Spotted lanternflies are on the most wanted list: Get ready to stomp

State agricultural departments across the United States are asking you to commit murder -- bug murder, that is.


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I wonder what happened? What is an unforeseen-tragedy? Judging from DeSantis Past Behavior… It’s just a tactic to stop people to attack him. Make you feel sorry for him. There is no tragedy! A tragedy is something real bad, an Accident happened, some one past away, that can always be disclosed! Don’t fall for this “feel sorry for him” play! He don’t feel sorry when he colluded with the CCP shutting every other state down for Covid and kept Florida and CCP/Nazi world Disney open! He don’t feel sorry to sign into laws taking away women rights with their own body! He don’t feel sorry for California when he gave Disney $672 million dollars to relocate to Disney World Florida. He don’t feel sorry for signing into laws to force kids to now have to study Communism in school. He don’t feel sorry to turn Florida into a state of Communism/a head quarter for the Chinese Communist party where they continue to buy land and real estates! The fact is… DeSantis been exposed and coming to New York do not help but harm the event, this is to raise money! The globalists, the Nazi Wall Street, Elon Musk, and the rest of the Billionaires will continue to Collude with the Communist China to corrupt and Bankrupt our nation as they planned this years ago. NBC stands for National Bankruptcy Council! We must continue the fight and put in leaders that love our country and remove those that were put in power by Klaus Schwab such as DeSantis!
