Why CVS and Walmart still print photos

More than 50% of photo prints made this year will come from a retail store, totaling about $786 million in sales, said a longtime photo industry analyst



So pretty sad personal story. I live in a neighborhood that has this nice elderly couple I've gotten to be friends with over the past year. Turns out their only child, a son, passed away the year prior. He was an Army Vet who served in Iraq, but got really sick over there and had to live with his parents due to medical needs.

Anyways, to make a sadder longer story short...he loved to take pictures on their family trips, but he only uploaded them onto his computer and his parents had no idea how to even use a computer, let alone find files on it. They figured they'd never see those photos again after he passed.

I offered my help and transferred all of his photos onto a thumb drive so they could bring it to Walgreens so they could print out the physical copies (all the photos were appropriate in case anyone feared what a single adult male might have on their personal computer, lol)

I think they spent over $500 on all of these photos at Walgreens, but at least now they could reminisce over these family trips that they had forgotten about. While physical copies might seem unnecessary to younger generations, older generations unfamiliar with technology still need them. Just something to think on.

ARGENTINA: COMERCIO: El comercio es una actividad económica del sector terciario que se basa en el intercambio y transporte de bienes y servicios entre diversas personas o naciones. El término también es referido al conjunto de comerciantes de un país o una zona, o al establecimiento o lugar donde se compra y vende productos. cuando esto se interrumpe de manera abrupta, cuando el estado se interpone en vez de regular. cuando se cortan las cadenas de importación y exportación y se le da privilegio solo a algunos empresarios adictos al régimen que gobierna. cuando se impide su libertad significa decadencia , hambre, miseria pobreza y una nación se convierte en esclavos de un sistema político sindical religioso en esclavos de la mendicidad y el clientelismo político. CUANDO EL COMERCIO DEJA DE FUNCIONAR COMO TAL ESO SIGNIFICA QUE EL PAÍS ESTÁ EN RUINAS Y EXISTE UN ALTO VOLTAJE DE MISERIA, HAMBRE DECADENCIA MORAL Y ESPIRITUAL SIGNIFICA QUE CAMBIARON LA LUZ POR LA OBSCURIDAD Y LA ESCLAVITUD FINANCIERA A UN RÉGIMEN AUTORITARIO E INMORAL. Es lo que nos sucede a los argentinos en este momento alineados a lo peor de las naciones los parias los regímenes criminales y absolutistas como irán, venezuela, Cuba, Honduras rusia y china argentina está en un etapa donde el estado es un monstruo que va hacia el precipicio porque es imposible de domar. CORRUPCIÓN: corrupción Acción de corromper o corromperse.
"corrupción de comestibles"
Situación o circunstancia en que los funcionarios públicos u otras autoridades públicas están corrompidos.
"hartos de tanta corrupción entre los miembros del Gobierno, la oposición presentó una moción de censura". LA CORRUPCIÓN ESTATAL ES LO QUE TENEMOS HOY EN DÍA. Un país arrodillado a los caprichos de una magnicida criminal apoyada y cuidada por políticos tan o mas corruptos que ella E hicieron de la función pública una gran empresa de empleo que se llevan millones de dólares al mes para pagar empleos publico significa deficiencia , inflación hambre y miseria. NO ALBERTO Y CÍA ESTÁS EQUIVOCADO NO ES ODIO ES PEDIR JUSTICIA Y QUE SE TERMINE CON EL CRIMEN ESTATAL ORGANIZADO Y SU RED CRIMINAL MAS GRANDE INMORAL EN LA HISTORIA ARGENTINA..

My spirit pursuit (11) south America
South America, where blacks, whites, and indigenous people live, has always been the target China wants to destroy. The civilizations of Europe and the US are easily destroyed, the civilization of South America is not easily destroyed. The true meaning of human civilization has never been so brilliant even in Europe as it is in South America. When we grow up, we despised our mother, but when we mature, we will change back, we only indulge in football, flamenco, samba, aboriginal styles again,
So China used Trump, who killed all the real athletes, artists, and human elites in the world for 40 years, to destroy South America and the people of South America. even only through perishing people's strong in the world China has perished the world, especially that kind of healthy passion of South America.
While injecting stimulants, white people criticized the South Americans Whose faces and bodies were brim over kidney hormones. My mother entered the factory when she’s 15, I became a South American very early on. South American, Western European, American, Japanese, Russians, Sino-European, Eastern European, Central Asia, Western Asia, including Muslims are actually in Western people. They are the objects that China use rogues all over the world to destroy. That's the most important point in today's world, and it's what Trumps wants to obliterate the most.
Face us, Trumps are so sinful!
