Former Trump White House lawyers expected to appear Friday before January 6 grand jury

Pat Cipollone and Patrick Philbin are expected to appear before a grand jury investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.


Bella Barnes a troll..had to look that it seems that u looked me up on Facebook to see some info about me..there is none..but because you are soooo curious here goes...I live in a small town...I've worked full time since I was 20..last job I had for 30 yrs..retired..good pension..own my home and car..I don't take pics of flowers.cats.dogs.sunsets.or selfies..widowed for 14 yrs..still have all 32 teeth..5 fillings..My real friends have been in my life for over 50yrs so I don't need to add a fake friend by pushing a button..I have 2 amazing daughters and 2 perfect grandkids..also around 10ish every morning I have a bowl movement..would you like any more info??

Bella Barnes He added 7 trillion to our national debt in 4 years. He didn't deliver on getting us out of Afghanistan. He didn't deliver on an infrastructure plan. He didn't get us better health insurance but instead millions lost their insurance under him and he sued to get millions more kicked off the policies they had in the midst of a pandemic. He used child abuse as a deterrent kidnapping children from their parents and deporting the parents without the kids. Mexico didn't pay for the wall. Americans paid billions and farmers lost their farms thanks to his trade wars. He lied about a pandemic, an election, and now about stealing classified documents. This is what happens when fake Christians decide that they care more about hating people than they do about honesty, integrity, and patriotism.

Respected sir, publish in news main work of security system of united nation done at here at chandrakona road, paschim medinipur, west Bengal, india. Our business is largest throughout the world, established and spread by my father dilip kumar roy before gat deal, controlled by london based business team and virtual materials group, Canada, other example are i. T. C. Limited, hindustan uniliver limited, etc. Our civilization reach in its finale stage. Fundamental concept if science and education have been changed. Supporting evidence are given at my Facebook profile. Major weapons of every powerful country have been gone under controll outside of respective country. So Russia cannot use his full strength on ukraine. Cia, kgb, raw and similar spy organization different country start adultery business with terrorist to prevent their extinction supervised by President and prim minister of respective country.

James Warner, listen to President Biden's speech this evening and tell me exactly how he is compromised. He has been kicking Republican candidates butts, all over the country, specially those dumb enough to support Don the Con. The crimes Don the Con has committed are easy. He incited an insurrection against this country, he interfered in Georgia's election in 2020, he overinflated his properties to borrow money on them for his so-called business, and finally he stole top secret, classified documents from the White House when he left after we voted him out of office. Any of these could give him prison time, together they could give him a lot of prison time.

A typical reaction..."But what about.." Instead of acknowledging that Trump is a criminal in every direction you look, you are essentially saying that Trump can destroy democracy because Hunter Biden did something. Maybe if the Nazi party would acknowledge the clear and present danger Trump represents, the other side would hold themselves to the same high standard. Remember when the Democrats ended Gary Harts career over an affair during the primaries? The last time the Nazi party held any of its members accountable for crimes was Nixon. So while you may or may not be right about Hunter Biden, you need to start acknowledging the obvious with Trump.

Bryan Krysher It is still a hearing, what sad is your ignorance, and me having to find the info to show you .. maybe you should double check before you start with the name calling ..
A prelim hearing or grand jury is still a hearing just different procedures—Some states use grand jury proceedings as an alternative to a preliminary hearing. The prosecutor presents evidence to a grand jury made up of members of the public. No judge is present but the grand jury is instructed to review the evidence according to a probable cause standard and determine whether there is sufficient evidence. If the grand jury finds probable cause, the state issues an indictment against the defendant and he must stand trial for the charges.

Ned Lemieux when that leader is incompetent like's takes a true patriot to say something. I had no real issues with Obama or Trump but Biden.....he is a worthless fool that has no backbone of his own. Great you went back as a civilian but nobody really cares. Brainwashed, right wing, ignorant folks? Your talking to one that has a MS and is is a PhD candidate at a very liberal institution. The fact is I like to see the rhetoric from both the left and the right. The problem is that goons like you are just as bad as the goons on the right. This country is leaning socialist and true patriots will correct that course by legislation or by force. That's the way of things. The US already declared their independence from one crown, it will happen again.

Bella Barnes why do yall always flip the script. If Biden is wrong abt anything darn right I go the other way.....but what I won't do is stand for a lier if you lie you will cheat an the DOO DOO male RUMP has done it all the creep has been in the news longer an any other president. I just don't see how ppl know right but stick with a lier. Tell the TRUTH an SHAME that DEVIL . HE SOOOOOOOO CORRUPT. SO YOU AGREE WITH THE 1/6 SITUATION THAT WAS SO DISGRACEFUL. BY THE WAY TELL dodo boy to grab those taxes out we still never seen them. His lie is so to him an others, God help you all for just following a coup. Next!

Joe Yager It took more than just a "few" violent rioters to kill 30 cops, injur more than 2,000 people and inflict over $2,000,000,000 in property damage over a period of 120-days or so. "Protesting" that occurred after curfew hours until 2:00 a.m. on a nightly basis by BLM and Antifa (and other deranged characters and opportunusts) was mostly violent, not "mostly peaceful". It was yet another lie propagated by the Democrat Party and their sycophant, discredited Media. Joe Biden even went on national TV and told us there's "no such thing as Antifa" and never (not even once) condemned Antifa or BLM by name. His campaign staffers wired money to bail out violent rioters in Minneapolis and Nancy Pelosi called federal agents who were protecting federal property in Portland "stormtroopers". The Democrat Party must be condemned to the garbage heap of history.

10ºArturo Peralta what facts? Everything they basically use is tweets and media stories or leaked media stories that are all posted prior. Just like Benghazi, majority of information in those hearings we already knew. Hearings in Congress have turned in to political theater to stroke their own egos. The only time I can recall an actual fact was learned .. was during the hearing about the phone call with Trump and Ukraine, we learned who the actual whistleblower was. After the hearings with voting issue. I quit watching the hearings because it became a waste of time a solution nor a charge is ever made. You can watch 6 days of hearings only to be left with you already know. I just wait till afternoon find a summary of the day to see what went on that is about it.
