Student test scores plummeted in math and reading after the pandemic, new assessment finds

Math and reading scores for 9-year-olds in the US fell between 2020 and 2022 by a level not seen in decades


Lucia, friend I am going to make this one comment and I will not further engage with you on this. You notice how I said the word chose? "Many of them chose not to." Mmhmm. That's because I meant chose. I don't mean folks with a set of circumstances that were difficult to work with and prevented them from acting one way or another. "Many of them chose" in no way is indicative of ALL parents and all circumstances. I am a mother of school aged children. I have parent friends. I know how many them CHOSE to handle it and I know how the ones who CHOSE not to be involved are now dealing with a learning loss. Before we try to rage farm and find issue where there isn't any, lets try next time to see the words in front of us and fully comprehend what they said.

Sean Jordan I am not trying to justify that kids falling through the cracks is acceptable because of course it is NOT nor am I just blaming it on parents! I am saying that parents should also be accountable and advocate for their children. Of course it cannot solely be put into the schools hands but your job as a parent is to support your children inside and outside of school in all things. That is what helps create well rounded and successful individuals. There are of course exceptions to that rule. What I am trying to relay is that there are learning opportunities here and maybe we as people should do more to change the way states/schoolboards educate our children in general and the falling behind because of the pandemic is the perfect opportunity. They are young and still have time on their side. What we do can absolutely help them catch up. Focusing solely on the problem of them being behind will do nothing to help them in the long run, instead if we’re that concerned we need to be asking ourselves what can we do individually or as a community to help solve the problem.

Howard Blum it’s the responsibility of the states and federal government. But I don’t think that Betty DeVos as Secretary of Education can be ignored with efforts to cut public education to promote private education. Although most of her attempts for massive cuts failed miserably it certainly revealed the agenda to cut funding public education. COVID definitely has impacted society in all levels. I sincerely hope you are right that American citizens resilience to overcome trials and tribulations. It’s unfortunate that most teachers have chosen not to return to the classroom currently. I wonder who has the solution for our current dilemma?

Sean Jordan You have got to be kidding. Who said anything about punishing kids for not having perfect parents? Not I. As a parent you should give hoot about what is happening with your children in all regards but lucky for all those kids with terrible parents that don’t give a hoot, they have people like you out there fighting the good fight on their behalf….on the CNN FB page.
Again, If your so worried about this I suggest you write and call your legislature and schoolboards in your area. Arguing with me is literally doing NOTHING for the kids. Other than that I hope you and your family have a great evening sir.

Andrew R Toney look around? To do what? Small businesses are closed. Many lost their jobs due to illegal mandates. Many have relapse into addictions. People suffered mentally. Kids suffered, failing school, missing out on hands on schooling. Mail in ballots(that’s the big one), division amongst us. Giving out “free money” , who’s to pay that back? And last but certainly not least, the great jabs. That jab you compliant ones ran out to get us destroying your immune system, causing sterilization and screwing with your heart. I could go on and on…. And you naively ask me why they would do such a thing. It’s called the new world order. Might want to start thinking outside the box

No one is surprised by these results, but faced with an unprecedented health crisis, most School districts did the best they could. Now we have to figure out the best way to help kids going forward. Maybe kids need to repeat a grade so they can catch up with less stress and pressure. We definitely need programs to keep older kids in school when they get discouraged. But since a lot of the country is preoccupied with removing pride flags from classrooms and books from libraries instead of getting the teachers and schools the resources they need, I’m not optimistic.

Mary Catherine O'Brien No I know. I agree. But it shouldn’t be the responsibility of any parent to teach their children the subjects that are taught in schools. Parents pay high amounts of property taxes for schools to teach their children. A parents responsibility is to teach their children life skills and topics outside of the classroom. Their responsibility is also to work a job and provide for their children. So it’s unfair to blame parents for their Children’s shortcomings at school as a result of the children being home during the pandemic. I think that teachers unions failed the students/children. They demanded that teachers be safe working from home at the expense of childrens mental health and critical education.

April Renée Allen she is not alone. She can’t actually be behind if she is in the same spot as all her peers. I had one son reading chapter books in first grade and one who thought his world was over if he had to read, both are in AP and honors classes now in high school. Kids seem to level themselves out over time. My youngest also took a while to learn. I got him some books that used sight words over and over and read the book everyday until he could read it well, then moved on to the next one. Now I read a chapter to him every night next to him so he can follow along and that has actually helped him the most with his own reading and his comprehension.

Sean Jordan I agree that there will be definitely be cases of this. But there always have been. This is a universal problem with school systems that was also true before the pandemic. The rest of the world/industries have made adjustments, why shouldn’t the school systems be made responsible to do that as well? It should also be part of the parents responsibility as it should for any child that is falling behind. It’s unfortunate that we all had to go through the pandemic but now it has to be about damage control because we can’t change what’s already done. I firmly believe that a lot of the problems lie with the Individual state’s requirements for school children as well as public education in general. They can and should do more for our children.

10ºSupporting Private Schools and Charter Schools does that. When all your leaders and Elites send their children to Private Schools and even your School Boards send their children to PRIVATE Schools so they don't have to mix with the peons what do you expect. NO need to fund PUBLIC EDUCATION because all the IMPORTANT people are in Private Schools. The West has the best bought and paid for degrees, sports hero's, business leaders and POLITICIANS. It's not how hard you work or how smart you are it's the best BOUGHT and paid for and who you know now. Nepotism works.
