Defense secretary announces host of new policies to help military members with rising cost of living

Ideas behind some of the policy changes came from military service members themselves.


James Tony LewisYou want to make it about race so that you can remain the victim., I don’t want to be woke. I don’t want to restrict my definition of activism and intelligence to only include those who agree with me politically. I want to be open-minded and engaged. I want to be informed and passionate. I want to be an advocate and a human being beyond political issues. Maybe we can broaden the definition of “woke” to include these characteristics from both sides of the political spectrum, but until then I remain contently un-woke. Stop looking for a way to be a victim. Be a man for once.

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Donna Nasoff
Look who’s trying to school who the fact of the matter is both parties have failed that’s the statement.
I don’t give anybody a pass there’s a standard and both parties a failed.
It’s sad that people have become so politically divisive that they can’t see the failures of both political parties . Let me reiterate this there is a standard both parties have failed.
And on a sidenote I never bring up anyone service but myself I do not bring my other family members into that their services their service my services my service that’s just the way I look at it. But I have seen many people on the extreme left not understand any of this.

Nick Suter I asked you to define woke and you assumed that because I am a black man that I wanted to make your post about race. Wrong! You assumed I am now and wish to remain a victim of something (of what, I don't know). Wrong again! You then decided to expand the meaning of woke, which you had not yet even defined, and make it more suitable to your liking. How arrogant of you to assume so much from one simple request to define a word you used! You are at liberty to expand upon whatever you think woke might mean and then name that word whatever you like. But, you can't hijack a word to make it mean what you want just so you can bemoan your own false definition of the word. English teachers always say that if you don't know the meaning of a word, then don't use the word because incorrect usage makes one appear foolish. Beyond that, staunch defense of incorrect usage of a word confirms the person using the word to be a fool. You are saying that a black man cannot ask you for the meaning of a word without that black man having a strong desire to be a victim. That's a grand assumption based on your own misguided preconceived notions of black people. That assumption makes you a fool. Not all black people think the way you want us to think. I am not your stereotype. Now, you have more than proven your ignorance about the word woke and about black people in general. My hope for you is that your ignorance does not bring you any bliss, but that you take an opportunity to really become an informed advocate for human beings. Until then, you are only being judgmental about people with different perspectives and life experiences. That's not being a man. That's being a self centered jerk.

Charles Booth I’m a Veteran too, so was my grandfather, father, mother and brother. I was born and raised in the military and then served 8 years in the Army. Don’t think you can school me on anything military. I know who voted against Veteran benefits….


• blocked a $1 billion jobs bill that would have helped millions of vets

• blocked a bill that would have kept benefits on par with the cost of living

• killed the Wounded Veteran Job Security Act

• killed the Veterans Retraining Act

• killed the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Act

• killed the Disabled Veterans Home Improvement Act

• killed the Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act

