they even have health issues.

TJ Lazer Right! There is only a very small section in this article that adresses the real issue. People eat crap food and don’t move. You aren’t going to get fat eating a healthy diet I consume a large volume of food and make sure I get 45 minutes of international exercise a day. My kids understand the difference between foods we should eat every day vs foods that are ok to eat a few times a week and ones we should only have maybe once or twice a month. People are too reliant on fast food and prepackaged food products that hardly classify as real food. I spend much less money buying whole food and cooking from scratch. I come from a family of obese people. I refused to continue down their path and will make sure my children know how to eat properly, but also how to allows themselves to enjoy unhealthy foods in moderation.

10ºCory Gillmore But I can't eat high portions of animal protein to compensate no carbs, bc I have a very strong family history of heart disease that I've so far been able to avoid by greatly limiting my animal proteins to 2x or 3x a week....the rest of the week it's mostly a veggie base with plain brown rice occasionally (I already don't eat pastas or breads). Thus my entire reason for my comment....not all bodies CAN follow one specific diet trend or the other. So if someone has to put up with 50 or 60 extra pounds but in return will have a very healthy heart and endocrine system and avoid multiple generations of genetic heart disease including high blood pressure, which do you think they're going to choose? Being thin with a bad ticker or being overweight with a healthy one?
