Casey Affleck welcomes Jennifer Lopez to the family

Casey Affleck has a message for his new sister-in-law.


All I can say is both of them have tried everything but each other. Cleave to each other against the world like you have two dollars and a loaf of bread between you. It's time to check out of the Hollywood dating rat race and just be happy. I certainly hope so as Ben's character of Bruce Wayne is his alone, hands down and it seems he would be happier playing Batman. Jennifer's music is timeless and I hope she goes to the Jessica Lang school of acting and does an American Horror story to shake things up with her acting career. Best of luck to them both.



And based on Allaah s ruling in the clear verses of His Book in regards to His ways in the lesser torment at all times, undoubtedly the so-called Omicron Variant is more brutal than the one before it in terms of the torment of the hearts within chests. These are blood-related living organisms that are smart and taught by Allaah their Creator and Commander, so they are sent according to His orders, prepared and taught so that they do whatever they are commanded by their Lord. And a ruling has been issued by Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani nearly two years ago since the first statement, and other statements that followed it ,about somewhat like a Ba ouda (Arabic: gnat) that you do not encompass any knowledge about; the so-called "Novel Coronaviruses", which are smart, aerial, nautical living organisms also border-crossing, transcontinental and transoceanic, that are not like known pandemic viruses. Furthermore, I did give you a ruling two years ago that it has a Great leader that you are neither coequal of nor comparable unto Him or His minor soldiers since they are under the leadership of Allaah, Lord of the worlds, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
{ فَذَرْنِي وَمَن يُكَذِّبُ بِهَٰذَا الْحَدِيثِ ۖ سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ‎﴿٤٤﴾‏ وَأُمْلِي لَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ كَيْدِي مَتِينٌ ‎﴿٤٥﴾‏ }

{So leave Me (to deal) with him who denies this discourse . We will progressively lead them from where they do not know, (44) for, behold, though I may give them rein for a while, indeed, My plan is firm
[Surah: 68 - Al-Qalam – Verses: 44-45]

Indeed, Allah s soldiers are going to triumph and you shall come to know. And Allaah did not do you any injustice but you certainly did wrong yourselves. How often did I give you advice day and night but my advice to you increased you not except in flight and denial of Allaah as you are resentful of the truth, and do not like advisers. Certainly, death has come to you and you are still turning away so call upon those you claimed besides Allaah to remove His torment from upon you if you are truthful, o you who deny the existence of Allaah, Lord of the worlds. And the living blood-related minor soldiers in the Book are still launching their global war and daily statistics state that there are thousands of daily cases and deaths

I have advised you many times to worship Allaah alone no partners Has He, and to follow His Book the Great Quran but you do not like advisers. And you are still experiencing the lesser torment short of the greater torment that perhaps you may turn to Allaah in repentance, but signs and warnings of the lesser torment short of the greater torment do not avail anything against people who do not believe as they do not understand or think: "What is it with these smart living organisms that use a smart strategic plan in their war?" It definitely takes the heart as an encampment and operating room to launch their war ,and now they are sneaking into the hearts of whoever Allaah Chooses in the worlds, then they wait for Allaah s orders to begin their brutal war so they dominate over human hearts taking them as their strategic base to launch their war against all human body systems causing their complete paralysis through blood. They also make the heart pump them through the blood into the veins, that is why they spread in the body like wildfire; from head to toe because they flow in blood according to what I had previously taught you before you even know about them. I had told you: "O People, these are strains of blood Ba ouda (gnat)", and you shall never find Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani contradicting any of the many points I had written about the so-called Corona which is not really corona; but strains of somewhat like a gnat that you do not encompass any knowledge about. Also, I had taught you in the first issued statement about the so-called Corona on 25th March, 2020,
that it is a global lasting pandemic that is not going to pass and end. And o human physicians, I taught you that you shall find from the plotting of these smart living organisms that which you had not taken into account, so you are scientifically incapacitated, and they shall make your knowledge equal to zero, it will be mere assumptions after your science had been an accurate physical knowledge, it will make it equal to zero until those who own knowledge lose their trust in the doctors who rejoiced in what they have of knowledge and held their nation back from supplicating to Allaah and obeying Him and His caliph on the worlds Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Also, medical scientists, climatologists, and religious scholars did delay them in regards to obeying the true caller to Allah, and indeed they shall come to know what evil end will they meet.

