NASA releases stunning new image of the Phantom Galaxy

Stunning new images by the Hubble and the Webb telescope showcase the Phantom Galaxy, 32 million light-years away from Earth.


Greg Sporer oh please.. this is a bad look for you.. I literally can’t turn down one street these days without a million pan handlers walking up to my car. I had one lady approach me while I was ordering food at a drive through yesterday! Get your head out your azz. The inflation is SO bad MANY families are going without meals. I’m on a food stamp page and some people are only getting $30 a month and barely making it. The cost of living has risen so high that what we made before just isn’t stretching as far. This isn’t the American dream my guy.

China and Russia own low earth orbit. They have space stations while we cannot put one up. We are asking them for rides to the one they put up at the exact moment we pretend we are going to the moon.

The space race then and now is about military dominance of low earth orbit. China and Russia won. If they say they are going to the moon, it's the same as if they said they made shuttles. Its a trick, you lose in the end and ask then for rides on their crafts to their placed stations they control.

Apollo 18 went where all before it went, where we are all going now. Fighting over it.

Radiation is why humans do not leave low earth orbit and why Artemis is an unmanned radiation probe launch again.

Marco Durante, GSI, Cosmic Radiation Showstopper. Presented by NASA and ESA.

Be sure to check out our page for all the reasons why nasa is going to the moon!

Trent Sawyer yeah and your foolish scientists are hiding the truth from you. They keep saying the Sumerians were the oldest civilization. They know that is a full blown lie !

Reshaping previous ideas on the story of civilisation, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was built by a prehistoric people 6,000 years before Stonehenge.

Now believed to be the oldest temple in the world, its mere existence suggests that religion came before agriculture — and not the other way around — upending what scholars thought they knew about human history.
“Gobekli changes everything,” raved Ian Hodder, an anthropologist at Stanford University. “It’s elaborate, it’s complex, and it is pre-agricultural. That fact alone makes the site one of the most important archaeological finds in a very long time.”

Norma Jean Levett I do find the fine tuning argument to be the best in the theist arsenal but to me it's still not convincing. Those laws and constants may very well be physical necessities or even emergent properties of laws. Gravity for example isn't an actual force it's more of a byproduct from the malleability of space.
As far as finely tuned for life...we don't know how abundant life is. Given the extremes in the universe and the tiny miniscule pocket that we can survive in this universe it become very clear earth is not tuned for us but we are for it.

Martin Miller, Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists. He works at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God and scripture.
Dr. Collins believes that faith in God and faith in science can coexist within a person and be harmonious. In The Language of God, he makes his case for God and science. He has heard every argument against faith from scientists, and he can refute them. He has also heard the needless rejection of scientific truths by some people of faith, and he can counter that, too. He explains his journey from atheism to faith, and then takes readers on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry, and biology can all fit together with belief in God and the Bible. The Language of God is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of faith: Why are we here? How did we get here? What does life mean?
His book is titled "The Language of God"

Fred Wardle okay Fred,I hope one day you believe in him, I hope you search deep down in your soul and you will know there is a Creator who loves you apart from you denying and mocking him.

I also hope you believe that in the end we all die, and it is better to die in him, for all those who die in him will be saved but you have to believe that all of your mistakes, sins and your imperfections are forgiven If you look to Jesus Christ.

However if you don't believe , when you die I'm sorry to say you will die in darkness and only for condemnation.

Thank you have a great evening ahead

Franky Boom You choose to believe that you evolved from an Ape is that what you call mountains of evidence of science, I choose to believe I was created by the Mighty hand of God as human , not evolving from different stages to be a human.You choose baseless theories of the earth formation, I choose to believe that the Earth , the heavens , stars and moon,and the sun was created.

I choose to believe God created us and the earth for us hence it is an inhabitable planet for any form of life.I don't believe that all things just evolved and coincidentally ended up in one place and all things summing up

I believe that God gave a man wisdom, for all kinds of things, but when men exceeded in knowledge they denied God, they pride themselves intellectual and denied that the wisdom cometh from the mighty hand.I cannot force you to belive in the Almighty God,it has to be your choice.

It's either you believe in a man who always changes theories and might be wrong 100 years from now on how evolution theory is ,or you believe in the Almighty God ,that it is him who made all things and we are here because he created us and wants us to be here
