She moved to the US with big dreams and met a boyfriend on Craigslist. Then she vanished

Her father started worrying in late February when she did not respond to repeated video calls. This was unusual for the 32-year-old, who spoke to her parents about every other day.


Pamela Bassett haven’t missed it. Do you know if there’s an authentic page with news about this I can follow with all the information? because there seems to be a few missing online social media pages reporting now but any from her city?and they’re all with same details. It’s been so long people people may not even Rmb seeing anything now any pages have info on where her phone last pinged, etc, what areas did they search and why? those type of stuff. Maybe we can find someone to take a look at it? Reach out to online detective groups.. who knows. Put pressure on her area detectives.

Pamela Bassett If you know an agency work a certain way would you depend on them then? Why are we just hearing this? Again BS or not isn’t relevant now she is missing!!! She has two siblings why aren’t they filing paperwork even to get her documents and things? I can’t say if they have but what they need to do is go to news networks and not wait. Do they have a social media page we can forward??? You can shout from the heavens they report certain cases more but mam HOW does this help the lady missing? Time has been lost.. . He has probably destroyed a whole lot of stuff by now. So again do they have a Facebook page we can forward and share and get word out that people could’ve seen something? Can they get info to news networks in the area can they appear on tv? All this BS and you arguing back forth with no solution isn’t helping this lady.

Matthew Ransom I think you mean PREJUDICE cause it’s impossible for US to be Racists when we’re the MINORITY

With that, that’s exactly why the boyfriend isn’t in jail and you know it…you know there’s vast amount of Wh️te folk that don’t care about our lives

And you can call me “PREJUDICE” all you want I don’t care I can at least admit the shyt does comes out unlike a majority of yaw who won’t admit you’re RACIST

I can respect a RACIST muthafua more if they told me to my face they didn’t like me because of the color of my skin versus them lying to my face and the truth coming out lata

Pamela Bassett I can’t say what they are entirely doing and no one should wait for ANY government agency to move cause we alllll know how it work. What I do know is I am indeed shocked that she has two siblings in the state and we are just hearing about it nationwide. They need to do something and insult to injury is he’s keeping her stuff now THAT is BS!!! .. the family needs to act and if they are acting a whole lot more. I’ve suggested some things such as a lawyer get stuff, news, people helped search, etc etc in previous comments and pray they get the news outlets especially more involved cause all of this is BS to me.
