Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet president who took down the Iron Curtain, dies

Mikhail Gorbachev -- the last leader of the former Soviet Union -- has died at the age of 91. Gorbachev died after a long illness, Russian state news reported. This post has been edited to reflect that Gorbachev died at 91.



Brady Jewelland???? Whats your point?? America hired him to destroy Soviet Union, as it was so powerful. America needed to be a leader. Thats what America does, all the time!!! After what he has done Anerica kept him away from russia as he would have been killed immediately by anyone from those 15 countries. Anerica is good at brainwashing and causing wars everywhere, i wish you could actually wake up and see whats really going on, not what media wants u to think. You are trying to convince me that he is a hero, me, who lived during those days and renembers everything he has done!!!

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He isn’t quite loved by people in Russia and some other republics for a reason. The extreme poverty, instability, ethnic conflicts, wars, crime and inequality which took place in the 90’s can be traced back to his actions. My parents literally lived through hell. It is not as much the dissolution of the USSR as a country, but the collapse of the whole system and infrastructure that people blame on him. He should have followed the example of China and kept it at slow-paced economic reforms, without touching the government itself. Eventually a warmongering dictator way more oppressive than most of his predecessors came to power in a system that’s way more dysfunctional than the previous communist one. I feel like Russia is doomed to be ruled by either incompetent fools or crazy lunatics who also happen to be incompetent fools.

Alis - my mistake. Was just trying to think of another example off the top of my head. Although I can’t see how this is not in part related to the fall of Soviet Union. I’ll read a bit more. - ok so I read this, which seems to align with what I am saying “The breakup of Yugoslavia occurred as a result of a series of political upheavals and conflicts during the early 1990s. After a period of political and economic crisis in the 1980s, constituent republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia split apart, but the unresolved issues caused bitter inter-ethnic Yugoslav wars. The wars primarily affected Bosnia and Herzegovina, neighbouring parts of Croatia and, some years later, Kosovo.”

RIP Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev. For all you have done to reform and liberalise the Soviet Union economy that was near collaspe then, with poor food productivity output, create a market economy, give people to do business, able to speak up against the government and release the smaller states from the tyranny of the USSR empire. He was a peace maker, he never send in Russia tanks to crush the rebellious states, also without him holding back the soviet border forces, Germany will not able to be unified without bloodshed. He was widely worshipped in the rest of the world for reducing the ICBM nuclear missiles and ending the cold war. All in all he has made the world a less dangerous place by scaling back the arms race. Now Putin blame him for the lost of the Soviet empire, and he want the turn back the clock!

Putin's Ukraine war flows from Gorbachev's deal with U.S Secretary of State James Baker. A bargain was promised that NATO would “not shift one inch eastward.”. The ex-USSR was plundered by Western backed oligarchs & NATO surround it. KGB/FSB colleagues of installed Putin ending in the Ryazan Incident that's been memory holed in the West it saw the end of the Moscow apartment bombings. Putin blamed the bombings on Chechen Islamists started the 2nd Chechen war & his nationalist Russia. The Ryazan incident saw local police bust FSB agents with either a test or real apartment bomb on 9/22/99, declared a 'preparedness test' by the FSB. Why the memory hole? I wonder what other controversial terror occurred around the year 2000?

Ismael Velez I watched the USSR implode. Gorbachev did all he could to come up with a replacement for the politburo and central planning. Neither he nor Yeltsin anticipated the level of corruption that flourished after he let the republics go their ways. But rather than squash it, Putin just put the mafia to work for himself. Now they are his minions po blatu, able to operate freely under his krysha: You do nice things for me when I need them and I'll keep you out of prison. That's not a win for Russia. It just means that the head vor is Vladimir Putin.

and I had in recent two days intrusive intensive content with EU maps, RU maps (just like on his forehead) like some political war strategy combined with intrusions insertions and shots in my ears and signals in my head...and then usually some deaths are upcoming and I have strong feeling that You are abusing me using for these "connected shots" and other people die in various ways, it's not any havana syndrome but comes via U.S. social app instagram

people around me accuse any possible nation for this military "warszawiak soldier" mode but as I experience this via instagram app I will accuse U.S. government soon, German gov, Warsaw as PL gov, UK gov, etc

The traitor won’t be missed.

He is one of the biggest reasons Ukraine for example (since you all love Ukraine all the sudden when it’s in Western American interests) is in the situation it’s been in for the last 30 years. Ever since the Capitalist transition and De-Communization Ukraine has been one of the poorest Countries in Europe.

He and many other anti Communists destroyed Soviet lives and caused the biggest modern disaster for an entire region. Plunging so many people into the living conditions we still see to this day. Even Russia the most successful Capitalist disaster of the republics has still yet to clean up Gorbys mess.

All the homeless, drug addicted, impoverished and disease ridden ex Soviet citizens must really be mourning Gorbachev the man who gave them so much “freedom”.

Oh wait most of them say their lives were better off under Communism.

10ºMichail Gorbatschow wollte ab 1985 bis 1991 die ossifizierte KPdSU und die zahlungsunfähige UDSSR mit Glasnost“ (Offenheit) und „Perestroika“ (Umbau) aus der Stagnation wieder flott machen. Eine Art Rote Mission Zukunft UdSSR im Käfig marxistischen Denkens. Daher war er der Wunsch-Kandidat des KGB und von ihrem Chef Juri Andropow (1967-82). Doch das war schlicht unmöglich, denn der Systemaufbau des Marxismus-Leninismus war pe se falsch angelegt und damit der totalitäre rote Staat unreformierbar, und deshalb ist Gorbi in der UdSSR 1991 (und Krenz und Modrow in der DDR 1989 und 1990) letztlich gescheitert, erzählte mir Günter Schabowski vom SED Politbüro.

Gorbis neuer offener Denk- und Politik-Stil ermöglichte erste echte Reformen und so mehr Freiheiten in Russland, die von ihm so nie erwünschte Unabhängigkeit der Staaten der UdSSR und des Warschauer Paktes, letztlich die friedliche Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands (zuerst waren 1989 nur Reformen in der DDR von Gorbi-Anhängern im Politbüro der SED und der Stasi, wie Markus Wolf, zur Stabilisierung geplant, die aber rasch aus dem Ruder liefen). Zudem echte Abrüstung mit Ronald Reagan, weil sich Russland keine Hochrüstung (konventionell, atomar, Star Wars) mehr leisten konnte: alles Sternstunden der Menschheit.

Das gemeinsame neue Credo der Europäer war die KSZE Schlussakte und Charta von Paris 1990: ein Meilenstein. Kommen wir 2022 darauf zurück. Darin steht alles, was Europa und Russland heute nach dem Tod des Grossen Reformers für Frieden, Freiheit und Wohlstand brauchen. Das ist das Gorbi-Ethos- für Russland und Putin und uns alle.
