Montana health department adopts rule severely restricting changes of sex on birth certificates

The rule change makes it virtually impossible for transgender persons to change the sex listed on their birth certificates by now only allowing changes under very limited circumstances.


Bev Cinthy Silvia your question unlike so many others seems sincere so I will give you my perspective.

Primarily for me it has to do with the documents that follow such as Goverment IDs and health insurance. As a Transgender Woman, I do need things such as mammograms, which are all but impossible to get unless your insurance recognizes you as female or you have some very open doctors. For goverment IDs, imagine having to show it for any reason (store, cop, bar, legal papperwork) and your ID showed Male. One of a few different things could happen. Nothing which is the positive experience, you get interrogated with invasive questions, your told your ID is fake. The list goes on.

A lot of other reasons exist, but those would probably be the two easiest for a non trans person to relate too.

Cayden Benjiro it gets people to turn from the Republican party when we see an act of fascism or anything that looks like they are preventing civil or human rights.

I don't think they understand and I think they live in a vacuum where they do not understand the majority of people want rights for other people.

You can never roll back right and they are never going to go back in the closet and the louder you fight them the louder they get.

They're just asking to fight forever until they lose
The Allies that black and lgbtq people have always been underestimated by white Christian nationalists.

Justin Bair. I only make no sense to those who believe common sense is always good and moral sense. The sense people have in common is not always good sense. Examples:. the common sense within the Confederacy that slavery was right, the common sense among the British that it was right to oppose American independence, the common sense that at one time claimed the earth was flat and the center of the solar system, the common sense in an earlier time that letting blood was the cure for many diseases, the common sense held in Jesus time that he deserved crucification. Common sense is not always good sense. Thank God there were people with the wisdom and courage to challenge common sense

The accurate identification of people, domestic and foreign, is vital to national security. That's why you have concrete identifying documentation from birth and it never changes throughout your life, save for name changes (marriage, adoption, etc.).

People will willingly abandon the benefit of the doubt, the idea there's actually legitimate reasons people developed their opinion and will fabricate the most nefarious reason for you so they can just call you a bigot, because that's easier than actually having an intelligent argument or accepting you might be right.

It has nothing to do with your gender identity, you can identify as whatever you want, most people don't care, but changing your lifelong identification documentation when your chromosomes haven't changed should not be allowed.

Democrats are mentally unbalanced & support anything that is harmful to America. Biden is a dangerous fraud. He's allowing terrorists, illegals, and cartel drugs into the US. Instead of trying to cure the Chinese virus, he's trying to prolong it as a front for more election fraud. He's trying to use it to impose national controls on everything. sports events, worship services, schools, jobs, even unloading ships! For 50 years, Democrats have tormented civil society by dividing Americans, never letting old wounds heal. Glancing through Saul Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” reveals what evil nonsense Democrats had been using to destroy American society since the 1960s. Biden and the rest of the professional anti Americans (dems) have ruined everything they’ve touched for 162 years. The problem is that we didn't treat the democrat party after the Civil War the way we treated the nazi party after WWII. The dem party should have been outlawed for many of the same reasons the nazis were. Instead, they were allowed to reconstitute, grow and fester into the malignant force they are today.

Dave McCormick The posting on queen Bee, demanding respect......laughable at best. Especially in view of the "judgemental" down the nose view. Very un-becoming.
Insults? I think not. Merely pointing out the hypocrisy in the remark made re: " can't handle to have your belief system challenged can you?".

How odd it becomes and something of a juxtapostion when I see the knee jerk response/reaction, with little or no regard given to the actual topic at hand given by one who presumes one and contradicts the other.
I posess, no such " belief system" of or to , your knowledge either stated or implied.
Nor should anyone person be subjected to persecution due to making a personal life choice.

Have a good day, Dave.

Dave McCormick you all shove your religions down everyone's throats.. you think our rights should be based on a book created by a committee hundreds of years after your Jesus supposedly walked on earth. You pick and choose your own interpretations to be bigoted and hateful towards others that YOU DONT agree with, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that IF YOUR GOD EXISTED..he created rapists, molesters, LBGTQ+, ectopic pregnancy, unviable pregnancies, death, destruction and plagues... while you conveniently use all of that to tell other how to live. You are free to believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it real and it doesn't make YOU RIGHTEOUS.

Papá GrandeParental Support Is Crucial for LGB Youth.
The main takeaway of the survey is that supportive parents do a world of good for LGBTQ+ youth. Specifically, supportive actions were associated with a 25% to 47% lower odds of LGBQ youth attempting suicide.

The study found that for cisgender LGBQ youth, eight supportive actions decreased their risk of attempting suicide. These actions are:

1) Supporting the child’s gender expression
2) Talking with the child respectfully about their LGBTQ identity
3) Asking how the child would like their LGBTQ identity to be discussed with other people
4) Being welcoming and kind to their LGBTQ friends or partner(s)
5) Taking the child to LGBTQ-related events or celebrations
6) Standing up for them when they’re being mistreated due to their LGBTQ identity
7) Educating themselves about LGBTQ people and issues
8) Openly and respectfully discussing LGBTQ issues with their child

Trans Youth Have an Even Greater Risk of Suicide Attempts
Eleven supportive actions were associated with a 16% to 42% lower odds of transgender, nonbinary, or gender-questioning youth attempting suicide, according to the study.

These actions include all eight of those that apply to cisgender LGBQ youth, and three others, which are:

9) Encouraging other family members or friends to respect the child’s LGBTQ identity
10) Using the child’s name and pronouns correctly
11) Finding a faith community that affirms and respects their child’s LGBTQ identity
