How political candidates are targeting you on social media based on your music tastes, shopping habits and favorite TV shows | CNN Business

How political candidates are targeting you on social media based on your music tastes, shopping habits and favorite TV shows


It’s very clear, if you like what has become of the US in the last 2 yrs. Vote Democrat, nothing says Build Back Better, like soaring Rent,push for unsustainable Green Energy, 17% increase in food prices, 25-35% increased Electric and Utilities, from electric to Natural Gas, Oil, Propane, a War we got dragged into while increasing the National Debt to over 30 Trillion. A housing market increased 150-250% in rural areas. We won’t even get into the discussion of Migrants coming in faster then they can be housed.

Supporting a man who literally made history with the biggest military blunder of our history, giving a 20yr enemy 8 Billion in equipment. And more focused on protecting their interests overseas then helping Americans. Vote Blue

#FactCheck that
