MacKenzie Scott files for divorce from second husband, New York Times reports

Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott has reportedly filed for divorce from her second husband after less than two years of marriage. Scott, one of the world’s richest people, married science teacher Dan Jewett last year after divorcing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.


Ryan Mitchell You didn't care about the children who have to experience the down sides of divorce. Children don't call parents good who file for divorce and break up their homes, not once or even twice. Divorce shouldn't be made to look like some good thing. It's affecting the children, and blistering families. If she has divorced twice, that's a bad example. I appreciate her philanthropy. I really do, but that's not all there is to defining someone's character. Otherwise, Jeffrey Epstein would be called a saint, because he made donations in millions of dollars to Harvard.

I think it was her responsibility to also work hard at keeping her new family together.

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If I was a millionaire or billionaire, I would not be in a hurry with romance. She's done the marriage thing. She should be focused on her charities or work on an updated bucket list. No one is going to be like Jeff Bezos especially when he was selling stuff out of his garage. Maybe she's trying to recapture those old memories and the emotions each carries. Try therapy to understand what were the issues in the relationships were. Look at it in a different lens. Date guys. Take your time. Don't feel like moving in together has to happen on a fast track.

How is a crummy science teacher going to get into the orbit of a celebrated billionaire woman? It simply cannot happen because her social circle cannot possibly include teachers of any kind. Such a marriage was arranged by her accountants with specific tax goals in mind. The institution of marriage, just like the institution of charity, can provide a tax loophole that can save millions for a billionairess. By giving to a charity, and then getting her money back from that charity, or giving to an ex-husband in a divorce settlement, and getting her money back from him, she can bypass the IRS with some very creative accounting.
