California authorities capture fugitive accused of killing an 8-year-old girl 6 months ago

Authorities have captured a man accused of killing an eight-year-old girl whose body was found at his central California home nearly six months ago.


Vino Ahn they get into protective custody immediately….and it cost us millions more to take care of them because of it all. He will have his own cell in a protective custody unit with others just like him, and have private yard time, and escorted outside of his cell with a minimum of 2-3 guards at all times, that’s the old school way, today it would rarely happen unless the guards let it happen. Way too many policies and procedures in place to keep them safe from the general population. That would be the end to the guards careers if anything happened to one of these evil POS’s

Rick Clare I'm very very sorry for dropping this text on your post, I'm really really sorry about this,but I mean no harm with it, Facebook suggested your profile to me as someone I may know and with the look in your pictures you seem familiar to me but I can't recall, beside you look nice and you seem to be a nice I was supposed to add you on Facebook, but I decided not to, because I have to respect your privacy and personality, it will be nice if you could willingly add me on Facebook then I introduce myself to you
