The Queen’s dogs were her beloved companions. What will happen to them now?

At the time of her passing, Queen Elizabeth is reported to have had four dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, she had two Pembroke Welsh corgis, Muick and Sandy, as well as an older, mixed-breed “dorgi” called Candy. A cocker spaniel, Lissy, reportedly joined the gang in January this year.


I'm just here...wondering around, when I can get sm info from you guys.
Base on natural phenomenal, I want to actualize what really killed #PaulWalker
..Did he dead out of destiny, natural cause ?!)) or because his into sm shady sh*t, part or a member of confraternity that lead to his untimely énd" While, but to the satisfaction of my studies. Please lemme, know the fact his death isn't a mere fiction, but a reality of Spiritual causes. By 'eir Believed Gang️...
When gone contrary to her laws. Please Dm me sm relevant Intel I can count on.

Fran Ferrari Martinez My mom is 81. Still drives. Still takes care of her enormous garden. Still mows her own lawn. Lives alone, is perfectly capable of caring for her two Yorkeis she got as a pup and his mother. She cooks for them every night, takes them out to play in her yard, and sleeps with them. Those dogs have it better than most. You cant just choose an age where people shouldn't get pets. Hell, her BF is 95 and he's still getting around by himself and traveling and gardening. "Age is not just a number. Young people die too.

It's a consideration, but I was going to say no wonder she lived to be 96 ️. Dog lovers (and other animal lovers) go through many heartbreaks over a lifetime of pet ownership and losses. I've lost three (18yo poodle, 14yo golden retriever, and recently my sweet 15 yo wheaten terrier) . I hope to have at least one more dog in my lifetime. Dogs, I'm sure, can weather similar loss. But, I would feel better knowing in advance that my pet would be well taken care of by a family member or friend or that I could trust them to find a good home for my pet. I am sure the Queen's dogs will be well taken care of.

Yes Amy Shever exactly I am like you we know the beneficial of the purpose of having a pet dog around. but unfortunately some people don't. but I understand there some that don't like dog's I respect that but don't forget how important dog's are in our society. they helpful to blind people and also there great service dog's. to help law enforcement and in many other way to society. I bet some people never stop to think without these important animals in the world that make up a population of human. how the world would be. but human don't have no knowledge of this they live carefree and destroying the environment for these poor animals every day. while animals still keeping human beings alive for those that love them and try to protect them and take care of them.

I do not worry much about the dogs but my main worry is the diamond( great star of Africa) which she later rename as the cullinan diamond the one with the throne and also most importantly our great grand fathers remains Koitalel Arap Samoei of Kenya who led the Nadi Resistances against British colonial rule....The diamond was taking (or stolen) 26 January 1905 and Koitalel Arap Samoei was assassinated 19 October 1905....what are the odds both have not been return we never get to bury our Father Koitalel Arap fully who was beheaded and took his head to the UK and is still with them...and whenever I mention the things they did you see people calling it hatred or is in the past let it go how can we ever forget the horrible acts that has happened is never about hate but respect, acknowledgement and justice....

Kati she’s dead. India is celebrating. My coworkers (engineers from India) are ecstatic telling us of all the crap the English did. Wtf are you on about. She did NOTHING to stop atrocities her country was committing lol. Just stop. THEY TOOK CHILDREN to work in their factories lol. She is the figurehead of an evil empire. They should give back what they stole if she’s so benevolent right? Jesus. Theirs documentaries about her “colonies” being treated like crap. This is a wild conversation but I’m assuming you are yt or British lol

Nothing to do with the past

Just start in 1953 and go from there. THERES PLENTY.

Fran Ferrari Martinez I figure you didn't meant the way it sounded though theoretically you are right. It always appeared that the Queen doted on her dogs and was entirely responsible for their training since she rarely was seen with them leashed so they obviously saw her as their mistress. And I know from experience with animals ( dogs and cats)that they do mourn a lost family member,some more than others.
But these dogs also had to be used to staying with staff while the Queen was busy doing her royal duties. And they will have been around the immediate family for years. So they should adapt.

Ilse Greenway good lord that took a hard right turn so only vegans should have a right to pets? Janice needs one - maybe it will calm her down. The original comment was based on length of life, not diet. I am a nutrition coach btw so I’m well aware of the common American diet and like everything else in the US it’s a mess- HOWEVER people die tragically and at a young age literally every day. There is no telling when our time is up - we should be grateful for every day not filled with anger and hatred on social media. Relax Janice Scheffer before you give yourself at heart attack.

Wendy White I had a different experience with my mother-in-law who got a puppy when she was 74 yrs old. She lived alone and the dog was on her lap all day and slept with her. She died and her granddaughter took the dog, but she had a very busy life and had another dog and a cat. That dog never adjusted and went from a perky, happy, sociable dog to a sad, depressed one until she (the dog) died four years later. The granddaughter had taken a plant from her grandmother's apartment and that dog would lie by the plant all the time. Heartbreaking. The granddaughter was not a mean person by any means, just a busy one and her other dog and cat were very happy with the way things were.... not this new orphan, though.

10ºFran Ferrari Martinez Two of the dogs she has presently were acquired when her husband was dying to keep her company and one of the other dogs was a gift.

“In 2018, Queen Elizabeth’s last surviving corgi, Willow, passed away. Instead of choosing to breed more dogs, or even adopt any more, the queen reportedly doesn’t want to bring any more furry family members into the fold. According to a 2015 report, the queen decided that it wouldn’t be wise to get any more dogs because she doesn’t want to leave any of them behind when she passes away. “
