DNA analysis solves mystery of bodies found at bottom of medieval well

Workers breaking ground on a shopping mall found the 17 bodies, but who they were and how they got there had long vexed archeologists.



I would like to start by pointing out that the church and nobles were one of the only group of people that were educated during that time. The last Crusade ended in 1204, and it wasnt until around the 1500s that the commoner started to become more educated. Literacy was not something seen as advantageous. It was easier to control the surf class that way. Priests could read the bible and the people could watch the sacraments, for example. So, yes, the educated church and nobles did know what they were doing and used their political ties with each other to make things happen.

Like any institution, it has the potential to be violent. Violence happened in the Crusades, but that isn't the last time Christianity would promote violence against their fellow humans. Let's not forget things like Inquisition, Salem, Converting Native Americans of both North and South America to Christianity was also very violent and bloody. The many times non Christians are persecuted due to not following Christianity, and often ending up hypocrites in the process.

I agree with you, we can't mark an organization for what they did hundreds of years ago but when you only improve so much over that few hundred years, you have to ask yourself just how much credit are you willing to give? No religion is perfect, man is not perfect, but let's not pretend the Christian institution has been free of sin since the Middle Ages.

Jeremy Fiebig yup, I know. I’m not sure why you would question that. Lots of ppl end up all over the world over periods of time. Actually before most lived in Europe they fled and moved from many regions. Migration patterns are key components to history. Jews inhibited the Middle East and Rome, but left and moved after they were persecuted. A lot of their homelands are due to the same reason repeatedly: persecution. It’s factual and common knowledge. After the period listed in the article they ended up in the Iberian Peninsula, and back to France as well (among many locations).

Connie Gille modern day America’s haven’t taken on accountability for their sins let alone paid reparations. Money is the only way to pay for atrocities. What percentage of the people who received reparations from the U.S. turned down the money? If you think pointing out the wrongs makes Americans ashamed you really don’t know America . No people that are not ashamed are the ones who repeat the past. The reason being is that the haven’t learned the historical effects of their actions. Allow textbooks to contain un-redacted history. Allow the truth to set in as to how shameful committing such actions are.

Crystal Dehn this Christian hate you speak i guess is why the Catholic Church did away with human sacrifice, invented the modern university, paved the way for modern science and empiricism, invented the hospital, gave us the foundation to our current legal codes, gave us our current calendar, the orphanage, taught pagan Europe that humans have innate God given dignity, helped abolish slavery in Europe, condemned slavery in the new world, taught the pagan world the value of feeding and caring for the less fortunate, taught the world of the dignity of women…the list of the consequences of Christian hatred is very long.

Azar Ghahari Not true at all! The majority of humans don’t kill or destroy anything! And humans, especially Christians that it appears you dislike, raise money, food, water, and living needs for people not only in our own country, but across the world, that have been hit with disaster! And many going further than that and volunteer to go assist those in need personally! With meds and medical assistance, all living needs, because they are good people that feel the need to provide help for those dealing with disasters. Humans save animals from bad situations on a regular basis too out of the love and kindness of their own hearts. In our country , when massive hurricanes, floods and other catastrophic disasters hit one of our states, many from their surrounding states rush right over to help in any way that they can. And it’s getting old to see irrational thinking people frequently making claims like yours own line, pretty much accusing the entire human race of being evil to the core and claim that animals never are brutal or barbaric. Well last I heard, no human mothers chew their baby’s head off if it’s born with any birth defects, and when a divorced woman with kids remarries, the new husband doesn’t slaughter all of his new wife’s children because they aren’t his. And also this mindset that suggests that if only religions didn’t exist, there would be peace on earth, is ridiculous and is nowhere near being true! Russia and Ukraine are at war and there isn’t anything related to religion being the cause of this war! None of the huge wars during the last century or 2 have been based on religion. Communists ruled countries which are always ruled by atheists, forbid and ban all religions in their countries cause they want their subjects that they rule over, to only be submissive to them and their government and its communists ruled nations from history and also currently, that wind up arresting those who dare to show even a speck of opposition to their rules, which leads to torture and ends up with millions and millions of their own people being murdered as in genocidal numbers. Just for anything that resembles not being in full submission to their murderous dictators, also commonly causing their entire family to suffer the same fate. Communists have committed the most extreme of atrocities and barbaric mass murders with numbers in the millions, than any war based on religious purposes have ever caused. No matter how many times these lies are repeated, it will never make those lies the truth.
