You have a doppelganger and probably share DNA with them, new study suggests

Total strangers who are doppelgängers? Scientists think they can explain what makes them look so similar -- and why each of us may have one.


My doppelgänger apparently has the same name as me but I’ve never met her. All I know is that when I used to go to this particular Subway everyone who worked there would say that I looked exactly like their coworker named Nicole. I never once went in there without being told I looked like their coworker or being asked if I was related to her or something. They were always blown away when I told my name and a couple of times I was greeted by name or asked why I was there on my day off. I never managed to go there during one of her shifts, and now I live in a different state so who knows if I’ll ever meet her.

while the government  has been extracting our dna since conception and heading medical institutions since there have been medical institutions, there’s no doubt we’ve all been cloned.

The media posting such an article is clearly a way to cover up what has been going on forever!

Currently the “media” is suggesting that DNA tests such as have a resale market and “your dna isn’t protected, and it’s not smart to do”. Lol. Our blood has NEVER been protected!

I can’t believe there are still people out there who seriously question what happens to your blood after blood draws.. your reoccurring “labs” since birth have been used for science since forever!!!!! There aren’t just 2 of you, they’re generating more of you, and me right now.

Everything is pointless, whether it is repeatedly throwing a ball through a hoop, moving strings to create vibrations or typing letters and numbers into an Excel spreadsheet. As long as something lets you survive or brings you joy and doesn’t harm anyone, you shouldn’t have to reason with it. Optimistic nihilism frees people from fear of institutions, allowing people to care for their communities and enjoy their lives more.

Ultimately, many seemingly different philosophies and religions remind humans of their insignificance within a large, unpredictable world and give people a way to cope. Optimistic nihilism is my personal philosophy, and it counters my dread for the future. Instead of placing my value in my work or gender roles, I set my value in absolutely nothing. Our purpose is undefinable. The way I see it, our existence doesn’t matter at all — it is futile. We can value the prosaic and stop making our lives about the huge events we fear, and instead make them about the long stretches of beautiful nothings in between.

I had a good friend in high school who moved to NYC and one day told me a story of how he'd seen "me" there and followed "me" for a few blocks calling my name and "I" never turned around. It was after those few blocks that he realized it wasn't really me as he figured out I was home working (not in the city) but he swears she looked JUST like me, same hair, height, and face.
Another doppelganger story is I had an uncle who had passed from cancer and a couple years after that I went into a pharmacy and I swore I saw him in an aisle looking at greeting cards. The guy looked so much like him (same salt and pepper hair, same mustache, same eyes, etc) that it stopped me in my tracks, took my breath away, and I had to leave and have a good cry in my car. It was uncanny like I'd seen a ghost!

I was watching a stage show one day and was staring at myself. The girl ran off the stage to her husband and was pointing at me. Wish she had come over and interduced herself. For a long time I was accused of cheating on my husband ( I wasn’t married ) and snide remarks were made to me “ what are you doing with him where’s your husband “ . And that poor woman was accused of doing what I was doing. Yes, we even had the same color hair and wore it the same. Really wish I got to meet her. But glad she pointed me out to her husband. Hope it helped mend her marriage.
