Thought you paid a lot to heat your home last year? Wait until this winter

Some people may not realize that heating their homes will be costlier this winter, especially since gasoline prices had been falling for months.


Joshua Shane McIntyre From the SPR. Not from drilling. I notice you use a lot of false positives. True, Mr. Mumbles is selling our SPR at a record rate, but we are not producing more. True he has increased leases, then stopped them, but a lease is not the same as producing oil. He has canceled leasing after saying he would allow them and a few weeks ago he made an agreement with some radical environmental groups to stop some already producing oil wells.
You also try to trade gas and oil as if they are the same thing. They are not.

As I expected, CNN left out one of the key reasons natural gas will be sky-high this winter: President Biden is selling large amounts to Europe because, despite their claims of going green, they rely heavily on natural gas. It's unclear whether Russia has cut them off. In April CNN said Europe was going to boycott Russian oil and gas because of the war. But in July CNN reported that Russia said they were cutting Europe's supply by 80%. Then in August Europe announced that they hope to cut Russian imports by the end of the year. Whatever the truth is, the fact is that Biden is selling ours to Europe, which will drastically cut our supply. On top of the restrictions the Biden administration has already placed on the industry.

Tommy Sullivan 1. Yes they have. Every outlet has reported that oil company profits are at an all time high.


2. Inflation is a global issue. It’s happening here, England, Germany, Japan, etc.

3. If you’re not concerned with what is going on in other countries then you’re admitting that you’re ignorant on purpose. What happens in other countries not only impacts but also explains what we are experiencing.

4. There are plenty of books and research articles that you can read that explain various strategies to get off of fossil fuel dependence. The only people that want you to think that it’s impossible are oil companies that want your money.

Angie Voß 1. Democrats have total power. They have the house, senate and president. If they wanted to do something that might actuality help... they could have. They chose not to.
2. The president, through executive orders his first day, imposed hundreds of regulations on the oil industry in addition to canceling many permits that were years into the process and close to going on line... in addition to killing phase 4 of the xl pipeline. I know this was an effort to force fuel costs up making their green energy plans more palatable but... they pushed too far. The cost of diesel sky rocketed (the fuel needed for production and distribution. Which, in turn, was passed on to consumers.

Ann Marie Kimball it's 100% Bidens policies that led to US energy price spikes soon after the election. Economist predicted it, and it's exactly what happened. Joe killed 67% of US active drilling and exploration permits, killed safe delivery systems that would have added Million BPD of new crude to Gulf refineries, killed LNG distribution hub projects, killed the US as a net exporter of energy products and made it an inporter again, and added a slew of new regulatory burdens on the industry that added time and money to production ......all in a record number of day one EOs.

That as stated was predicted before Joe took office, if he enacted his policies laid out during his campaign. It's exactly what happened. The US, as the planets largest producer and user of energy products, sets the pattern that global markets react to....its been that way a long time

Kevin Ransom so it was 1.78 cents under Trump and inflation was at 1.2% . Gas is 3.68 because Sippy cup Biden decided to release 40% of our strategic oil supplies is the only reason the price when down . Seems left wingers praise a 5 cent decrease , yet never find out the cause . Well gas prices are back on the rise and now a Hurricane in the gulf is going to send prices back up !
But thanks to left winged nincompoops supporting Biden and him killing US oil and buying Putin’s , you paid for the bombs Russia is dropping on Ukraine !
I’m sure there’s not a more proud moment for liberal democrats is when y’all are responsible for killing innocent babies .
Democrats kill babies or molest them !
Strange Biden crashed the stock market !
Biden is a failure !

Ann Marie Kimball educate yourself!! even Bernie Sanders called out the Democrats and Biden for not doing anything to help the US citizens, inflation hits 9.1% under Biden and he says the country is doing great, Biden throws a 2,000 guest party at the WH to celebrate the "inflation bill" and that same day the stock market hit it's lowest since 2020, Biden has done everything possible to stop drilling Wich results in less product and that results in more demand and that = higher price, instead of Biden letting people drill more, he begs other nations to produce more oil for the US to buy, up until now (mid terms) Biden hasn't done anything to help with inflation, shipping, or the border, any time anything goes wrong his administration blames everyone else, even though Biden openly stated "the buck stops at him bc he's the one in charge" and by biden's own logic it is his fault.

Yes. Scramble to find a way to stay warm this winter. Why should we expect to have basics when the admin. seeks to cause suffering. Also, the elderly who live alone, on fixed incomes, can't chop wood, may not have a fireplace......oh well. Who cares? This world is going to hell. Too much government, corrupt government, all fighting for one govt, one currency, one health care system, one rule, controlled. First censorship. We hear what it wants us to hear, then no way to defend ourselves. That's how Hitler did it, that's how Russia does it, that's how China does it.

Patrick Henry So you don’t understand that fossil fuels are globally traded commodities, that production is still near an all time high, that prices have increased everywhere across the world, that they have increased higher in other countries than in the U.S., that inflation is even higher in the UK which is governed by right-wing conservatives, that American fossil fuel companies are capitalist entities that are not controlled by the government, that those same companies have been making record profits, that speculators on the commodities market determine prices more than any other group, and, crucially, that if we had weened ourselves off of fossil fuels decades ago like scientists have been telling us that we need to do then we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

10ºAnn Marie Kimball most of the free world is even further left then whoever is running our country. And a good part of Western Europe appears on the brink of moving to the right.

So perhaps it isn’t the “Democrats” but simply the left

I firmly believe my little blue state was on the brink of bankruptcy. The capital city was about to declare but the state bailed it out and continues to prop it up. Then this administration came in and sent billions to those blue states. Miraculously, now my tiny state is flush with cash.

At some point this endeavor will run out of the ability to bail out the failing states. The feds cannot keep up with spending money they don’t have
