A verbal encounter with police at a Black Lives Matter protest led pregnant activist to 4-year prison sentence

Lawyers are pushing for a judge to reconsider the prison sentence of a South Carolina activist who was convicted for "breach of peace," aggravated over remarks she made to police during racial justice protests in 2020.



Well there No Doubt this County is going in the Wrong direction, When both sides are wrong No one is right.
I see our flawed justice system at work and no one working to make it better.
I have heard President Trump and President Biden give hateful divisive speeches.
I have heard both sides label people either socialist or fascist or was it semi fascist.
I have heard people attempt to justify  that Two wrongs will make One right.
I have heard all the hypocrisy from both sides.
People we need to keep our perspective in life it does not matter your Political party, Age, Race, religion, Creed . No one is guarantee a tomorrow.
Twenty One years ago today 2,977 People died.
Never Forget , Never Forget.

She threatened the lives of police officers then incited rioting. Let's not pretend that she just said a simple statement and got sentenced to 4 years in prison. A jury of her peers are the ones that found her guilty. There is evidence against her for what she did. She is pregnant in prison because of choices that she made to create violence during what should and could have been a peaceful protest. She clearly doesn't care about black lives because if she did she wouldn't have incited riots that ruined black owned businesses creating a loss of income in black families.

How is this not a breach of her first amendment rights?! This is literally freedom of speech. She is allowed to say what she wants against government entities and not be arrested. The fact that she did this and also got 4 YEARS of prison time is appalling. We should all be worried when someone’s civil rights are being trampled on; it could be anyone of us next!

Edit: many of you are arguing that threats are not protected under the first amendment and I agree with that. My argument is that subjectively calling it a “threat” and then sentencing her to 4 years of prison time when there was no physical altercation or riot incited with the words is too harsh.

At least one was arrested! Sorry but the balance of justice is quite unfair in USA ! “Summer of love “ destroying a city , burning building , attacking police stations and they were allowed to get away with it ,but people who were let into the capital by capital police holding the doors open for them to go in , were arrested for simply walking in the building that belongs to the people ! Don’t get me wrong the agitators that started breaking in before the Trump rally even started should have been arrested… but they were not… go figure

Charles H. Cook I don't see a JD degree. Either way, if you're a lm attorney, then you know that we have to bring Brittany Martin's criminal record and the relevant laws into question when People are discussing why she is fighting a 4 year sentence. Looks like she was sentenced to 7 years probation for willful intent to injure and leaving a crime scene in Iowa after she tried to hit her own son with a vehicle. The son said that she "hoped he would die". If you're an attorney, you should know that this is VERY RELEVANT information when People are questioning why she's fighting a 4 year sentence.

Are you currently practicing law? What type of law is you niche? Can you bring your JD background to chime in?

4 years total for ALL of her charges. CNN is spinning it to make it sound like just the charge of "Aggravated breach of peace". She also has charges for inciting a riot and 5 counts of threatening the life of a public official. She chose to participate while pregnant. She chose to threaten the life of public officials and she chose to help start a riot. Collectively, she got of easy. The fact her pregnancy is difficult should not influence anything. She is getting cared for medically while in, keeping her pregnancy stable. She knew the risks and she took it. She was arrested and now she has to serve her time as a result of her decision.

CNN has requested documents detailing Martin's arrest. Sumter Police Department declined to comment on the case. Tonyia McGirt, a police spokeswoman, said it would be "inappropriate" to comment as the case may be reconsidered. So, CNN is, once AGAIN, writing an article without including all the facts! CNN hasn't even reviewed documents detailing her arrest? I'm sure there's much more to this story, but you're not going to hear about it from CNN! I still think 4 years is too harsh, but what if a person is on probation with a deferred sentence and any crime they commit would have them serving the time they received in the deferred sentence? I want ALL the details before I make judgement here.

The woman wasn’t pregnant during her participation in the protest, where the alleged threats were made. She got pregnant while awaiting and during the trial. So are we going to start allowing individuals have a walk on possible criminal acts, simply due to them getting pregnant? Since it would be greatly irresponsible and immature to get pregnant while awaiting possibly being convicted of a crime. Now I agree 4 years is pretty steep for just making a non-terroristic threat and I think their is some alt right influence into that. I just don’t agree that a person shouldn’t be held accountable simply due to becoming pregnant.

Susan Lowry Lamb yeah see what happends in Florida when someone comes that close and instigates or insinuates a threat bad things happen.Nobody would dare do that in our County.Freedom of speech is one thing but here in Florida theres is a also law if you feel threatened or in danger you do what you need to do.Yes we mostly do own guns here as well.In my eyes someone getting that close shouting like that insinuates a good enough threat to stand my ground and a potential threat to my safety.They threatened to protest here.Our Sheriff explained the difference and had a 10pm curfew.Needless to say they were in by 10pm without inncident because they know Officers dont mess around here.The whole Country needs this.Why dont you think you hear about crazy leftist doing dumb things they do in other States here? Its not tolerated.Peacful protest mean just that.None of this get in peoples faces,blocking roads,destroying stuff etc.

10ºChris White actual riots were done in only about 4-7% of all BLM protests. This has been proven by quite a few sources.
Here are just a few; found through a quick google search.



You have a false narrative of the events because you are being fed a steady stream of hate and lies from your media. I am not disagreeing that there were a few riots, but it wasn’t as widespread as you are led to believe. I am also going to offer a rebuttal that many of the riots were instigated by outside provocateurs, rather than the actual protestors.