And they fool populations so that they believe them and disbelieve in the Words of Allah in the clear verses of the Great Quran, not only they will never be able to protect them from Allaah s torment, but also the white (robes) army would not be able to save themselves from His torment. Soon enough, this assembly will be defeated, and they will turn their backs [in retreat] and will not return but they shall flee from what they are experiencing of infections and deaths; as a result Ministries of Health shall fall into utter ruins in the worlds. Moreover, the smart soldiers of Allaah will invade vaccine companies while they are unaware, since they have distracted the worlds by waiting for their vaccines rather than supplicating to Allaah, turning back to Him, and following His Book, the
Great Quran

Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

07- Jumada I -1443 AH
11-12-2021 AD
08:51 AM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)

Cosmic and Covidious War from Allaah


الحلُّ لقارعةِ حربِ كورونا والمناخ ..

" من خليفة الله المهديّ إلى الرئيس الأمريكيّ ( جو بايدن ) ورئيس الصين ( شي جين ) وكافّة رؤساء العالمين وشعوبهم أجمعين..
كونوا شهداء على أنفسكم وعلى شعوبكم بأنّي أبلغتكم منذ ستة عشر عامًا بأنّها انتهت دُنياكم وجاءت آخرتكم واقترب حسابكم وأنتم في غفلةٍ مُعرِضون، وعلّمتكم أنّي خليفة الله المهديّ عليكم، اصطفاني الله مالك المُلك الذي يؤتي المُلك مَن يشاء وينزع المُلك مِمَّن يشاء ويُعزّ مَن يشاء ويُذلّ من يشاء؛ ذلكم اللهُ ربّي وربُّكم فاعبدوه وحده لا شريك له، وأطيعوني لنهدِيَكم إلى صراط الله العزيز الحميد على بصيرةٍ من الله كتاب الله (القرآن العظيم) الذي تنزَّل على خاتم الأنبياء والمُرسَلين النبيّ الأميّ محمد رسول الله بالقرآن العظيم إلى النّاس كافّة أن تعبدوا الله وحده لا شريك له لم يتَّخِذ صاحبةً ولا ولدًا ولم يكن له كفوًا أحد.

ويا معشر المسلمين والنّصارى واليهود والمُلحدين والنّاس أجمعين، إنّي أُشهد الله عليكم أنّي أبلغتكم بكوكب العذاب الذي كان بِعُمْق الفضاء الشّماليّ لكوكب الأرض، وبدأ في الاقتراب إلى أرضكم من مكانٍ بعيدٍ، ولسوف يشرق عليكم من آفاق جنوبِ الأرضِ ولسوف يسدّ أفق الأرض الجنوبيّ حين شروقه، وبالضبط من الجنوب الشرقيّ إلى الجنوب الغربيّ بدقّة متناهية في الوصف، فيرسل على عصاة الله وأعداء رُسُلِه وأعداء خليفته المهديّ شواظًا من نار، حقيقٌ لا أقول على الله إلا الحقّ ومن أظلم مِمّن افترى على الله كذبًا؟! وأعوذ بالله أن أكون من الجاهلين أو من الذين يقولون على الله ما لا يعلمون. ''
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
24 – ذو الحجة – 1442 هـ / 03 – 08 – 2021 مـ
11:28 صباحاً ( بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأمّ القرى )
عنوان البيان: الحلُّ لقارعةِ حربِ كورونا والمناخ
لقرائة البيان كاملا ضع عنوان البيان في google او اضغط في الرابط ادناه

Luke 6:32
“If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them!

