Another big rate hike is coming. Lather. Rinse. Repeat | CNN Business

The Federal Reserve’s upcoming meeting will be one for the history books.


Joan H. How is the current administration responsible for the fiscal rules the Fed are independently responsible for? You are either woefully misinformed or backwards. J Powell is a Conservative. LOL let's have a UK resident explain the Fed mandate. 1 Price stability and full employment. Joan can you recall presser after presser where Trump was piling on the pressure for greater and greater interest rate cuts when there actually had to be an argument for putting the brake on an over heating economy and good employment numbers. Had the Fed tightened conditions when the economy post Covid was in very good shape. Then Powell would have had more fire power at his disposal to give the US rate payers relief at the height of the Covid interventions. The Fed currently is playing catch up. Don't forget they base the rates decisions on old data. I watch enough CNBC to see that some CEO's are saying ease off the rate hikes and let's see how the medicine is working with the sickness of high inflation and near full employment. CPI and the Jobs numbers of the past few weeks will trigger further hikes globally. But the interventions on rates the Fed have implemented in 2022 haven't fully worked through the US and global economy. So it is very possible the Republican Powell will over shoot with the rate hikes and cause a hard over a soft landing.

Raising the Rate is not going to hurt Businesses at all. Its not going to punish them. Who pays for it? We do. President Biden did not cause this. Lets regroup here. The Economy was hit hard under Trump because of Covid. Then, the supply chain issues, Then the gas prices hike. Now, we have an economy that is slowing down. Now to the Rate hike.. This is the Rate for loans from the FED banks are charged. Thus they could pay 5% rate and you pay 30%. So the bank still makes 25% from you. Do you not realize that?

Gayle Evans I don’t think it’s working at all. What the Fed doesn’t understand is people are spending more not because we are out buying new clothes, cars and spending it on entertainment or frivolous things… We are spending more because the cost of groceries, utilities, gas, necessities like prescription medicine have gone up… so yes … people are still spending and more than we were 2-3 years ago . I has nothing to do with Anything that they’re actually doing. Do you want me to spend less… There are plenty of ways I can spend less, but that would involve the government and their friends/family having to get hit by the same economy that you and I have been dealing with for over a year. 

Kathy Stevenson yeah it's a savings now as it was $2.39 under Trump, that's Funny I'm savings as I pay more still, and learn some economics as inflation is the result of energy cost and Brandon caused it with his inept incompetent energy policies as it's a fact that the United States has enough energy and oil to sustain the USA for the next 200 years and the rest of the world doesn't as they have to import the energy. Now, it's international issues, I thought it was Trumps fault crazy ignorance, the energy problem is a direct result of Brandon's fault, the supply issue in the United States is Brandon's fault, these issues were not Trump's fault but inept incompetent policies. Enjoy Brandon's inflation and you will continue to pay more and keep less, especially in Food, Utilities and Taxes. Yeah, things are better now.... How's that War in Ukraine working out as we pay Taxes to fund that war or how's those hundreds of thousands of illegal we need to pay for housing, food, schooling and medical care or the crime crisis that Democrats support as defund the police.

A.j. Peterson . Let's get to the fact that they increased tax revenues the problem as always as now the government spends too much money. But because liberals are the real enemy of this country they don't want to bring up the fact that we had double digit unemployment and double digit inflation and Reagan turned all that around and had continuous GDP growth. 8 peaceful years. Is increased employment at all levels. Increased our military that made us the dominant military on the planet. So you can always bring up negatives but let's remember that when it comes to spending both parties are horrible

Peter Joffe In case you haven't been paying attention- the falsely inflated housing prices are finally started to drop back down.... If the prior administration hadn't demanded tah the fed drop rates to zero so that their economy looked so good- the increases woudl not have been so devestating- and the housing crisis woudl not have been so brutal- and financially beneficial to corporations (go figure). All the other aspects of inflation were set in place during the prior administration due the tax breaks given, the supply chain issues and pandemic shortages and the sudden uptiks in demand. (oh let's not forget that there is a war going on across the ocean financial issues abound globally) Yep, it's hard when someone comes in and the bills suddenly have to be paid- strange that it always seems to be the democrats that have to do it and then you gripe.

Andrew R Toney if Biden has a job opening for someone to fix the economy I’ll happily apply. I have lived through the great recession and made it out alive! I am a champ when it comps to my home budget and I have stayed afloat … i’m sure I could get a group of friends together and we could probably solve this in a jiffy… I’m open to adding you to my cabinet as well if you’ve got some ideas. I’m sure we could probably get this turned around in the next six months… if you see any job openings please let me know I’m happy to apply and maybe you could write me a letter of recommendation. ha ha … I wish they would take suggestions from someone like me unfortunately they’re listening to the same people who caused this recession in the first place. 

Andrew R Toney I wouldn’t say I like it… I would say that we all know why it’s happening and we all know that what they’re doing is not working. I think that we all know more than just a rate hike needs to happen… Rate hikes alone are doing nothing. How is it that we still have supply chain issues, energy issues that should’ve been dealt with years ago… This is a much deeper problem than interest rates and all we’re doing is brushing things under the rug so that every 10-15 years The Fed is artificially playing with our money, up and then down, down and then up… didn’t work in the 70s, didn’t work in the 80s, didn’t work in the 90s, didn’t work in the early 2000s, isn’t working now. I don’t know the answer but I can tell you what they’re doing will not work. 

Edmund Waddell this came from dumping vast amounts of cash into the economy after the vaccines were distributed and everything was open. The American rescue plan was not necessary as people were opening back up and going back to work on their own. The infrastructure bill is needed but
Not after the spending we had to do the year prior. It also does not help when we have a worker and supply shortage. Most of that money will be shuffled to things that don’t even resemble infrastructure. The inflation reduction act is just the green new deal and does nothing for anyone until late 2023 or later. Then top that off with $500+ billion in student loan forgiveness and you have the mess we are in today.

10ºMark Hoeper well the war in Ukraine is still going on and prices are lower so how do you explain that? The Biden administration ran on getting rid of fossil fuels and came in day one making executive orders that reduced supply in the US. The record profits are due to the high demand (created by the federal government) and the low supply. If you have a lot of people vying for less products the cost will go up. So essentially these businesses are making more money for having to sell less product. The rate increases by the fed is supposed to tamper down the demand but this administration keeps pumping billions into the economy which is keeping the inflation train rolling.
