For the first time, monkeypox has been reported in a child under age 18 in New York state

A minor in New York state has reportedly contracted monkeypox – a first among children in the state and at least the third reported case of the disease among children in the US.


Matthew Avitt first of all, I did not vote for Biden. Secondly, it’s truly ridiculous that instead of supporting the claims YOU made, you resort to insults. If you make a claim you should be able to support that claim. It’s people like you that end up in my ER on a ventilator because you refuse to see beyond political lines. This is a virus it honestly doesn’t care who you are or who you vote for. You seem to be repeating all of Alex Jones underlying anti-Semite theories. Is that where you got your information from? If you are so sure you’re correct why not prove me wrong with a citation?

Terri Powell Wiersma I disagree about her sounding like a Trumplican? I’m neither side, but I will certainly say I see nothing but name calling hate more-so from one side (they also only seem to be the ones mentioning Trump which is annoying), mainly extreme hypocrisy bc they only care about the people their causes are for and wish death or blame those different for everything regarding everyone else lol. They use insults and anger/emotion over logic and critical thinking more often. They listen to nothing even if it makes complete sense and is even true, yet the media doesn’t support it so they’re like clueless and irrational then believing one sided dumbness. Not very open minded, quite black and white- selfish minded yet act like they want the best- yet never pass policies to help fix issues, and instead just divide from the rest and yet again blame everyone else for being divided? They still believe nonsense that doesn’t even add up. Idk, they seem to play the victim quite often it’s hard to take serious. They also never hear a full story before they spin it, most normal people wait until full details are released before burning cities also, or read what something is about before just seeing a headline and panicking…..and also not just say someone is basically “sad” because they suggested a good suggestion. She didn’t at all say it was facts or lie. She stated an open minded assumption.

No not many details are out. But yes it makes perfect sense to assume or point out ok maybe it is an older teen that’s still underage, yet old enough to be sexually active which would make a lot of sense then as to why contracted. If that’s the case, the headline is spinning it and therefore that gets annoying when all sides aren’t exposed by todays media. It doesn’t mean a young child got it. Like before everyone freaks out, wait for details. Until details come out stop freaking and hating, whether it’s a sexually active teen or young child it makes a huge difference in its spread and panic you all can jump to

Are you hoping for a Monkeypox vaccine after 6 months?

Valarie Williams yeah now you're gonna make me puke. I mean I'll give you credit for actually admitting your God is responsible for plagues, suffering, and death. Unlike most Christians that will try and blame the devil instead. Just a petty, egotistical, child that gets off on watching children die in various ways that he purposely did to them. Nothing more than an abusive spouse or parent that says I hurt you becuase I love you. Beats you in one breath and says sorry in another. And the abused keep on taking it. This is why I don't believe in this nonsense along with people like you who would love a comment like that, thanking God for plagues upon people in general let alone a child in this instance who is in a lot of pain. Thats just monsterous that you would put a heart on my comment that they should be thanking god for this childs pain and suffering. Go sit at that child's bed and tell them and their family that this is God's doing and they deserve it because he said so. See how that goes over. A child he would then condem to hell solely on the reason the parents did not raise the child with belief whether they were an infant or 18. Yeah no thanks. If he appeared in front of me to prove his existence I'd slap him so hard not even Google would find him for every bit of pain and suffering he has inflicted purposely on the world to include the multitudes of innocents.

Here is a word to the wise. Propaganda. When you see people laughing at the misery of other people remember everybody on here is not real. You can call them whatever you like. I call them bots. So don't get upset and don't argue because the response might not even be authentic. I found that out during the last election for the top office. A lot of them posted some crazie things about the President. You know stuff that would get you terminated from whatever job or career they had. Other crazies saw the posts and immediately responded in kind with more crazie stuff. Real people following the lead of some fake people. Remember half of what you see and none of what you hear.

Ashley Weagley Wow. You call me "dude", and assume I smoke weed? Yeah. You are definitely nothing like the MAGA crowd at all .
Since you claim to not watch a lot of news, maybe you should check out some right wing news and realize just how much like them you come across in your statements.
In this day and age, neutral is just a cop out. Not saying one side is completely correct on everything. But, a decent human being can see where the right is taking this country. Some moderates will not see it, until their family/community is affected.

Matthew Avitt what does that have to do with a virus that has been around at least since the 1950’s? You have no clue my political affiliation and that has nothing to do with any of this. You’re the one politicizing the global spread. Are you really so UScentric that you can’t see we are but a small dot on a large map? Do you really believe that over 200 other countries agreed to unleash a virus to impact US November elections and economics? It’s truly a ridiculous claim. I asked for reputable proof and all you have done is move goalposts. Why make a claim if you can’t back it up?

Mandy Passmore-Ott
Well I just gave you the reasons why you're the one wearing the tin foil hat for whatever reason. I think it's best that you get to work girl pit start studying what's going on by watching all of the news from the mainstream media to the conservative channels. If you do that you're going to realize just how much the mainstream media is full of propaganda and they certainly censor news to protect the Democrat Party. Since they do that that puts people that watch the mainstream media ignorant. Furthermore the mainstream media is getting so close to being just like communist russia, China and North Korea or any other communist news. Such as Cuba or Venezuela. Only bringing out what the government wants you to hear. In this case the Democrat Party.

Bryan Rusty Newport not that I agree with what the original comment suggests I can see people are coming to that conclusion. Only 3 out of 14k+ US cases are kids…even if they weren’t molested it makes you wonder how the person they got it from contracted it. What kind of environment are these kids in? If they can easily get it from touching something and infected person touched why aren’t more kids sick? Why do 2 states make up a third of the cases? What is the common denominator? A lot of questions without answers opens the door for non-scientists to come up with their own conclusion. Instead of with suffering on the children of those that don’t know any better share the scientific data that answers all the questions. You seem confident they are wrong so I’m assuming you know where to find the information?

Laura McKee crazy me too! Have a few Medical field friends and I’ve read a lot on infectious diseases. All the more reason I know viruses like AIDS and the Covid-19 (not all corona viruses just Co19) were man made biological weapons that were tested on a group of people or animals and either got out of control or fell into the wrong hands. Although I can’t discredit the population control theory by the powers at be either so the reasons for manufacturing man made viruses are many but just letting you know not to believe everything the media especially the medical field media tells you!

10ºChristopher Metroka I understand but that's not the case. They are only focusing on one group of people to reduce panic. But that's how things spread thinking you're safe. They did this with COVID. First announcing it was just mostly affecting black population, then claimed kids were "immune", before finally stopping the nonsense. But by that time kids were dying and everyone else getting sick. Monkeypox will the the same repetition of history. Say it's just one specific group of people (just like they did with HIV) giving the false narrative that it's an STD. Then they'll say it can be transmitted by other ways etc. It's on the CDC website about transmission but as you see thr news is only focusing on one group.