1 John 4:19
We love, because he first loved us.​

Jehovah has invited us to join his spirtual family. This family is made up of those who have dedicated themselves to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ(these people come from all nationalities and originate from places all over the and not just found in a man-made organization, these people just follow Jesus Christ as their leader not any men (Matthew 23:10). Also this family is made up of those who have exercised faith in the Ransom of our heavenly King Jesus Christ. This spiritual family is happy family because they live by the law of love and all of us on today desiring to be future citizens of this Kingdom will be practicing love to all people on , even if they don't believe like you do, even if they are a atheist you show love and compassion to them. Those desiring to be future citizens of this Kingdom also preach accurate BIBLE TRUTH(not half truths but complete truth) and they proclaim with their mouth to others about their faith in Jesus Christ when they have an opportunity or when the spirit moves them to do so. So all those putting faith in our heavenly King Jesus Christ enjoy a meaningful life now(not by pushing books or slaving for men and FOLLOWING MEN(Matthew 23:10; 1 Corinthians 7:23) making their organizations rich, whether that for the watchtower organization pushing their as you go door to door preaching their lies and putting money in their contribution boxes or the Catholic church and Baptist Church and other religious sects(Galatians 5:20; revelation 18:4) that pass the plate and their preachers live in million dollar houses and mansions and drive $100,000 cars and their flock is suffering and yet their flock is taken care of them ) but by developing the quality of being generous and being a cheerful giver to all people, even the ungrateful because Jehovah God feeds the ungrateful and the wicked, the same way he feeds the righteous, he feeds everybody, so we should try to help everybody and share what we have with others as well ( even strangers in need, because we only have because Jehovah gave it to us first), even if they don't believe like us and we try not to take on the quality of greed(stinginess and the Love of money and possession) taking on the mark of the beast( Revelation 13) and if we do have it, try to fight it and get rid of it(I know it can be hard I used to be a very greedy man myself), and we rejoice in the prospect of life without end when the whole will be recreated after it's destroyed with at Armageddon(Matthew 19:28; 2 Peter 3:7) and Jehovah grants all those access to come into his home (THE CITY OF HEAVEN) through its Gates(REVELATION 7:9-14, 22:14; 1 CORINTHIANS 15:44,50). So being moved by GREAT LOVE and at GREAT COST to HIMSELF and THE RANSOM WHO WILLINGLY CAME AND GAVE UP HIS OWN LIFE FOR US JESUS CHRIST), Jehovah opened the way for us to be part of his family. (John 3:16) We were “bought with a price.” (QUIT SLAVING FOR MEN!! ;1 Cor. 6:20; 1 Corinthians 7:23) By means of the ransom of OUR MASTER AND HEAVENLY KING JESUS CHRIST, Jehovah made it possible for us to have a warm relationship with him. We have the honor of addressing the greatest Person in the universe as Father when we pray to him through his son (our heavenly King ) Jesus Christ. And Jehovah is the ideal Father. Like one Bible writer, we might ask: “With what will I repay Jehovah for all the good he has done for me?” (Ps. 116:12) The answer is that we can never repay our heavenly Father. Still, we feel moved to try by obeying his son Jesus Christ(OUR HEAVENLY KING ) as JEHOVAH told us to do and PRACTICE LOVE TO ALL PEOPLE, NOT JUST THOSE WHO BELIEVE AS YOU DO OR PART OF YOUR RELIGIOUS SECT OR CULT(Galatians 5:20; Revelation 18:4)️

Matthew 22
️️“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.”️️

️️Galatians 5 On the other hand, the fruits that the spirit produce are LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, 23 MILDNESS, SELF-CONTROL. Against such things there is NO LAW️️

Psalms 19:8
The orders from Jehovah are righteous, causing the heart to rejoice;The commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine.

James 4:12
12There is only one who is Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and to destroy. But you, who are you to be judging your neighbor?

Isaiah 2:22
For your own sakes, quit trusting in mere man,Who is only the breath in his nostrils. Why should he be taken into account?
