Dinosaur tracks from 113 million years ago uncovered due to severe drought conditions at Dinosaur Valley State Park

Dinosaur tracks dating from around 113 million years ago were revealed at Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas.



Three years ago I was prophesied to by a prophet, saying am going to be an electrical engineer... Didn't believe it, because I was going to do Computer Sciences, thought it was phooey, but then in the twelfth grade I ended up missing my IT final because I got late for it because our invigilator got the dates mixed up on accident. The only other course that was available in my parents budget and was in the admissions form that was even remotely close was electrical Engineering and electronics... As at now am studying Electrical Engineering. The man that gave me that prophecy didn't know me personally and I shared with absolutely no one my educational intentions. I won't drink away on the idea that it was mere "coincidence"

Amber classic atheist catchphrase. "There's no proof of God" because you look for it with your eyes... Not how it works... You want proof? Go down on your knees, close your eyes and say

"God, Right now I don't believe you exist, But if you do, Prove it to me right now, and I will dedicate my life to you." No matter how much of a waste of time it seems to you with an unhardened heart and an expectant mind, wait for a lil bit.

Do that and tell me if you still think God doesn't exist. Proof of his existence isn't something you find on the internet, you find it when you're willing to look for it. You want proof? Do that... If you don't, you have your rights.

Chris Black from point one, to show you're not an idiot. Where's The end of the universe since it contains just a few trillion planets.
2. Bones of dinosaurs? Wait, you believe in evolution, one creature evolving from a previous one? So why is there a stop? Evolution should continue I guess. Explain.
3. God is Spirit. And you need to be dead before you can see him. Ready or not, just wait patiently for your time. You too shall see God and Christ. Christ came evidently in the image of God but you choose to blindly reject him? Suit yourself.

Why do people believe CNN’s fake reports? LOOK at how close that water is to the “dinosaur prints”. Now LOOK at the ground ONE foot to the left and ONE foot to the right. That gravel can be broken down just by breathing on it. So you gullible followers of CNN actually believe that the water next to these “tracks” has never risen, the rain has never fallen, the sun has never beaten this terrain IN MILLIONS OF YEARS to flatten or affect the ground here? Also, what sort of evolution have you goofs learned in school? What sort of animal walks with its feet in 12” steps in front of one another? If it was this HEAVY by it’s “tracks”, there’s no way these creatures would survive. You are fools that follow CNN and believe this. LOL

Ajibola Ayokunnu Ishola

I never said "a few trillion", stop adding words. Trillions can be tens, hundreds of trillions. Hell, it could be quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, even infinite. We don't know just how expansive the universe is, but at the very least trillions have been confirmed. The point is there is other life out there. Even living bacteria has been found in space.

2) The earth's core is also 1,800 miles below the earth's surface and humans have only dug 8 miles of that so far, so there's much about this planet we have not yet discovered. So yes, it's very much possible that billions of years of preserved history is currently out of our reach, including the evolutionary predecessors to the dinosaurs.

3) If you must be dead to see God, then who wrote the books? How were they written over a period of 1500 years if Jesus lived only in one lifetime? Were the people that wrote the stories dead? You can live in your delusional fantasy all you want, but I'll put my trust into the humans on this earth that are making these discoveries; The ones that we can see exist and interact with on a daily basis.
