Hillary Clinton shares dancing picture in support of Finnish Prime Minister

Hillary Clinton expressed support for Sanna Marin, tweeting a photo of herself dancing as the Finnish Prime Minister faces criticism over leaked footage that showed her partying with friends



Ben McKnight Do
you use email? If not. I challenge you to look for say shoes. Nothing else! Then don’t delete anything and tell me how many emails you get related to shoes. I delete thousands every week. I try to stop some of them but they keep on coming. Hillary was also using her email for personal stuff, something like trump using his personal phone. Nobody cared yet he was told it could be compromised. You never know what clues you can give foreign entities by just casual conversation . So again, do as I say not as I do!

What a surprise, who else would share something like that?
She purposefully misunderstands everything and immediately smells a right-wing conspiracy behind every criticism and thinks she has to make a demonstrative statement against it out of principle.
But first, we already have enough principle riders, and second, we have enough principle riders who don't realize that they are riding a dead horse.
How good that such a person did not become POTUS.
The current sleep walker in the White House is already an imposition and shares responsibility should the unspeakable become reality and the orange wig move back into the White House.
I fear that would completely tear US society apart.
And regarding to the actual reason for this picture:
Politicians should make up their minds. Either they continue to see themselves as teachers-in-chief lecturing their subjects about morality, in which case they should act like it and have to live with being measured by their own noble standards and should stop mendaciously whining about it.
Or politicians do not want to rise above their electorate, in which case they should also stop puffing themselves up morally and delivering moral sermons.

Marcey Etomi She was on duty as she cancelled her holidays and did not name a deputy. So, she had to be ready at all times to answer any emergency call, which, obviously, she wasn't.
"She is entitled to security cars and guards to go anywhere private or not?" No, she isn't. Scandinavian people, and especially Finnish are quite serious on transparency and correct use of funds. Paying for the PM party is not a correct use of public funds.
And for the video, I would post a link there, but they delete them, so you can google this phrase : "Married Finnish PM Sanna Marin ‘danced intimately’ with man at club: video" and it will give your articles with the video in question. (As for the not-in-vacation link, you can google "Ministereiden lomat vahvistettiin" which will lead you to the official Finnish Government website which shows that she cancelled her planned vacations and removed her deputies. [actually allowing them to go on vacation in her place])

Dorothea Dia Kulak well when you sell weapons to terrorists networks, without congressional approval, that get used to shoot down US helicopters, then not only deny and lie about everything but destroy all the evidence, you get named an evil person. On top of all that come on TV and lie straight to the American public saying it was a peaceful protest that ended up killing a politician she sent to reopen a closed embassy in order to get the weapons back. Then lied further when the terrorists celebrated the killing of that politician by saying they were helping him. Lol, yeah im sorry but those are the actions of a corrupt and evil person. Those angel wings you refer to are really horns.
