2022 midterm primary turnout exceeded 2018. What does this mean for November? | CNN Politics

One turnout trend is good for Republicans. One is good for Democrats. And one is just plain old good for democracy. | Analysis by Harry Enten



Scott Price well, I believe everyone should have the right to vote and she may too. But should everyone vote?... no. just like not everyone should attempt to do their own electrical work. I wouldnt suggest anyone vote who isn't sure who or what they are voting for. Furthermore, protecting the integrity of our institutions should be a higher priority, at this point, than begging everyone to vote regardless of their qualification to use that power. If you're not informed or have not thoroughly heard out both sides then you're not qualified and there's nothing wrong with staying home and making future politicians earn your vote.

Levi Lowrey While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."

Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

Beverly Wootton Marsh
Actually the Constitution has a written statement..
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.
Now with that said, states were left with the power to add restrictions that are not age related.
Amendments to the Constitution tell states who can not be restricted from voting, minorities, women ect ect
Look at voting rights the same way that different states interpret many other Constitutional rights.
Different states apply various restrictions on citizens...

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ON another topic: How is it that Don Lemon, the guy who thinks he's going to tell everyone how to live their lives did NOT know that Britain was the first power to end slavery and they lost a lot of lives doing it? I knew it, and I am far from a history buff nor am I a "TV journalist." CNN shouldn't you employ intelligent people? After calling for reparations, Don Lemon sat there with egg on his face when the facts were revealed. His answer, "it's an interesting conversation." Period. Does CNN seek out foolish people to employ? Seems like it. Cuomo, Stelter, Tubin... Lemon.

Aaron Brewster you started with words with the wrong definition. Then you deflected. And if you think I believe you knew foreign interference happens every election, I'd go buy myself a bridge. If you want to start playing whatabout that is irrelevant to you comment, let's play. I've watched it so obviously it's real. Even if it truly found people harvesting however may ballots they're guilty of, wait for it, ballot harvesting. Not cool and they should be prosecuted. **I still can't believe I spent money on that crap** If 2000 mules confirmed your belief of the Big Steal but not every state's election officials, Secretary of State, governor, courts, Trump's campaign manager etc etc. You'll stick with your confirmation bias.


A document that the Democrat controlled FBI altered, then used that FBI falsified CIA document in Court to obtain permission to spy on a Presidental Campaign... Susan Rice Unmasked every one around Trump and the spying began... (found nothing with illegally obtained information) The political corruption of the FBI is obvious to the informed ( Democrat controlled mainstream media squashing the truth and pushing out Pelosi/Schiffty Schiff lies) Democrats and their mainstream media outlets keep spinning the stories about Trump all the while playing Wack A Mole with the truth about Biden CCP, Ukraine, Russian payoffs. Bottom line is Joe Biden is a corrupt (example: $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden) senile (obviously) idoit (you know the thing) that got caught using his crackhead son as a Bag Man... FBI, Twitter, Facebook and the mainstream media cover it all up, then Democrats used the China Virus as an excuse to fix the elections with their Mail In Ballot Scam to elect the Big Guy... then Democrats do a Sergeant Schultz and say "I see nothing"

Why is CNN not reporting On September 18th, in McHenry, North Dakota, 18 year old Cayler Ellingson was enjoying a street dance with his friends. 41 year old Shannon Brandt, made the decision to chase Cayler into the city after the dance ended. Cayler called his mom, asking her to come rescue him from this man. By the time his mom arrived, he was dead. Brandt ran him down with his car then left the scene. Why? Brandt believed he was part of a Republican extremist group.

You know who is to blame? The guy who gave a speech that contained the most divisive, false accusations against MAGA supporters. Biden did this.

So again-
Constitutional republic- constitutional republic means that it is one in which, rather than directly governing, the people select some of their members to temporarily serve in political office; the constitutional part means that both the citizens and their governing officials are bound to follow the rules established in that Constitution.


Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy where elected persons represent a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy.[1] Nearly all modern Western-style democracies function as some type of representative democracy

You are making up a difference like it’s some profound thing- they are functionally identical
