Next stress for many parents: First school lunch bills since 2020

Families are applying for free school meals for the first time as they contend with high food costs and tight budgets.


Pearl Goff no, I am not. When my kids were in school I was the president of the board. Do you know how many people abuse the system and got free meals at school? They would also not have to pay sports fees either, yet they always had top of the line shoes, phones, parents drove new cars, etc. Do you know how infuriating it is to see especially when you do not get any sort of help and do without to make sure your kids are properly taken care of? Every single needy child gets all the free stuff.

Margaretha MacLeod oh really? I have two fully functional adults in society. They get scholarships to college and law school based on their academic success. They work hard in school and are getting rewards based on their hard work. I worked for everything I have, I have had zero handouts and that includes being from a poverty level family. My parents taught me to work hard and never expect others to pay my way. There is nothing wrong with expecting people to work for things and not expect handouts because others made poor choices. I asked you if you ever expected others to pay for basic necessities like food. Did you ever expect others to feed your children? No. And neither did I and neither should any other person. If you have children you take the responsibility to feed them, house them and clothe them until they are 18. Yes, My family is a bastion of patenting wins. Neither of my kids think others owe them anything for free.

Brisa Green people that ride bikes do use roads Einstein. At least they are supposed to. Why do you think they put bicycle lanes on them? The post office was privatized years ago and hasn't been funded by tax dollars for a long time. It's called research. Try it sometime. "The Postal Service generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.Mar 17, 2022" Paying for public safety things like police and the fire department is much different. Why should I be required to pay for your lack of planning and poor decisions if you decided to have a child that you couldn't even afford to provide the basic necessities for?

Lori Wilson I mean I get it particularly in our school district where median household income is $160K which is a lot in the Midwest. However we do have some lower income folks and what is frustrating is the portion of food for those kids. My kids buy extra fruit and other sides, but if you are getting reduced or no cost food you only get the regular portion which is really small. My 43 lb Kindergartner gets the same size portioned as these nearly 5 ft tall over 100 lb 5 th graders. That’s not right. Seriously these portions are Kindergarten sized. One of the meals is a mini muffin, cheese stick, and small yogurt carton it’s under 400 calories just not enough for a 10 or 11 year old kid.

Shannon Arnold it seems like the more we protect our children from "hazards", the more helpless they are. May be we need to teach them how to chew without talking rather then cut the grape in half. When I was little we had childrens books about fires and danger of being careless but we would lighten our own gas stove. We had saying "when I eat, I am deaf and muted" in kindergarten, but no one would cut grapes in half. You can't prevent every fall but you can teach how to avoid them. I think inspecting food for hazards is ridiculous.

Margaretha MacLeod I take that as a no, that you aren't paying for anyone's lunches. So of you yourself aren't willing to open your wallet and pay for these poor students lunches to make sure they eat, even after vocally professing how privileged you are, why should the taxpayer be mandated to do it when so many like you who have so much money to do so don't? That is the very definition of a hypocrite. You are fine with taxpayers being mandated to do something that you yourself aren't willing to do voluntarily. You keep trying to deflect and go off topic, but I know your type and I will not fall for it.

Margaretha MacLeod also all you have done is try to get me to say where I work and what I do, probably to report me to my employer, throw out words and sayings I have severely debunked and proved you wrong and now are telling about how privileged you are and have the privilege guilt. You may be fine with paying for others items because you have never had struggles and have had everything handed to you and handed everything to your kids so you really don't understand working for things and the value of hard work, but I do, so what I earn and what is mine is MINE.

Margaretha MacLeod financial aid for school is way different than people feeding your kids. Two TOTALLY different things. Not a hypocrite at all. This whole thread has been about school lunches being paid for and I have continually stated that a parents responsibility us to provide food, clothes and shelter until the age of 18. YOU are the one trying to turn the conversation in other ways, which I have continually not allowed. I have stayed over and over if students are below a certain level they qualify for free and reduced lunch. Now, since you have done the typical liberal route and resulted in insults and actually hoping for violence I will be reporting you. Sad to see someone so privileged who had raised such privileged kids hates to hear how privileged they are and wishes harm on others.

Brisa Green my mom is from Britain. I have duel citizenship thanks to that and have traveled plenty since i still have lots of family over there. Spend your money anyway you see fit. Help anyone you want. Stop trying to dictate what I should or shouldn't do with my money. I live in a nice suburb outside Philly now btw after spending 35 years in that crime ridden Democrat run toilet bowl. But I sincerely appreciate your concern it's also hysterical that i destroyed every example you gave because every one of them was terrible and you had absolutely nothing for any of that other than deflections and personal attacks. Typical leftist real quick to decide how you should spend everyone else's money, just short on facts.

10ºRussell Godwin you do not know the parents financial situation and if a kid has no lunch I just buy them one . Last year it was free for all the kids with the covid money and maybe all the parents are not aware they need to fill out the form . I looked at the guidelines and for a family if 3 to qualify it is under 30k so if you make 35k you are not poor enough to get a free lunch but in new Jersey that would be lower income and you would be struggling . The guidelines should be by state and take into account the cost of living in that state.
