5 things to know for Sept. 23: Hurricane Fiona, Ukraine, Migrants, Covid, Air travel

Here are 5⃣ things you need to know today 1⃣ Canadians brace for Hurricane Fiona 2⃣ "Sham" referendums in Ukraine 3⃣ Lawmaker sues DeSantis 4⃣ Pandemic unemployment benefits fraud may top $45 billion 5⃣ Boeing agrees to pay hefty fines



"Mainstream media network bias shows
up not only in what they cover and how
they cover it, but what they ignore,
Cornell law professor and media critic
William Jacobson told Fox News Digital.
"The test in most of these cases is to
contrast how it would have been
covered if the roles were reversed. Here,
if a 'right wing' driver had deliberately
run down a 'liberal' student, there would
be round-the-clock coverage, and we
would be having a national conversation
about domestic terrorism. But because
it was a perceived conservative teen
who was killed, the story is mostly

This might be important if a MAGA republican murdered at teenage liberal. But it’s not important if a liberal murders someone, who he said he thought was an extreme republican. Funny how the president had a speech about extreme republicans and now someone being perceived as extreme is murdered and we get crickets from most media. Weird. Predicable though
