One thing Americans agree on? Our politicians are too old.

"While the American public doesn’t agree on much, they do agree on this: Our politicians are simply too old." | Analysis by Chris Cillizza


I don't see any reason why we waste resources on severely retarded people, it's not a popular view and I'm open to having it changed CMV
I'd like to emphasize that I am referring strictly to mentally retarded people who cannot do anything themselves, lack the necessary cognitive ability to work, and are essentially nothing but a burden on society. I'm not referring to people like stephen hawking or even people with mental disabilities that are still functional one way or another.

I know some people will say that it's inhumane to be killing these people but I totally cannot see it as anything BUT humane. It seems to me that being severely retarded is a deeply lonely, difficult, confusing, harsh, existence. It's like they're being kept alive while they brutally contort, scream, hit their helpers, and try to wriggle out of their bodies. It seems their either tormented or at the very least indifferent to anything that's going on.

It makes very little sense too, that we feel these people need to be pumped with drugs, put in school with normal children (at least when I saw in school, they were with us) and given special helpers and resources. Why would we ever spend our resources on something like this rather then people that will benefit far more from them? Please change my view, I'm open to discussion on this.

I’d prefer my politicians have some Wisdom. IMO their service should be capped at 25 years, age 50-75.

I don’t want a 35 year old making decisions. I know at 44, I make better decisions now then I did at 34. I can look back at my viewpoints at 24, and some of them weren’t the best?

If we keep our politicians out of federal office until they’re 50. We force them to gain some real life experience elsewhere. Hopefully that will make him better suited to lead the a population they can relate to.

I’d even prefer they stay out of state politics until they’re at least 40.

IMO the last thing we need is other AOC and those like her.

Gayle Killian it's so hilarious how out of touch you are on the reality of what you just said. You literally repeat word for word what they tell you to and are oblivious to actually thinking about the topics and the reality of what is really going on. Nobody wants anything to do with your body. Roe was unconstitutional and all the did was properly send it back to the states. They are not banning books, only saying some with very suggestive topics should not be available in an elementary school library. Nobody's forcing Christian views on you when society is literally attacking Christians. The wealthy rich you are worried about are overwhelmingly democrat and have nothing to do with conservatives. Have fun being a parrot for the dnc as they continue to do nothing for their voters.

It depends. Old means more maturity, experience has expanded deeper insights and clearer perspective. It influences a heightened up skill in leadership as the content of knowledge is fuller. However, COGNITIVE ABILITY is essentially considered when at a certain older age a leader has - it is sharpen not dulled - the law of nature that physicality has drawn it when body cells are receding through the ageing process, his or her mental capabilities are never affected or defined - as said, sharpness and agility all intact. Like wines, the older the brain becomes, better than the young and lacking of fullness. Leadership sails better by fullness.

Alan Buechler Yes your statement is true. “After Trump the economy didn’t boom”… yes it has actually collapsed under Biden. We are literally under a recession.. the workforce reduced by millions… debt at its highest. Records on inflation in decades..
Biden DESTROYED the economy.

Hate crimes have happened in this country since forever… but what we saw for 5 MONTHS at the BLM riots against law abiding citizens it’s despicable. Democrats looted entire cities and attacked Federal Buildings like in Portland.. they also took land and created free police zones… people DIED in those.
And democrat leadership?? They remained silent which is another way to support that.

Those radicals remind me of those socialists who instigated civil wars in Latin America.
America at that time stood in favor of freedom and capitalism, now it’s the opposite.
Who would’ve thought?

What crimes have Boebert and Greene committed? I'd have to dig to find out, but I wouldn't be surprised if I found something if I really cared enough to try. They're both bonkers. Being psychotic and rabid isn't a crime, neither is being a nazi wannabe so I don't know, technically. They both fit those descriptions. Greene is more like a nazi, and Boebert is more trashy barfly type. Both racist. I'd question marjorie hitler Greene about that magical mystery tour on that party bus she had with Matt Gaetz. I seriously doubt she didn't join in on those drugs he likes so much. She seems like a tweeker or at least on steroids to begin with but, I'm willing to bet that was a wild trip for her. For hating on trans people so much, Marjorie fails to totally convince me with that face and shoulders she's not a dude in a dress. Not that I'd have a problem with it if she was trans herself, and adopted her kids. I just think people should avoid being so horrifically prejudiced and cruel against others, especially when they have no room to talk.

Alan Buechler Yeah bc after Trump the economy boomed. Crime reduced in all cities across the country. The border is closed or at least the immigration system is working. There are no potentially world wars. We are respected by China. Prices are affordable and the middle class is booming. Wow all of this thanks to Biden??
And the hard work of Kamala Harris who’s such an inspiration…

Is that the parallel universe where you people live??

It’s actually really scary that some people in this country believes that. That’s how brainwashed you people are.. incapable of seeing reality, facts, data, etc.

Way too many are way too old, too ignorant about today and in politics so long they have too many IOUs to special interests. We need an age limit and term limits. If we did term limits first we could get rid of the old critters. I’m 69 years old and I still have value but there’s no way in hell I’m as sharp or as productive as I was in my 40s and 50s.
Besides… It takes so long for government to act on anything that by the time some thing I voted on was an acted I’m halfway dead. So the government should belong to the people who have to live with the results for the next 20-50 years. We’ve had our chance & we blew it. 

Donna KnutkowskiI am 79 and I don’t believe anyone over the age of 65 should be running for office for the first time and not just the president but senators should serve no more than two terms and representatives three. Whether we want to admit it or not we are not nearly as sharp mentally at that age and are usually not up to date on not only technology but the rapidly changing world. I also believe any one holding office needs to be able to pass a citizenship test. Most can’t pass the one given immigrants. Yes that would eliminate most of congress and the presidential candidates.

10ºLeland Gradney 1) pump prices are still a dollar and a half high a gallon, and only dropping because the bad economy is causing a drop in demand. Fear not.....The last tax and spend bill added $17 a barrel new tax on oil which will hit soon, and as the season transitions fuel blends, prices will climb quickly. The record rise after Biden enacteded his policies qere all predicted, and preventable. 2) the Baby Formula Crisis put lives at risk. The Biden admin actually knew months ahead that their regulatory action would create such shortages, but they did nothing to prepare for it. 3) Biden inherited a rapidly recovering economy and job growth, and stable 1.2% inflation rate. Now despite claims by Joe of his sucess.....we are seeing more job openings than ever before. We've just also had our worst productivity report since the 1950s.4) The Dohor agreement was invalidated under the terms required of the Taliban, shortly after the agreement was signed. Biden keeps claiming his hands were tied, but that's false and he knew it. This is why all of his Generals and national security advisors recommended against the withdrawal. He did it because he though it would score points. He made the unilateral decision and failed to give allies the needed heads up. He abandoned Ed US Citizens behind enemy lines, something he promised he would never do. Trump didn't follow thru with the withdrawal because there was no deal in ace any longer with the Taliban violating the conditional terms, and because it was militarily inadvisable.....just as it was when Biden ignored the experts. Joe couldn't have handled it worse.
