US rents hit a record high for the 17th month in a row

More bad news, renters.


The cost of everything, especially rent and energy bills, will go up as tax payers are soon going to be paying off the irresponsible students college loans. Inflation is 8.5% now, but it's only going to get worse.

If you are begging to have your loans paid off, know this: Don't take out loans you can't afford or could never pay off. If your degree is so worthless that you won't be able to pay off the loan, then don't take out the loan. Join the military, get a GI Bill, apply for academic or athletic scholarships and start saving before you go to college. School Districts are paying off college loans if you teach for that district for 10 years.

Plenty of blame goes to colleges for price gouging and charging too much. And when the federal government backs these loans, the colleges have no incentive to lower their prices.

Chris Baker so, you got the money and made up for your losses, but still justify raising rates after the fact? Your political perspective does not factor in to this. You received the money, and are still complaining as if you did not. And raising rates just because you can. This is basically the business version of having kids to earn tax credits. Except those instances are few and far between, and on a much smaller scale.
We were all dealing with something that the world never had before. Extraordinary measures were needed to hold everything together. And it's because of business grifting such as this that they feel compelled to step in again to protect the consumer because it seems that when given even a little bit of power over another, those people can't help but to step on the little guy.

So some Democrats decided to play with local and regional economies. The push to make everything uniformed. The need for power sprinkled with greed. If we mess with rent and the cost of gas and food, people have to say that we are right. Basically you are price fixing us into a Great Depression. That is why I love saving things. The proof that cost of living is not uniformed, and that the poverty line across the United States is not uniformed. There are a lot of fixes for this. One every out of state entity renting have to be licensed within the state. The rent being levied determines property taxes. If the rent is above the local and regional economy, if the economy cannot support that rent, the state gets every penny of it. Anything sold above $20,000 of appraised value, property tax is immediately adjusted to the price sold. Those paying cash doing such things fined $5,000 and will pay the property tax at the price one overpaid.

In the society of people working for corporations and not owning their own businesses that is the result… Paid slave wages… Just enough to get by but never enough to put you in a situation to better yourself… They figured a way to instill paid slavery to individuals in the country… it was all by design… Make you have to work for them… Go back to owning the mom and pop shops and start controlling how much money you bring in, then the set income you live by from check to check… never met a rich person working for someone else…. it would be working against the corporations best interest to pay you enough to leave wouldn’t you say

Brendan Morahan exactly, in 2019 to 2020 I was living in San Diego, CA. My rent at the time for one bedroom was 1480 something and the place wasn't that great it was built in the 70s. I'm a veteran and get a check once a month, then I work at the base as a federal civilian employee and both checks was about ate up I was left around 400 until two weeks (my job pay every two weeks), in between then I have food expenses, car payment, and etc to pay.
I used to want to live in NYC, glad I didn't move there I would have to get about 3 roommates.

Monday’s tragic deaths of two migrant children again expose the danger and callousness of President Joe Biden’s open border policy. The kids drowned in the Rio Grande, trying to cross the river with groups of illegal migrants enticed here by Biden’s implicit promise of permanent US residence once over the border. That promise underlies every Biden policy on immigration and it has now engendered a full-blown humanitarian crisis. The steadily climbing number of migrant deaths at the southern border proves that starkly: 300 in 2019; 247 in 2020, then a record 566 in 2021, followed by 609 this year just through July. And those numbers include only the dead authorities find, as well as excluding fatalities along what’s typically a thousand plus mile journey. Biden and national Democrats paint their “let them in” approach as a humanitarian response to those in desperate need. The hideous deaths of these two innocents show that it’s really just the opposite: cynical posturing at the deadly expense of the truly vulnerable.

Really, CNN, it ain't rocket surgery.

Buyer takes on debt to buy a property.
Buyer rents out property to pay debt and to support themselves.
As the buyer's cost of living goes up, the buyer increases the rent to compensate.

If the renter thinks the rent is too high, they don't have to rent there. They can find a cheaper place or *gasp* get out of the city. Not easy to do, I know, but it's possible. What's NOT possible is for a buyer to sustain a property at a loss.

The buyer can lower the rent "some", but they still have to support themselves and pay the debt on the property. They can only lower the rent so much before they either find another renter or lose the property, at which point the renter has nothing to rent.

Donna Hosie Ramon That is not what is happening. The tax appraisers are over valuing the property so the counties can get more tax on property. They been taxing everything that they see on a property. We were taxed for two dog houses. Yes the dog houses have heat and air conditioning. Also, real estate prices continue to soar it is running up the property taxes. The buyers are in a bidding war for property also which are running prices up on a property. There are apartments that have have tenants for 10 years that have never been late in rent and took care of the place. They are being kicked out of their apartment. The apartment owners. can update the apartments and charge higher rent. There are several things happening causing higher rent prices.

Selva Mani Rent control is a terrible policy . if you have 10% of an apt building reserved for rent control ,then the other 90% of the Apts charge significantly higher rent than they otherwise would . in addition if too many apt buildings are subject to rent control then developers refuse to build in those areas and build in areas with no rent control. This leads to supply of apts not keeping up to demand in those areas with rent control , therefore leading to much higher rents and not enough supply . you can't force developers to build apt buildings
